Glenn Polley therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2007

Glenn Polley

ZENergy Shiatsu

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What will you get out of a Shiatsu Treatment Shiatsu allows you to connect deeply into your unconscious, to activate your body’s unlimited capacity for regeneration and self healing, and ultimately to more fully understand your purpose for being. Most often your physical aches and pains are simply the external manifestation or surface ‘action’ required in meeting a deep underlying need or psychological pattern. Zen Shiatsu, whilst acknowledging and working with the manifestation, ultimately aims to work on meeting the underlying cause or need to eliminate the resultant action. From the Western point of view, shiatsu works directly to calm the autonomic nervous system, which has the effect of calming nervous distress and increasing resistance to stress. By helping with blood and lymph circulation in the body, shiatsu helps to maintain and improve muscle tone and healthy internal organ functions. It is believed that shiatsu can also strengthen the immune system. Regular and consistent shiatsu treatments can become an important aspect of preventive health care as well as treatment for existing symptoms. Whilst you will probably notice some changes after one treatment, a series of treatments is generally recommended to sustain the change in long term. Committing to regular treatments will allow you to generally feel much more centred and focused, able to undertake your daily tasks with greater ease and energy. You will gain a greater awareness and insight into how deeper psychological patterns manifest physically in different parts of your body and learn how to work with these to live a fuller life. I am very happy to discuss treatment beforehand so we can determine whether shiatsu is the best starting point for your particular condition. My priority is on ensuring that you get the right treatment/s for your condition, so have a network of other experienced complementary healthcare professionals whom i am happy to refer should i deem it to be in your best interests. By making a commitment to your health and wellbeing the full riches of life will be much more accessible to you. "the moment ones commits oneself, then providence moves too" - Goethe Clients have found Shiatsu effective for the following conditions: • general wellbeing • headaches and migraines • stress and tension • neck and shoulder tension • back problems • digestive complaints • muscular pains & aches • menstrual conditions • support during pregnancy and post birth recovery • trauma, accidents and whiplash • respiratory problems • emotional or mental distress • tiredness & lack of motivation • weak immune system "My first treatment with Glenn was a physical release of all the tight spots in my body. By the end of the first treatment I felt freer and more relaxed than I had felt for a long time. A shiatsu is very different from massage or other body work that I had experienced. I kept coming back for more treatments because the benefits were so amazing. I not only gained benefits on a physical level, but on an emotional and spiritual level as well. I would recommend this form of treatment to people seeking support from aching tight bodies to people who are looking towards being nurtured. It is a wonderful experience." "My experience of shiatsu with Glenn has been phenomenal. I found that Glenn works with such ease and in a humble manner where he simplifies everything. Even when working with the body he is able to work gently but yet very deeply. Glenn has not only helped me become so much more aware of my body, my needs, my emotional wellbeing, my spiritual wellbeing and a whole new perspective towards the connection of body, mind and soul. He has certainly helped me integrate those three powerful words in the most empowering manner." "I can highly recommend receiving shiatsu from Glenn. I found him soon after giving birth to my third child and feeling the lowest I ever have energy-wise. He showed great empathy and gave a beautiful treatment that left me feeling nurtured and centred. My energy levels have only been on the rise since, and every treatment is just really enjoyable. Glenn is experienced, professional and brilliant at what he does, and I'm very thankful. What happens in a Shiatsu Treatment?Shiatsu takes place at floor level on a soft futon with the aid of a specially designed body supporter if needed (this can also be used to treat pregnant woman on their front up until pretty much they give birth). You will remain fully clothed throughout the treatment with the practitioner moving you between face down, face up and side positions. After an initial palpation diagnosis, pressure is then applied to various parts of your body that correspond to the energy channels (meridians) using mainly thumbs and fingers, but sometimes also elbows and even knees and feet to activate or disperse the energy flow as appropriate. Treatment will also include the use of flowing stretches and gentle rotations of the limbs and joints, and possibly simple structural alignments and muscle release techniques if required. Shiatsu can be very gentle and nurturing to assist people in a vulnerable or chronic place, or it can be strong and dynamic to work with people with a stronger constitution. Each treatment is specifically tailored to the individuals needs in the moment, so in general can be used in a very wide range of conditions. Each session lasts for around 1 and a quarter hours which includes an initial consultation or follow up discussion, treatment, and advice and recommendations after the treatment. Why so long? - shiatsu, unlike a lot of other therapies, aims at tonifying and meeting the underlying 'need' before dispersing the areas of accumulated tension where the body has been struggling in its attempt to meet that deep 'need'. The treatment coupled with subsequent lifestyle recommendations are focused on facilitating long lasting and sustainable changes. About GlennGlenn practices Zen Shiatsu and has been training and practicing for the past 23 years. As well as running a private shiatsu practice, he is also currently engaging in teaching shiatsu at East West College in Melbourne. He has been both passionate and active in the past in helping improve the quality and breadth of knowledge of shiatsu therapists in Australia by running post graduate shiatsu workshops as well as serving on the National Council of the Shiatsu Therapy Association of Australia (STAA) from 2006-2013. He has experience in working with a wide spectrum of clients, having worked with the chronically ill, with pregnancy through to people in good health wanting to stay healthy. He is also currently involved in another context working with high needs diasability, where he is often lucky enough to be able to utilise his bodywork skills as part of the role. "My interest in health was awakened by my own health crisis. This eventually led me to both shiatsu and qigong in the early 90's after firstly spending time studying both food enerergetics and macrobiotics. Part of the journey also included dance and voice work before in an enlightening moment I realised that my innate talent lay in my hands and that shiatsu was to be my path."

