Margaret Gough N.D. therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2005

Margaret Gough N.D.

Greendale Natural Therapies

Swell Centre 2 Minona St Hawthorn VIC 3122

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See what others say... Margaret facilitates workshops on and Bach Flower Essences and Homoeopathic Home Use First Aid Remedies. If you are interested in attending either of these please contact her on 0409106487.

Greendale Natural Therapies - Testimonials

Servicing area

Hawthorn, Camberwell, Balwyn, Malvern, Glen Iris, South Yarra, Kew, Richmond, Caulfield and other surrounding suburbs

Focus areas

General health Immunity Stress Anxiety Depression Grief

"Hi Margaret

Since using homeopathic remedies for skin cancer I have not had any BCCs for a year now. I was having BCCs removed every 6 months for a number of years. Either cut or frozen. My skin specialist is confused because ‘once you start getting them you continue to get them’. Very grateful to Margaret for providing this support."

- Leslie

"Earlier this year my husband had a major issue with an enlarged prostrate.

Marg offered to help him with Herbal Tinctures and Homoeopathic Medicine.

After a few months of taking these remedies a scan showed his prostrate had reduced remarkably in size. He is now able to have the catheter removed.

His Specialist was very impressed and told us now that the prostrate has reduced enough in size, he felt confident for the TURP operation.

Thanks so much for your help Marg?"

- Julie - Fitness Instructor

"Hi Margaret, I just wanted to thank you for your medicine for Covid. My recovery time was amazing considering my last Covid journey. I appreciate your skills & support, regards?"

- Teresa - Counsellor

Hi Marg,
I have had the pleasure of seeing Marg for Homeopathics, Kinesiology etc. since May 2020, for treatment for An up coming total hip replacement operation for osteo-arthritis,  Chronic pain and gall bladder stones and other painful abdominal issues as well as high stress surrounding a end of a 27 year marriage.
My whole body, mind and spirit was in stress and survival mode presenting many issues 
For Marg to help me with.

My pain levels were through the roof so we dealt with as many issues as we could and with my commitment To taking the herbs and vitamins etc every day and seeing Marg regularly we actually healed and treated all these
The biggest surprise was my really fast and amazing recovery after my hip replacement surgery on December 14 2020.

I was sitting up in the hospital bed after just waking up from surgery, wanting tea and sandwiches, wide awake, fully aware and in very little pain at all.

I was out of bed walking around the hospital that night and the staff were amazed…so was I.
My amazing recovery continued with me walking on crutches down the street after only a few days at home and Very quickly I was totally unaided walking around the block in only a week after surgery.

I am not limping and now feel normal and energetic and continue to see Marg ongoing as her treatments have changed my life, after having chronic pain for 2 years!!!
My surgeon is flabbergasted at how fast I have recovered.
By the way my gall bladder issues have not re occurred and the specilalist wanted to take my gall bladder out!

My stress levels are much lower and I feel younger and more vibrant.
I highly recommend Marg and her services and treatments.

- Jan - Clinical Hypnotherapist, Counsellor, Mindset Coach &NLP Practitioner

"Thank you very much for your wonderful care and wisdom again this year. Your expert knowing of me after all these years translates into my very consistent health, for which I’m very grateful."

- Maria - Counsellor, Teacher & Course Facilitator

"My name is - Judy. I am a midwife with 3 grown children. For 21 years now I have had Margaret as my primary health carer. She has tackled many tough health issues for us over this time. Her use of Iridology and Kinesiology I thought were pretty radical at first, but they gave unerring accuracy to the remedies Margaret uses.

Margaret has always fully supported us physically and emotionally as we moved through healing times, and we are thankful to have found her, and to use her full range of skills. To know that nature has given us an abundance of safe natural remedies is wonderful, and Margaret has been the perfect practitioner to treat us as she constantly upgrades her skills and broadens what she had to offer us. Thank you Margaret."

