Eloise Charleson
Eloise has 20 years experience supporting families to reach their health goals with safe, effective, evidence-based natural therapies. Eloise is passionate about the microbiome and the many ways your heatlh can be optimised by ensuring a diverse gut microflora. She supports women with hormonal imbalance, anxiety, depression, hypothyroidism, insomnia and fibromyalgia. She loves helping children with digestive and learning issues.
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by Eloise Charleson (a transcript from a talk given at Lord's Gym Subiaco 2019)
As a Naturopath I take a bottom up approach to health. What that means is that when making recommendations to my clients I always start with the basics. Unless those basic elements of good health are achieved there will always be ongoing issues and obstacles in the way of your goals.
So what are those basics?
Firstly I want to know are you sleeping. I want to know how long it is taking you to get to sleep are you sleeping deeply or so lightly that every sound wakes you. Are you waking too early unable to get back to sleep. Are you waking refreshed. Are you breathing through your mouth at night, snoring or perhaps have some sleep apnea.
Research is showing more and more the importance of sleep to health. Broken sleep will drain your energy, lower your mood as well as impact your insulin levels and your cortisol levels. (Reasearch)
So how do we achieve better sleep?
- Exercise
- Sleep hygiene. Turn all screens off 1 hour before bed. Don’t have devices in the bedroom. Ensure a dark and well ventilated sleeping area. Ensure a comfortable mattress and pillow. Remove mess and dust from your sleeping room.
- For people who are exercising a lot or too little may be carrying tension in their muscles. To address this stretching is crucial, doing something relaxing before bed, having a bath with lavender essential oil or taking some magnesium to help your muscles relax. This is just as important for people whose mind’s don’t stop.
Secondly I want to know are you exercising? I know all of you are. This can sometimes be a challenge when energy reserves are low or timetable commitments are high. But a regular exercise program will ultimately give you more energy and resilience. Regular exercise improves most health parameters including prevention of health issues associated with aging.
Next I discuss diet. Knowing you are interested in your health I am sure you have all come across so much information as to the best diet or the ideal foods to eat. The amount of different opinions claiming your attention is overwhelming and clients often come to me saying I really don’t know what to eat anymore. I agree it is confusing and overwhelming. Whenever I give recommendations for diet I take the approach that whatever I recommend now must still be valid in 20 years. We have all heard of the different fad diets that have existed over the last 30 years and that often elements of these diets are then found later to be more harmful that beneficial.
So what are the fundamentals that we can hold onto? Basically that vegetables are good, you can’t really have too many of them. A little meat is good, fish is good, a little dairy is good, cold-pressed virgin oils are good and a few grains are good.
So what should we aim for specifically? This type of eating can be classified as a mediteranean diet. Not the kind of mediteranean diet we used to think of where pasta featured large as did wine, but a mediteranean diet where vegetables feature large.
What I also find reassuring is that every time a new paper is published there seems to be more evidence for traditional methods of eating and preparing food.
There is a reason behind those long cooking times or many layered levels of food preparation that in this busy world we live in can seem merely time consuming and superfluous.
So how do we achieve some of these traditional food preparation methods without giving up the gym or our jobs?
- Slow cooker. These are ideal for busy families who still want good home cooked food. You can put the vegetables in the pot with some stock in the morning, add some browned meat and onions if you like and then set it to slow cook for the day. This is a great way to get you daily dose of prebiotic food such as leek, onion and garlic. You can also slow cook legumes to increase your prebiotic component.
- These can also be prepared in a time effective way. There is the option of the slow-cooker or a rice cooker which has a soup function. I bought one of those when my first child was born and it saved my life. Or if you have a pressure cooker they can be done in 20 minutes on the spot. Be sure to make enough for another meal. The key to soups is to add not only plenty of vegetables but some stock for all those electrolytes. Soup is a wonderful way to include legumes in your diet. Legumes are prebiotic foods as well as having multiple benefits on your health. The crucial step with legumes is to soak them and then rinse before cooking. Soaking time will depend on the type of legume.
