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Member since 2024

Nicole Courtie

Ether + Sol Yoga

-- Bellingen NSW 2454

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Ether + Sol offers a range of yoga asana, pranayama + meditation sessions. Including 1:1 personalised sessions, courses, workshops, group bookings and our online yoga studio. Healing + yoga offerings designed to spark the light of your soul and to guide you along your path of self remembrance. A safe space for you to be guided beyond your limitations, to heal, find stillness and deeply embody a peaceful state to access your innate self + hear the song of your soul.

About Ether + Sol Yoga

Servicing area

Coffs Harbour & Bellingen, NSW + Surrounds. Gold Coast, QLD. Online and Via Distance.

Focus areas

Telehealth Reading Energy Yoga nidra Pranayama Movement


both nothing and everything at the same time. It’s the stillness, yet it’s the very thing that makes all movement and life possible. It is the element that connects us with spirit, intuition + that which is beyond the physical.


an ode to the sun, that radiates from within. The light which emanates from your soul, that shines upon and liberates the darkness. Like the sun kissing your skin, exuding warmth, peace and a sense of renewal.
Hello and Welcome to Ether + Sol, 
Yoga practices that meet you where you are, to support you through your life.
Nicole is passionate about personalising your yoga experience to your body and your elemental constitution. Taking into consideration your whole being physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically and spiritually. One-on-one sessions are designed to mentor you through life challenges (or to supplement your life) and "prescribe" the yoga asana, pranayama and meditation practices to support and return you to a state of equllibrium. 
Here are just a few of the benefits you might experience from a personal yoga practice; 
✽ Release and let go of negative emotions, thought patterns and cycles
✽ Quiet your mind, find peace and clarity within
✽ Regulate your nervous system, reduce stress + provide relief from anxiety
✽ Assist with emotional regulation, processing and self inquiry
✽ Deepen your spiritual connection, connecting to a sense of self + your life purpose
✽ Improve overall health and vitality
✽ Reconnect to your own inner wisdom
✽ Increase self esteem, confidence and vibrance in life
✽ Discover your Self and learn to connect to your intuition more regularly
✽ Develop and incorporate a regular spiritual practice into your daily life and learn to meditate effectively 
The Science of Soul:
Lunar Hatha Yoga:
Lunar classes have a focus on cultivating a calm and stable mind, allowing your body and mind to let go and release what is no longer beneficial to you. Grounding back into your body.
Moon practice allows you to digest and assimilate at a physical, emotional and energetic level. Allowing you permission to soften, regulate and de-stress your nervous system and return to the connection of your body, mind, heart + soul.
Solar Hatha Yoga:

“Once the moon has been made steady, the sun can be made to rise". Bringing the grounded and calm qualities of the moon with us, solar classes have a focus on expanding our capacity and sensitising to Prana (energy), so that we can work with it on a deeper level.

Leaving you feeling calmly radiant, confident , a boost in vitality and more connected to the subtle energy body. Enlivening mind, body, heart + soul.

Fire Hatha Yoga:

“Igniting the radiant power of Soul” - Fire practice is an illumination process. With an emphasis of cultivating ‘internal heat’ centred in the navel with the inclusion of deeper work with Bandha, Mudra and Mantra to still the mind, cultivate energy, burn through limitations.

Fire practice allows you to safely call forth dormant spiritual power (Kundalini Shakit) and transform it into Prana Shakti (activated power) resulting in the meditative absorption into higher spiritual centres.

Restorative Hatha Yoga:

An opportunity to soften and find stillness. Restorative Hatha Yoga allows you to turn inward, to rest, restore and regulate your nervous system.

With a combination of gentle floor based postures, held between 3-5+ minutes Restorative Hatha Yoga allows you to surrender, to feel completely supported and grounded.

To retreat from the external, and find peace within.

Pranayama + Meditation:

Breathing consciously allows a shift to take place from the parasympathetic to the sympathetic nervous system. Both emotional and mental patterns show up as abnormalities in the breath and by controlling the breath we can gain deeper access to the typically hidden parts of the brain.

There are three fundamental stages of meditation. First Dharana, moving from a distracted mental state to a state of concentation. Dhyana - the thinking mind ceases fluctuation as the mind becomes single pointed. Samadhi - The highest state of perception and clear seeing.

Yoga Nidra:

“Most people sleep without resolving their tensions. This is termed nidra. Nidra means sleep, no matter what or why, but yoga nidra means sleep after throwing off the burdens. It is of a blissful, higher quality altogether.” – Swami Satyananda.

Yoga Nidra or ‘yogic sleep’ is a beautiful practice that leads you to the borderline of sleep and wakefulness. It is a state of inner awareness, that allows you to contact, connect and become aware of the subconscious and higher consciousness.

