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Gossamers CrystaLoveLight
Servicing area
Mermaid Waters, QueenslandFocus areas
Energy work
Stress Management
Welcome to Gossamers CrystaLoveLight
Soul Travelling The Etheric Web of CrystaLoveLight is a journey into the subconscious. The memories held in a particular vibrational frequency and dimension are related to the soul gifts of seeing, hearing, knowing and feeling both the power of the Light and the power of the Love. By remembering the higher heart, spirit and soul one reconnects and aligns through the physical body with All That Is - Source - The Earth Mother Gaia and the Great Mother.
Gossamer is a Channel for the CrystaLoveLight Process; Shaman/Earth Mother who holds Sound Codes which assist the activation of memories held deep in the subconscious.
Massage and Soul Travel in one session assists one activate, re-pattern and restore through a physical experience. Gossamer’s work is profoundly grounded which assists one travel far and deep, yet remain in some sense of consciousness and return fully grounded. One will feel lighter as the LoveLight fills and expands the Crystal Body. Through the return to the Oneness/Source of many parts that have been "lost, depressed and separated", one will feel lighter as though much has been lifted out of the physical and other etheric bodies.
As one experiences a greater connection to the earth, energy levels are increased in day to day activities and one is much more focused and motivated. Blocked energy held in the higher and lower bodies may manifest in the physical body. The cells, chakras and meridians (water pathways) holding memories related to karma, genetic or aspects of fear and beliefs are transmuted with light, Gossamer Light. Symptoms of blocked energy maybe pain, stress and manifested through serious illness. This session combines massage with healing, i.e. the reconnection of your etheric CrystaLoveLight Body. This experience along with Gossamer’s other sessions may accelerate one's path that awakens a more conscious re-connection through The Mother to Source with the anchoring and birthing of the higher conscious soul gifts of the I Am.
Ear Candling
- A shaman tradition which is a very relaxing treatment with many physical benefits.
- A safe and alternative method to assist with a variety of ear problems.
- Candles used are of a high quality bees wax and 100% unbleached cotton.
- An extension of this session maybe added through a channeled reading as well as reconnecting and restoring the etheric crystals related to 'inner hearing' or 'clair-audience'.
- Children welcome
Soul Travel Sessions
Soul Travel assists one reconnect and restore more fully the higher gifts of “seeing, (clairvoyance), hearing, (clair audience), knowing, (clair knowing), feeling (clair sentience) and telepathy”. One is assisted more consciously to remember why these gifts are not fully working in their highest potential and vibration.
The memories held within the energy or etheric body also known as the CrystaLoveLight Body are numerous,. These memories or stories are locked within belief systems, fears, collective and Christ consciousness, often associated with unworthiness, dishonouring as well as distrust, disbelief and more. Held in various soul, spirit and heart realms of consciousness within water, starry and earth realms, one is able to travel to the source of where the memory began. The I Am, God Presence Body or CrystaLoveLight Body holds the core memory associated with Source/God, The Creation Web of LoveLight, also known as Eternity. A memory that holds an emotion such as “anger” may be held in many dimensions and one may often wonder why this has not been resolved after years of work. Or why a knee or hip have not been released from pain after years of therapy work!
Soul Traveling is a similar experience to sleeping and dreaming. However, many are unable to travel due to the vibration that one is holding and the vibrational frequency that the memory is locked into. High vibrational energy work is like a building that is working with all the switches to the “power house” giving light and heat when required. When the power source is cut, disconnected or malfunctioning, then we begin to wonder what is wrong and who can assist. The physical body holds many of the symptoms of the energetic “power source” being disconnected. The physical doorways within the energy or etheric body are gateways to multidimensional light pathways, also known as the Songlines which enable one to travel and reconnect, restore and return to the Oneness of All That Is, Source, God, and the Light.
Group Sessions
A group session is a profound Soul Traveling experience with ones Soul Family. The experience is “hands on” and Gossamer connects each participant to the multidimensional Songlines through which the soul travels.
There are many door-keepers that one may re-connect to through various dimensions and realms of consciousness. Also there are many other doorways as well that assist one remember and restore their higher gifts.
The door-keepers are high dimensional totems that represent ones galactic, starry, elemental, earth, angelic and water bodies and maybe brought through the higher consciousness as a unicorn, whale, serpent, dolphin, centaur, eagle, bear and many others.
Individuals within a group session also express quietly in their heart their intentions at the beginning or prior to the session. Once a potential participant commits to a session, the shift begins, mostly on a subconscious level. These intentions determine where the soul needs to travel and restore and reconnect the spirit and heart.
LifeLine Counsellor; Pranic Healer; Bowen Therapist.
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