The fourth element for good health is resilient mental health and a supportive emotional environment.
More and more research confirms the essential nature of social interaction to our health. Whatever our situation we can all take steps to improve our interactions with the people around us to optimise our emotional environment. Being pro-active by looking at how you can form more, better or deeper friendships helps you stay in control of your mental health. Taking a responsible attitude is more empowering than seeing yourself at the mercy of other’s behaviour.
This is easier when you feel energised and fit because you are sleeping well, eating well and exercising.
Let’s talk probiotics.
So much research is pouring out about probiotics. So what do you need to know? Read the label. That there is no clear answer as it is field that is only beginning to be understood. The best way to go is with prebiotics. But studies are showing specific benefits for individual strains of probiotics and combination of probiotics.
Let’s talk minerals
The mineral most relevant for you all is magnesium. Many athletes find it necessary for optimal training. It will help your sleep and the sleep of your children.
The next mineral of relevance is zinc. Zinc is so important for immune function, for the health of the sperm, for conversion of testosterone to prevent acne and for the developing brain. Zinc has many antagonists so can be poorly absorbed if in competition with copper.
Let’s talk vitamins
The vitamin most relevant for all of us in Australia is vitamin D. to protect ourselves from the sun we cover our skin with cloth or sunscreen and stay out of the sun. this leads to quite high levels of low vitamin D in the community. Vitamin D is crucial to immune function, mood and numerous other processes in the body. Getting out into the sun at sunrise is the best way to set your circadian rhythm as well as start creating vitamin D. for many though a supplement is necessary.
Let’s talk fish oils
If any of you are still breast-feeding or have infants please consider if you are replenishing your DHA levels. During the third trimester of pregnancy, your baby is given priority for the available DHA to develop its brain. Breast milk also has a huge requirement for DHA to continue the brain development of your baby. Make sure you are eating enough fish or taking a high DHA supplement during this time.
Let’s talk herbs
We are so fortunate that nature has provided us with the next step in the bottom up approach to health. If you are achieving all the fundamentals of health and still have concerns to address nature has provided us with a large pharmacy. These herbs have been trialled for their efficacy for hundreds and sometimes thousands of years and more recent research is helping us to understand exactly how they work and often validating their traditional usage.
I work a lot with hormonal balancing herbs. I also work with adaptogenic herbs. These are herbs that help our body’s response to stress be ameliorated.
Probiotics Can Help Improve Depression and IBS
An article by Eloise Charleson B.H.Sc(Nat)
As another study on probiotics confirms their ability to improve mental health, we gain another small piece of the puzzle. It is an exciting time for Natural Medicine as scientific enquiry begins to confirm traditional naturopathic health care. Optimising digestive function has been one of the central tenants of naturopathic health care since its inception. In the past the existence of bowel microflora was not known but all naturopathic treatments set about reducing pathogenic bacteria in the gut and providing a diet full of prebiotics which ultimately gave the opportunity for friendly bowel microflora to flourish.
A study published in the Journal of Gastroenterology showed that probiotics reduce depression and increase quality of life. ‘The improvements were associated with changes in brain activation patterns’, stated researchers. Previous studies have shown that probiotics improve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome but had not assessed their impact on the other symptoms of IBS such as depression and anxiety. In clinic our patients repeatedly report back daily that their mood has improved and their IBS symptoms have lessened and ultimately disappeared.
The strain of probiotic studied was Bifidobacterium longum NCC3001. While a diverse array of commensal bacteria is ideal for a healthy GIT microbiome, research shows that particular strains have specific actions in the body that aren’t replicated by another probiotic strain. When choosing a probiotic it is therefore important to check that the patented strain used in a study is noted on the bottle. Without the correct numbers after the name of the strain the consumer cannot be sure that they are actually receiving the strain written on the bottle.