Our Services Include: 

Group Classes (In-Person)
Group classes are a great way to engage and connect with community, over mindful movement, breath and meditation. Minimum 3 people per class. Please contact us for availability.

Exchange - $25/per person

1:1 Private Sessions (In-Person/ Online)
Private yoga sessions are suitable for all abilities and levels of experience. Each session will be personalised to your specific constitution of elements and range of mobility, taking into consideration physical ailments.

We will use Asana (physical postures), Pranayama (breath control) and Meditation along with other supplementing techniques such as Mantra, Mudra and Bandha to encourage balance in body, mind and spirit.

Private sessions include a consultation, followed by the physical + spiritual practices of yoga, personalised to what you need most on the day. Sessions can run between 60-120 minutes.

Exchange - $120

1:1 Personalised Practice Package (via Distance)

Your personalised yoga prescription. A little different to our 1:1 private sessions, your personalised package will equip you with the tools to take your practice into your own hands.

You will receive:

✽ Consultation call to discuss your desired outcome
✽ An introductory video about your practice
✽ 1 x 60 minute pre-recorded and personalised yoga practice (including asana, pranayama + meditation)
✽ 1 x pre-recorded Yoga Nidra practice to deepen healing
✽ PDF copy of your practice, along with reading content to support deepening your knowledge
✽ Fortnightly check in for the duration of your 40 day practice

Exchange - $210

Learn More

Online Yoga Studio Membership

✽ Access to our growing library of potent yoga and meditation classes at anytime, from anywhere in the world. New practice added every week.
✽ A range of classes to choose from, encouraging a daily devotional practice. Hatha Yoga, Restorative, Yoga Nidra, Pranayama and Meditation.
✽ Intuitive classes to suit all abilities, beginner to the seasoned practitioner. Ranging from 20-75 minutes, there is something to suit everyone.
Exchange - $29/ month or $333/year
Online Course - "A Journey of Svādhyāya"
“Svādhyāya is the yoga of self study. By peeling back the layers of our ego through internal reflection, we expose the reality underneath and begin to uncover who we are at our essence. This process of discovery brings us closer to unifying with cosmic energy” -Divya Balakrishnan.

Through regular practice, un-peeling the layers of the ego we land with a deeper knowing of who we truely are. Svādhyāya or self study, is what allows us to transmute life’s challenges into wisdom, to learn more about ourselves, our patterns and behaviours bringing to light the fears, thought patterns and unconscious beliefs that are holding you back from living in your truth.

This course is a glimpse at the depth your yogic practice can uncover. For the beginner practitioner and the seasoned yogi alike, you’ll be guided through a series of 5 weekly classes, infused with wisdom and questions to invoke a process of self discovery. The study of self is a process of lifetimes;

This might just be that little spark you need to ignite the way forward in this life. To remember and walk the path you came here for.
What’s included:

✽ 2 x 60 minute pre-recorded Lunar Hatha Yoga practices (asana, pranayama + meditation)
✽ 2 x 60 minute pre-recorded Solar Hatha Yoga practices (asana, pranayama + meditation)
✽ 1 x 60 minute pre-recorded Fire Hatha Yoga practice (asana, pranayama + meditation)
✽ 1 x pre-recorded Yoga Nidra practice to encourage deep healing
✽ 1 x pre-recorded Yoga Nidra practice to connect to your heart and inner knowing

Exchange - $150

Learn More

About your Teacher:

Nicole Courtie

When Nicole was young she had an internal affliction with that which was beyond the physical realm, without really knowing too much about the intellectual side or that it was an uncommon approach among her peers. Very introspective in nature she would always find herself in profound thought processes, staring into the mirror, looking beyond the physical body and getting a little glimpse at soul. She knew there was something more to explore beyond the physical world that we live in.

Always a teacher at heart, she learnt early on that her souls purpose was to teach, to guide and to inspire. To share the wisdom that she had acquired over the years (and that she still continues to collect). She started her teaching career young, while still in high school - teaching the performance sport she grew up doing. It was like second nature.

Over the years her teaching progressed from solely teaching the physicalities of performance sport with infusions of her experience, to teaching students about their mind, emotions and how it relates to their performance. Her love continued to grow for the inner workings of the mind, the energetic field and the subtle realm. Which led Nicole down a completely new path, releasing and unlearning all the versions of herself she had ever known and then stepping into the embodiment of who she came here to be.

She embarked a progression of studies that include Holistic Counselling, Reiki Energy Healing, Traditional Hatha Yoga and courses in Body Reading, Psychosomatic Healing + Ayurveda. While her knowledge is expansive, she continues to develop her education ensuring that she can provide the best service to everyone she meets. 

Book now to find out how we can personlise your journey.


  • Certified Yoga Teacher
  • Advanced Practitioner Holistic Counselling
  • Certificate IV In Fitness (SIS40210)
  • Certificate III In Fitness
  • Usui Reiki Level 3

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