Daniel Yazbek therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2009

Daniel Yazbek


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As an exercise scientist and personal trainer, I take your health seriously. I will implement and provide you with an individualized program that is in synchrony with your lifestyle, time avaliability and state of health. I will remove your guess work, eliminate your bodies adaptation to stress and help you lead a healthier more fufilling life.


Servicing area

Maroubra, New South Wales

Focus areas

Coordination Movement patterns Lifestyle Fitness Biomechanics Habits

Our Philosophy

Fitnessforlife is also a mobile training business that brings exercise to you, in the comfort of your own home, in a park or on the beach. Whatever the setting may be, rely on fitnessforlife to get to you.

Beating yourself up mentally, working-out to burn out, yo yo dieting, bogus supplements or a one-size-fits-all fitness DVD can all lead to failure self doubt and only perpetuate ignorance of your human body's amazing potential for transformation.

Fitness is about creating new positive habits for permanent change. reading your body to apply smarter training, adopting the most effective fitness techniqes for maximum results. By using only the best proven methods, which I tailor for each individual, not only will my personal attention get you where you want to be, it can equip and inspire you to stay there FOR LIFE.


What is the role of an exercise scientist?

The role of an exercise scientist is to prescribe rehabilitation exercises that achieve your goals without further exasperations of overuse/chronic injuries or the symtpoms associated with systemic disease whilst achieving life long health benefits.

I cant seem to squat correctly, how do improve my squat?

By using biomechanics and motor control as a science, we use a system of problem based learning to prescribe exercises. We devise exercises that coincide with your posture, anthopometry (relative segment massess & lengths) and stored memory representation of movement patterns. By working with these given variables we can help you achieve correct moevement patterns such as the squat.

What is the F.I.T.T principle

Exercise is MORE than just physical movement in the hope for breaking a sweat! During exercise, the brain significantly increases its activity in coordinating, controlling and receiving feedback from systems such as the immune, cardiac, endocrine, digestive, muscular and respiratory. By engaging in quality exercise you are altering the physiology of all these systems in a positive way, NOT just the muscular system.

The frequency, intensity, time and type (FITT) of exercise is different for everyone. We seek to find the optimal FITT that matches your current lifestyle, pathology, and fitness. The old saying "no pain no gain" is not a term we use to devise treatment plans for our clients. Expect to feel healthier, sexier and more vitatlity with your exercise routine

Our Services

Initial consulation
We will objectively assess:
  • functional movement screening
  • Body fat %
  • Muscular strength
  • graded exercise testing with HR & BP response
  • Posture analysis
  • range of motion

Interval training

After a foundation of aerobic training, interval training is a great way to burn fat, tone up & increase your heart's health.

Resistance training

It has been shown that resistance training can increase balance, coordination, muscular strength and bone mineral density. We use various modalities such as kettlebells, medballs, elastic bands, cords free weights & pulley machines.

Group training & circult training

Bring along a friend and challenge yourself to a variety of workouts. Boxing, circuit training and much more. circuits within groups must match the fitness capacity of the individual and this is a science.

Corrective exercise, stretching and massage

weak muscles can be feel tight. Learn how to approaach stretching with an artful mind.


“My Golf drive has increased dramatically from the use of sport specific exercises that Daniel was able to deliver. The pain in my lower back has ceased to flare up after a game” – David Rollo

“Daniel’s knowledge and application of exercise science and health has helped me achieve a stronger and leaner body in addition to improving my 5km walking time” – Andrea Rollo

“Daniel goes beyond his own knowledge, continues to challenge himself to a higher standard trainer and endures ever to seek the most purist of quality research. My punching mechanics, sport strength and conditioning has improved tremendously (former Australasian boxing middleweight champion)” – Daniel Pawsey

  • Cert IV personal trainer
  • Dip Fitness
  • Bachelor Ex&SpSc
  • CHEK practioneer

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