Essential Healing Centre therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
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Essential Healing Centre

Essential Healing Centre

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If You're Looking For a Professional Kinesiologist In The Greater Trafalgar Area, Then Look No Futher Than Judie At Essential Healing.

Essential Healing - Kinesiology

Servicing area

Trafalgar, Victoria

Focus areas

Stress Management Goal setting Cramps Emotional wellbeing Wellness Headaches

What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology—(Kin-esi-ology) Literally means the study of body movement.

The facilitator ME uses muscle monitoring via the nerve pathways and meridian system of the brain and body, this allows the facilitator, me, to identify any energy blockages and imbalances that are causing physical and metaphysical stress in the body.

How Does Kinesiology Work?

Kinesiology goes beneath the conscious or obvious systems, straight to the cause of the problem, releasing the negative and limited belief patterns held in the cellular level. The corrections we use to bring the body back into homeostasis are:
  • Muscle balancing and acupressure
  • Meridian and chakra balancing
  • Nutritional support
  • Emotional releases via the use of flower remedies or other essences available
, plus a multitude of other techniques.

Through muscle monitoring , corrections and changes are anchored in your “Bio – Computer” - which gives the body ‘positive feedback” on a conscious level. This supplies you with better strategies and more “CHOICE” should a similar situation arise.

What Can Kinesiology Help Treat?

Kinesiology assists with:
  • Pain & Injury
  • Emotional Stress
  • Headache, Migraine
  • Anxiety, Depression
  • Structural Alignment
  • Fears & Phobias
  • Sports Enhancement
  • Self Esteem
  • Co-Ordination
  • Allergies & Nutrition
  • Energy,Vitality
  • Candida
  • Brain Integration
  • Goal Setting
  • Learning Difficulties
  • Sexual Abuse
  • Relationship Difficulty
  • Behavioral Problems

What is Vibrational Medicine?

Essences are infusions from the energies of flowering plants, shells from the ocean, gems and crystals from the earth or symbolic totems that reflect a certain quality or energy which uniquely address emotional and mental aspects of wellness.

The first 38 flower remedies were formulated by a British physician, Dr. Edward Bach, in the 1930's, although new remedies from all over the world are being used to promote wellness .

Will Essences Make Me Feel Better?

In the long run, working with essences will help you to feel more alive and in touch with your goals, values, and Creativity.

However, the essences do not create euphoria, nor do they banish pain and conflict. They work by stimulating awareness of our conflicts and challenges, and they strengthen our ability to work through the obstacles to promote health and growth. Thus, taking essences may at times stimulate some discomfort and awareness of pain or conflict. This is a normal part

How Do Essences Work ?

To understand how these Vibrational remedies work human being is more than a physical body, but also incorporates a "body" of life energy, (physical body) a "body" of sensitivity and feelings, (emotional/mental bodies) and a spiritual essence or Self.

Vibrational remedies are energetic imprints of the life force of plants, gems and shells , and symbolic totems which interact with these subtle bodies of the human .remedies work requires a recognition that the being, and evoke specific qualities within us. We can say that they work in a similar way to inspirational music or art, which carry meaning through the vehicle of sound or light, while the Vibrational remedies work through the medium of water.

When a person places a few drops of an essence under the tongue, the energy in that essence floods one's aura, vibrating at its own special frequency, and can nudge the vibrations in a person's aura toward their own frequency. This creates an immediate effect on the emotional and spiritual levels of the aura. The essences contain the healing energies of the substance of from which they are made.

In the words of Dr Bach, they "cure by flooding our bodies with beautiful vibrations of Higher Nature which melt dis-ease like snow in the sunshine."

Bach's theory is that we are born perfect, but life stresses make us develop defences and ways of coping, and these pull us out of alignment with our spirit. Distress at the level of spirit is translated into physical dis-ease: Bach saw disease as a way that our spirit tells us how our behaviour or attitudes are getting in the way of our health.

For more information about the best services for your needs or to organise an appointment - just give us a call!

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