Healing your soul
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When you let go of the past and learn new ways of being, you can attract the life you want. When you’re ready to uncover your hidden potential call Eva to help you change and move forward.
Hypnotist & Psych-K Practitioner
Focus areas
Eva is a certified Doreen Virtue Angel Intuitive, hypnotherapist, PSYCH-K therapist, Reiki Master, and Angelic Reiki practitioner.
Throughout her career, she has fine-tuned her skills in the natural healing arts.
To guide her clients gently to a safe healing space, she uses her intuition and counselling skills. Her approach to healing is holistic, considering the spiritual, mental and physical causes of illness.
Eva's healing practice aims to empower and inspire people to take responsibility for their health.
Services Offered
During the session, you will be fully aware and in control. With Eva's help, you will be guided into a deep hypnotic trance, allowing you to use your inner consciousness to heal your mind, body, and soul to a deeper level.
She will help you become in touch with your unconscious mind so you can change any limiting beliefs you hold about yourself.
The benefits of hypnosis include relieving anxiety, letting go of fears, developing confidence, improving performance, losing weight, stopping smoking, and controlling pain.
Past Life Healing
Many of the problems you are facing today originated from previous lives. Through past life hypnosis, you can release emotions that have been stored through many lifetimes.
In this session, Eva will guide you to recall past life memories and release unconscious patterns that prevent you from moving forward.
You will feel lighter after the session as if an enormous weight was lifted from your shoulders.
A healing and blissful journey during which Eva will channel healer's energy through her Higher Guides and Unity Consciousness to offer healing benefits to you.
You gain access to your inner source of unconditional love, joy, and peace through the healing energy.
The process will also restore your vital life force so you can blossom to your fullest potential physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Angelic Reiki
The purpose of this healing system is to raise the earth's consciousness and vibration. It is especially useful at these times when we are ascending to the fifth dimension.
During an Angelic Reiki session, your consciousness merges with the Divine.
This vibration allows your worries and troubles to fade away, giving you a sense of inner calm and tranquillity.
Transformational Healing
People are creatures of habit, which makes something new or unfamiliar feel scary no matter their age. Eva will help you live the life of your dreams.
Through her guidance, you will change some of your self-limiting beliefs, increasing your sense of inspiration and excitement to develop your full potential.
A series of 6 one-hour sessions is included in the transformational healing program to assist you in healing the limiting thought patterns that keep you stuck in the past.
Hypnosis, PSYCH-K and intuitive soul guidance will all be part of the sessions.
Other Services Offered
- Psych-K
Call Eva today to make an appointment and move beyond negative beliefs and into a life you desire.
- Reiki Master
- Psych-K Therapist
- Certified Doreen Virtue Angel Intuitive
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