Verona Chadwick
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Nutrition, Stomach Acid in Digestion, Good & Bad Fats, & the Effects of Sugar
Servicing area
Lismore Heights & Byron Bay NSWFocus areas
The Quality of Life Depends on Good Nutrition
Get a Healthy Life offers nutritional advice in Lismore Heights NSW to improve your health.
Your diet is one of the building blocks of your wellbeing. However, sometimes your body just couldn’t absorb the nutrients that you take in no matter how hard you try.
It could be due to poor digestion in the stomach or malabsorption of nutrients in the small intestine; the reasons are infinite.
To help you come up with an effective solution to your problem, we will look into the types of food you eat and how your body reacts to them.
In addition, we’ll take you through the different foods that offer essential nutrients at a granular level.
In our sessions, we’ll be covering the importance of stomach acid in digestion, good and bad fats, and the relationship of sugar with Type 2 diabetes.
The Role of Stomach Acid in Digestion
Stomach acid breaks down food and eliminates back bacteria that damage the small intestine.
Low stomach acid hinders our bodies from absorbing protein that is responsible for building muscles and bones; amino acids for strengthening our brain; iron and multivitamins for generating energy into the cells; zinc for activating protein metabolism in enzymes; and magnesium for enhancing muscle movements and promoting cardiovascular health.
The last stage in digestion is the passing of waste to the large intestine, which has 500 varied bacteria responsible for breaking down undigested food.
When the large intestine doesn’t function properly, unwanted bacteria may penetrate it and produce inflammatory cells that could damage your tissues, muscles, brain, or other parts of your nervous system.
If not addressed immediately, this could potentially lead to behavioral problems, fatigue, poor concentration and chronic pain, among others.
Good and Bad Fats
Our bodies need specific types of fats to reduce bad cholesterol in the body. Omega 3 fatty acids is considered the best class as it helps alleviate symptoms of inflammation, arthritis and depression.
The Danger of Sugar
Overconsumption of carbohydrate or sugars increases the blood sugar above the normal level. A diet loaded with carbs can shoot up your insulin, and you’ll need to work harder to deposit the sugars into the cells to be turned into fat.
What’s worse is that your blood sugar could peak and your doctor just might end up diagnosing you with Type 2 diabetes.
High consumption of sugar also leads to obesity, metabolism issues, hormonal imbalance, infertility, increased tissue inflammation, and cancer.
Book an appointment to find out how you can improve your nutrition and enjoy a more fulfilling life.
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