Dr Angus Chard PhD
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Do you have persistent heel pain or that achy feeling that goes from your heel bone to your toes? Whatever your foot condition is, receiving the right manual therapy from one of our skilled podiatrists will quickly restore your foot's peak performance. Have a look at the list below.
Proprioceptive Nerve Facilitation (PNF) & Joint Mobilisation
Servicing area
Dural NSWFocus areas
Hills Foot and Leg Pain Centre in Dural, New South Wales, offers a variety of manual therapy treatments to relieve muscle tightness and joint stiffness, allowing your feet to perform better:
Our practitioners provide the following therapy approaches:
- Deep tissue massage
- Dry needling
- Joint mobilisation and manipulation
- Tool-Assisted Myofascial Release
- Superior stretching methods such as Proprioceptive Nerve Facilitation (PNF)
- Neural mobilisation and flossing
These techniques can rapidly enhance muscle length and joint range of motion to alleviate painful muscles and lessen aching joints.
How can my feet benefit from these therapies?
Deep Tissue Massage
This is a type of massage used to treat tension and sports injuries, such as musculoskeletal issues. Continuous pressure, applied in slow, deep strokes, is required to enter the interior layers of your muscle and connective tissues.
Dry Needling
Hyperactive muscles can cause muscular knots and trigger points. They can be uncomfortable when palpated, impair strength, and send discomfort to other areas of your foot and leg if left untreated. Dry needling is a tried-and-true Western medicine technique for relieving active trigger points and sore muscles. Moreover, when combined with trigger point therapy, dry needling can release tight muscles, improving muscular length and function.
Joint mobilisation
As joints stiffen, joint mobilisation and manipulation is a method used to enhance joint range of motion and function safely. Arthritis is an example of a joint ailment that can cause stiffness and immobility.
There are 28 bones and 33 joints beneath your ankles. These are mostly synovial joints. Ligaments that form the joint capsule surround synovial joints. Seventy percent of your proprioceptor nerve terminals are located in the joint capsule. Your equilibrium begins with these proprioceptor nerves. When the tension in a healthy ligament around a joint rises with joint motion, a proprioceptive nerve impulse is sent to the supporting muscle, which controls the joint's mobility.
This process is slowed in tight, unhealthy joint capsules, resulting in micro joint sprains and recurrent stress to the joint, surrounding tissues and structures.
Myofascial Release Techniques
This type of treatment removes fascial tension caused by trauma, posture or inflammation. Fascia is a connective tissue that surrounds the body's muscles, joints, nerves and organs.
Strengthening & flexibility
Tight muscles are more susceptible to injury during movement and limit the joint's power, flexibility and efficiency of a joint. We can show you how to stretch and detect tight muscles in your legs. Regular stretching has been shown to increase the range of motion and function of surrounding joints.
Proprioceptive Nerve Facilitation (PNF) is a muscular stretching method that is commonly performed with a partner or coach and involves a series of contractions and relaxations during relaxation times through forceful stretching.
Neural mobilisation & flossing
Neural mobilisation is a technique used to unbind peripheral nerves and relieve neural tension. It is commonly used to treat the neurological symptoms associated with sciatica, tarsal tunnel syndrome and Morton's neuroma.
Schedule an appointment to find out which treatment best suits you.
- Bachelor of Podiatry
- Doctor of Philosophy (school of Medicine and Health Science)
- Masters By Research Converted To Phd ‘paediatric Biomechanics’
- Diploma Health Science (podiatry)
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