Greenwood Spiritual Journeys
Greenwood Spiritual Journeys
Greenwood Spiritual Journeys - Retreat/Vision Quest
Focus areas
Tipi Meditations
Story of the Tipi…
- Starts with 3 poles (tripod) representing the “past”, “present” and “future”.
- The rest of the poles (13 poles) represent the 13 moons of the year.
- All of the poles together then represent all of the different religions in the world…….not just the “red way”.
- The rope that binds the crossover together binds all the “ways” together – ie. ALL poles point towards the Creator.
- The cover, when laid out on the ground, represents the Eagle. The Eagle represents “Love”.
- The Eagle then covers the Tipi with its wings, encircling the people within with Love.
- The poles above the crossover form the Eagle’s Nest.
In Woodside, South Australia, Matthew leads guided meditations for expanding your awareness and opening yourself up to your Higher Self and your Guides.
He also passes on messages from Spirit in relation to the help we can all give in the evolvement of Human consciousness at this time and also to help with aligning ourselves with the changing Earth’s energies.
Tipi meditation sessions are ongoing throughout the year.
Each month Matthew gives talks around Adelaide and Australia. Every session differs in content depending on the audience and what Spirit brings up to share for that day.
Generally, Matthew talks about his work as a Medium and Shaman. Shamanism is the ability to work with the spirit world in order to aid a person’s spiritual, mental, emotional and physical healing. Matthew works directly with spirit beings, who are here to aid us in our spiritual growth and wellbeing.
Matthew shares experiences of his many years giving workshops, sweat lodges, retreats, vision quests and tours to South Dakota. He talks about our ability to bring greater strength and grounding to our spiritual path, whether we are beginners or experienced spiritual practitioners.
Talks are held throughout the year.
Previous talks have been held at:
Talks are currently held in Woodside, Norwood, Norton Summit, Clare, Perth.
These talks are free and open to all. Donations are appreciated.
Contact us to be added to the email list for upcoming talks, or to organise a talk in your local area.
Galactic Channelings
Matthew has been Channelling discussions with the Alliance of 27 to share the Foundations for the next step in the Evolvement of Humanity.
The Alliance of 27 are a group of Civilisations with Representatives who have been watching over the Earth for as long as the Earth has been populated.
This is an opportunity to be apart of a much bigger picture for the Earth and forHumanity. Through Matthew’s Channelling, we continue our discussions with the Alliance. Take in their advice and guidance for the time ahead and be shown new techniques in understanding the Energy changes that are occurring for the Earth and within us at this important time for Humanity.
We need to move beyond the behaviour of the past that has kept Humanity in turmoil and conflict.
**Transcripts of Matthew’s Channelling with the Alliance of 27 will be coming soon **
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