Bifidobacterium longum has been shown to inhibit growth of pathogenic species in the gut and maintain ideal function in the gastrointestinal tract. It has also been studied and shows promising results in relation to reduction of lactose intolerance, lowering cholesterol, diarrhoea prevention and reducing the impact of food allergies.
Probiotics and prebiotics are important parts of a comprehensive, evidence-based naturopathic treatment for irritable bowel syndrome and mild depression and anxiety.
Meditation for Kids..
An article by Eloise Charleson B.H.Sc(Nat)
Children are naturally active and enthusiastic and have such an eagerness to learn and explore. For this reason I often recommend meditation for children. I love working with children in the clinic, as I know how quickly their bodies and minds respond to treatment. They are also surprisingly intuitive about their health once they have regained a certain equilibrium, and they can often sense what foods their body is demanding to optimise their health. It is when their little bodies are out of balance that they crave sugar and refined carbohydrates. In the same way they sense the benefits of calming and concentrating the mind through meditation.
When should children learn to meditate?
From 8 years old is a time when it is appropriate to offer children an opportunity to explore themselves and their mind with all its hidden faculties, latent abilities and subtle complexities through meditation. Learning Anapana meditation can plant a wholesome interest in self-introspection and meditation, which may open an entirely new dimension of life for them later on. The next One Day Children’s Meditation Course offered by the Vipassana meditation centre is to be held in Spearwood on Sunday the 18th of Feb, 2018.
What is Anapana meditation?
Anapana is the observation of natural, normal respiration, as it comes in and as it goes out. Anapana is a simple technique that helps develop concentration of the mind. It is easy to learn, objective and scientific. This approach is traced back to the Buddha, who rediscovered and taught this technique 2500 years ago.
What are the benefits for children?
Besides helping them to calm and concentrate their minds, Anapana helps children to better understand themselves and how their minds work. As they learn to calm and concentrate their minds, they gain mastery over their impulses and actions. They develop an inner strength that helps them to choose right and appropriate actions over wrong actions. This is a natural by-product of the technique. For this reason, Anapana provides them with a tool to deal with the fears, anxieties, and pressures of childhood and adolescence. Because of its simplicity, they find the technique easy to practice and understand and they appreciate its scientific and universal nature.
Children report improvement in concentration, greater feeling of being in control of their emotions and less anxiety after learning Anapana meditation. I notice a positive change in their outlook, behavior and attitude. It can be a really useful tool for children who find it difficult to concentrate in class or who experience anxiety.
If you are interested in a One Day Meditation Course for your 8-12 year old go to www.children.dhamma.org for more information and some videos on what to expect at a course as well as course dates and a link to register for the next course on Sunday 18th of Feb, 2018 in Spearwood, W.A.
If you are interested in booking a consultation with Eloise Charleson phone Friendlies Pharmacy, Subiaco on 93811468. Eloise has been in clinical practice for 18 years and has three children of her own. She is passionate about the micro-biome and its impact on health, mood, weight and sleep. She has in-depth experience working with neurotransmitter, mood and hormonal imbalance, thyroid conditions and behavioural challenges in children. She takes an evidence-based approach working with her clients to develop individualized management plans that are focused and effective.
Anxious? Irritable? Is it hormones?
An article by Eloise Charleson B.H.Sc(Nat)
Hormone imbalance can greatly influence your mood and anxiety level. If you notice that you become more anxious and irritable prior to your period you can be sure that a functional hormonal imbalance is at least partly to blame. Other symptoms you may experience are headaches, food cravings, fatigue, fluid retention and oily skin.
If the anxiety and low mood spreads throughout your cycle we look closer at neurotransmitter production, thyroid function as well as nutrient levels in the diet.
In a consultation I work closely with my clients to identify the contributing factors and develop an evidence-based strategy for reducing symptoms.
Factors that I assess are the relationship between oestrogen and progesterone production, presence of ovulation, thyroid function, liver function, BMI, the level of inflammation in your body as well as macro and micronutrient deficiencies.
