Haberfield Health therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2005

Haberfield Health

Haberfield Health

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Treat what ails you the natural way with the help of one of our fully-qualified natural health professionals at Haberfield Health.

Haberfield Health - Centre of Natural Medicine & Therapies

Servicing area


Focus areas

Finances Facial Natural medicine Aches & pains Health outcomes Optimal health

Why Come & See Us?

Most of us remember feeling energetic, vibrant and healthy when we were children. However, as we take on the responsibility of adult life, we contend with long hours at work, and the every-day pressures of household chores, raising healthy and happy kids, juggling finances, and supporting family and friends, we find that our energy levels and enthusiasm for life are depleted, and we start to feel aches and pains, fatigue, illness and stress!

Imagine feeling on top of the world again! Healthy! Energetic! Vibrant!

At the Haberfield Health, we believe that good health is much more than simply the absence of pain or disease. Good health is about tapping into that energy and vitality that gives you the enthusiasm and drive to be the best that you can be for yourself and your family.

Services On Offer:

  • Naturopathy
  • Acupuncture
  • Ear Candling
  • Natural Weight Management
  • Nutritonal Services
  • Natural Fertility Management
  • IVF Support

Additional Information

  • Private Health Fund Rebates Available
  • Gift Vouchers available
  • Languages Spoken: Italian, Chinese, Portuguese, Lebanese

Opening Hours

Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays: 9am - 7 pm
Thursdays and Fridays: 8am - 7pm
Saturdays: 8am - 4pm

For more information about the best services for your needs or to organise an appointment - just give us a call!


5 Services

Acupuncture Initial Consultation

1hr 15min
$165 Per session

Chinese Medicine, which incorporates acupuncture, is holistic & uses a unique system of diagnosis that allows us to see patterns of health within the body that other forms of medicine often cannot. Acupuncture has been practiced across many Asian culture


$130 Per session

Chinese Medicine, which incorporates acupuncture, is holistic & uses a unique system of diagnosis that allows us to see patterns of health within the body that other forms of medicine often cannot. Acupuncture has been practiced across many Asian culture

Professional Membership

  • ATMS - Australian Traditional Medicine Society

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