- Judy - Midwife

"My name is - Vicki. Margaret has been my Health Consultant for 33 years. I have done her Homoeopathic First Aid Course which has been of great benefit to my family and myself. Hence, I didn't hesitate on calling on her assistance when I was diagnosed in February 2014 with Stage 2 (heading into Stage 3) Breast Cancer. She complimented the treatment by the Oncologists, making it more manageable with a quicker recovery. Her assistance was and still is an important part of my recovery.

- Vicki

"My name is - Leslie Thank you Margaret for your support through my healing process. I've just received amazing results for my Thyroid levels as a result of the health support you've given me. Amazing because my GP and Endocrinologist are both surprised by the result my blood tests have shown. My GP didn't understand why I wouldn't take Thyroxine (hormones) and the Endocrinologist said 'It never happens like this'. When I presented you with my complex health problems you worked with me, directed me, supported me and most importantly listened to me. I will always be grateful. With thanks "

- Leslie

"I first started seeing Marg over 17 years ago for fertility problems. She has treated me and my children (I now have 3) regularly during that time with a combination of Naturopathy & Homoeopathy. I have found that the children respond especially well to Homoeopathic treatments especially for acute illness with none of the side effects which can occur in conventional medical treatment.

Being medically trained myself it was quite a leap of faith to believe something so simple could actually work. However, my family is living proof. This method of healing has become a way of life for me now and is always my first option for good health."

- Sally - Registered Nurse

"My family have been attending Greendale Natural Therapies for approximately two years now with fantastic results. My hay fever symptoms respond very quickly to the natural remedies, which just wasn't happening with Western medications and my overall health has certainly improved.

My teenage son has also experienced dramatic results with the treatment of his skin complaints and general health issues. The positive results he has been able to achieve have left him with great skin and a much more confident outlook regarding his appearance. I would thoroughly recommend trying this natural alternative for any health issues you may have."

- Joanne - Administration Manager

"My family of 4 children and myself have been seeing Margaret for over a year now. I have been into natural/alternative therapies for over 12 years. I have found Margaret the most helpful & effective of all of them. Margaret's knowledge, expertise & education on all types of therapies have helped us so much.

Margaret is continuing to assist me with releasing & moving through deep emotional, spiritual & physical old patterns that I no longer need and to be myself again - a whole, loving & happy person enjoying life.

I will always be indebted and thankful to Margaret for helping my 75 year old father. After an accident he suffered from internal bleeding and blood clots. When the doctors said they could no longer help him I took him to Margaret & her treatment helped his body to heal itself . He is now a great believer of natural therapies. Thank you Margaret for everything!!!"

- Janette - Business Director

"I am 37 with two children and was diagnosed this year with "Adenomyosis" after suffering for 20 years. My Gynecologist offered treatments that were invasive and unhealthy in my opinion, so I found Margaret who has been treating me for quite a few months now.

The change happened quickly after my first cycle. I was amazed how quickly my body took to the treatment. Although we are still in treatment, a majority of my symptoms are now gone and my life is back to normal.

Its great to have someone with such a caring attitude. I always feel as if I have been to visit an old friend who knows me so well. Thank you Margaret for the time and effort you put into our consultations."

- Ally - Stay at home Mum

"Great news! I had another appointment at the E&E and my right eye has completely healed. How good is that. The doctors there were so happy for me it was really nice. I just have to slowly get off the steroids.

Thank you so much for all you did for me. It would not have happened without you."

- Deb - Manager

For more information about the best services for your needs or to organise an appointment - just give us a call!

Business Hours

We're open 4 days.


10:00 am To 7:00 pm


10:00 am To 7:00 pm


9:30 am To 2:30 pm


9:30 am To 5:30 pm


  • Diploma of Homoeopathy
  • Diploma of Herbal Medicine
  • Diploma In Naturopathy

Professional Membership

  • ATMS - Australian Traditional Medicine Society
  • AROH - Australian Register of Homeopaths
  • AHA - Australian Homoeopathic Association

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