ZENergy Shiatsu

Servicing area

Caulfield South, Castlemaine and Taradale, Victoria

Focus areas

Energy Movement Private health Purpose Nurturing


East West College, 475 Hawthorn Road, CAULFIELD SOUTH, VIC 3162
Hours - Friday from 9.00am-7.30pm
Charges - $100 / $80 concession
OR for regulars the 'Royality Card' - 3 treatments for $270 / $210 concession

Suite 4, George Clarke Place, 203 Barker Street, CASTLEMAINE, VIC 3450
Hours - Tuesday from 9.00am-8.00pm
*I also offer a mobile service in the Castlemaine vicinity*
Charges - $80 / $65 concession
OR for regulars the 'Royality Card' - 3 treatments for $210 / $180 concession

16 Pennos Road TARADALE , VIC 3447
Hours - by appointment only
Charges - $80 / $65 concession
OR for regulars the 'Royality Card' - 3 treatments for $210 / $180 concession

Private Health Care REBATES are available for Shiatsu with many of thePrivate Health Funds.
GIFT VOUCHERS are available and make a wonderful nurturing gift at any time of the year.


The study groups are a forum where you can come with questions or problems and collectively we can explore ways of working with that through different techniques and approaches. The broad aims of the groups are:

• to enhance clinical practice and strategies;
• to learn different/lateral ways of working with the energies;
• to refine ‘on the body’ diagnostic techniques and approaches;
• to share skills and experiences;
• to continue to grow as shiatsu practitioners.

My aim is that each group will have four people and we will meet on a regular basis determined by the group for anywhere between 3-6 sessions. The purpose of having shorter sessions over a period of time is to be able to work through issues as they arise in your private practice. If you would like to join or start a group with your peers, please contact me so we can get one going.

Charges - $70 per hour (which can be split amongst the group members).


Are you interested in refining and improving your touch?
Do you wish refine the location and treatment options for the classical and zen meridians?
Do you want to learn how to bring more movement into your treatments?
Do you wish to develop more confidence with yourself and your treatments?

If you do, then I offer personalised tutorial sessions to help you gain confidence in your clinical practice and in the application of the principles to the practice. You may choose a one to one session, or to come in a small group of two to three people. Often in the classroom environment or in one’s clinical practice there is little time to go into fine tuning as we are bound by moving on. Yet the power of shiatsu lies in the subtle elements of the practice.

Charges - $70 per hour.


The workshops are for advanced students and practitioners. They are practical workshops about building on, and refining ones practice of shiatsu. We will look at how to move around and provide positive support, at movement of the receiver’s body and how to use its natural range of movement to facilitate effortless and flowing transitions into ones shiatsu treatments, and how that all comes from moving from one’s hara. The aim is to create confidence in the ‘basics’ of movement and treatment position. They are a forum to explore the artistic nature of shiatsu, how flow and movement in a shiatsu treatment are like a beautiful dance between two deeply connected beings.

Please go to my website for further details of courses I am running in 2017

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