Ewen Cameron therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2007

Ewen Cameron

Ewen Cameron

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Ewen Cameron

Servicing area

Prahran, Victoria

Focus areas

Relaxation Infections Stroke Stress Management Sinus Headaches


This form of massage is a beautiful way to nurture and sooth the body. It has been in use from as far back as the early Egptians and very likely well before that.

It is a very effective method of combining gentler strokes with therapeutic techniques to allow the practioner to de-stress and help remove tension from the body while allowing the receipient the enjoyment of feeling totally cared for.

Relaxation massage is also beneficial for increasing circulation, encouraging reduction in fluid retention and boosting your immune system.


This form of treatment is more for structural problems such as bad posture, injuries - acute and cronic, and stress. Whereas relaxation massage is working more the superficial muscles (those closer to the surface), Remedial is working into the deeper muscles to help break down adhesions, help release facia and release deep tension in the muscles.

Techniques include trigger point therapy, cross-fiber work, myofacia releasing and stretching. Postural correcting methods are also suggested to help the individual sustain the benefits of this form of treatment.


Ear candling is a treatment which helps in the process of removing build ups of residual wax from within the ears. The origins of this type of treatment can be found dating back 3000AD in North and South America as well as Asia and Egypt.

There has been recent pressure focused on ear candling in Australia as to what it is actually able to state it can deal with. However, there are many and varied accounts from receipients of ear candling (google 'ear candling' for examples) who say they have found that the treatment helped improve with the following symptoms:
  • Sinus congestion
  • Headaches
  • Hearing Problems
  • Ear aches and infection
  • Tinnitus
  • Cold and flu
  • Sinus infections
  • Allergies

Ear candles, or cones as they are also known, are hollow and are made from bees' wax (and in some cases mixed with parafin wax) and fabric - usually unbleached fabric like linen.

The candle is lit and then placed gently in the ear. The heat from the candle softens the wax and the vacuum like effect created by the candle draws the wax, fluids, etc up into the candle. People can feel the ear canal getting warm and sometimes crackling sounds can be heard. There may also be a gentle pulling sensation as the wax is drawn out.

Having a gentle massage over the sinuses, the lymph system along the neck and around the face and scalp in general can further enhance the treatment.


I have both a massage chair and portable table which I can easily bring to your workplace to perform massages. These can be tapered to what either you, your employees or co-workers need. They can range from 10mins to 30mins treatments (longer is no problem) and can be relaxation to remedial, depending what is required.

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