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Healing from within Kinesiology
Focus areas
I am committed to natural therapies and I am passionate about the healing opportunities they offer to individuals. I have personally been using natural therapies over the past twenty years.
My goal through Kinesiology is to facilitate balance, harmony and love within a person, so they can reach their full potential.
Kinesiology defined: (pronounced kin-easy-ology) means literally the study of body movement. Kinesiology encompasses holistic health disciplines which use gentle muscle testing / monitoring to access information about a persons well being.
When one of our body’s energy systems are out of balance, or when several systems are not in harmony with one another, for example, due to stress, lack of physical exercise or toxins in the environment, your body’s natural functioning will be compromised. Through Kinesiology, many factors that block the body’s natural healing processes can be detected. From here, the body’s priority healing needs can be identified in relation to your own personal goal.
In summary: Kinesiology looks at creating balance. Kinesiology works with the body, mind and spirit as one unified system.
I like to represent the definition of Kinesiology in the following diagram:
I truly believe when we have balance in all of these areas, something magical happens… this creates space for healing and provides a catalyst for you to reach your true potential. This magic and beauty lies within us all.
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