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Is it your feet, your back, or even your neck that’s causing your foot or leg problems? With assessment tools, Foot Focus Podiatry aims to determine this by treating you as a whole person, not just assessing you from knee to toe. Contact the clinic today to schedule a consultation!
Fully and Semi Customised Orthotics
Servicing area
Wilson, Cannington, Bentley, South Perth, Como, East Victoria Park, Thornlie, Bull Creek, LeemingFocus areas
Are orthotics really necessary? In many cases, orthoses are not needed with restored joint and muscle mobility.
In any case, Foot Focus Podiatry can determine whether your feet pronate (roll in) or supinate (roll out) or whether they are in neutral alignment.
Clinical podiatrists at the clinic have completed additional training in advanced biomechanics, soft-tissue technique, manual therapies, joint mobilisation, and trigger point therapy, among others.
Foot Focus Podiatry provides three orthotic solutions:
Fully Customised Orthotics
For individuals who have severe foot types, i.e. if your feet overpronate (roll in) or supinate (roll-out), fully customised functional orthotics are available.
However, the clinic usually prefers to test a semi-custom orthotic, which can be altered with wedges and padding if necessary. By doing so, they will be confident your orthotics will be correct for a long time and totally comfortable.
The Foot Focus team is dedicated to improving orthotic outcomes and patient satisfaction, which is why they use semi-custom orthotics most of the time before going casted.
Using a variety of wedges and padding, affordable semi-customised orthotics are customised off-the-shelf orthotics (arch supports / prefabricated orthotics) that can be easily adjusted on the spot.
Foot Focus is committed to improving orthotic outcomes and patient satisfaction; therefore, it uses customised off-the-shelf orthotics most of the time because it:
- Improves the biomechanics of any foot type
- Provides immediate relief of symptoms
- Helps determine whether orthotics will help your knee, hip or back pain
- Offers a more realistic biomechanical change than strapping
- If you require orthotics for the rest of your life, prescription aids for casted customised orthotics will help you get the right orthotics for years to come.
Ankle Foot Orthotic (AFO)
There are times when functional foot orthotics cannot correct your foot malalignment. The following conditions can be helped by a special brace called Richie AFO (ankle-foot orthotic):
- Adult Acquired Flat Foot Deformity
- Lateral Ankle Instability
- Ankle and Subtalar Arthritis
- Foot Drop
To ensure that your orthotics are prescribed correctly, schedule an appointment with Foot Focus Podiatry for a diagnostic assessment.
Business Hours
We're open 5 days.
Monday |
8:30 am | To | 5:30 pm |
Tuesday |
8:30 am | To | 5:30 pm |
Wednesday |
8:30 am | To | 5:30 pm |
Thursday |
8:30 am | To | 5:30 pm |
Friday |
8:30 am | To | 5:30 pm |
- Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Podiatric Medicine
Professional Membership
- Australasian Podiatry Association
- APODA - Australian Podiatry Association Western Australia
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