A close look at diet and life-style often discloses a few easy changes that you can make to bring about quick change. My clients improve more rapidly and their results last longer if a diet and lifestyle program is followed that increases digestive health and liver function as well as hormonal balance. The liver is integral in regulating the metabolism and removal of sex hormones from the body once they have done their job. A healthy microbiome is the next step in ensuring that conjugated oestrogens are not recycled back into the blood stream.
To encourage a healthy microbiome include all those fabulous prebiotic foods in your diet such as beetroot, blueberries, chickpeas, leek and onion. If you have difficulty digesting sulphur vegetables and legumes like onion and lentils then we support the function of your liver as well as digestive enzyme production so as to optimise liver detoxification and allow you to gradually include all those healthy foods which are not only pre-biotic but have anti-cancer properties as well.
In a large number of patients we discover that a sub-clinical hypothyroidism is a major contributing factor to anxiety, irritability, depression, low energy and poor libido. Selenium, zinc and iodine are necessary for thyroid hormone production as are vitamin B6, A and C. A growing number of studies on medicinal herbs show their ability to enhance the level of thyroid hormones. In practice I see this constantly replicated in the blood test results from my patients.
A herb I regularly recommend for pre-menstrual mood changes continues to show positive results in scientific trials. Chaste tree has been used for PMS for hundreds of years.
Studies have shown that high quality Chaste Tree balances hormones in the body by interacting with a dopamine receptor. Good evidence and safety exists for the use of Chaste tree for PMS, cyclical mastalgia (breast pain and lumpiness), mild hyperprolactinemia and luteal phase defect (can lead to reduced fertility).
Don’t put up with your symptoms any longer, make the choice for a healthier more fertile you.
Eloise Charleson B.H.Sc(Naturopath) has many years of experience working in women’s and children’s health. She has been in private practice for over 17 years both locally and in Europe. She began her career working with some of Australia’s key figures in Natural Medicine for Women and has gone on to consult, lecture and write in the field.
Sick again? But it is spring!
An article by Eloise Charleson B.H.Sc(Nat)
We all feel the gladdening in our hearts when the sunshine starts to warm up, the birds start to sing and the urge to get out and garden starts up. So when we or our children come down with yet another cold or gastro we ask ourselves, what’s wrong? When will this stop?
It could be as simple as supplementing with some vitamin D! Studies show that Australians are deficient in vitamin D. At the end of winter our bodies are further depleted and this makes us vulnerable to the germs that are also enjoying the warmer weather.
Inadequate vitamin D levels effect an estimated 1 billion people in the world. When applied correctly – sunscreen reduces our ability to absorb vitamin D by more than 90 percent. While sun safety is important we may need to start offsetting the side-effects with vitamin D supplementation.
How much vitamin D do I need?
How much vitamin D people need each day is under current scientific debate. The Institute of Medicine, in the USA, recommends tripling the daily vitamin D intake for children and adults to 600 IU per day. Many argue that this is a very conservative recommendation and supplementation of up to 4000 IU per day has been shown to have no adverse side effects.
Can we find it in our diet?
Few foods are naturally high in vitamin D. The biggest dietary source is fortified foods. Other good sources are dairy products and fatty fish. Our bodies manufacture vitamin D from cholesterol. This action is triggered by sunlight on the skin.
Why is Vitamin D important?
A wealth of studies is showing that Vitamin D is not only supportive of immune function. Research is going on into the relationship between vitamin D deficiency and cardiovascular disease, bone health, depression, inflammatory bowel disease and development of allergies.
Vitamin D plays an important role in the absorption and retention of calcium and phosphorus which are essential for building and maintaining bone. Good vitamin D levels are important in infancy, pregnancy and old age.
Acne free skin – naturally
An article by Eloise Charleson B.H.Sc(Nat)
Acne affects nearly 85% of teenagers. However, it can start earlier and persist into the twenties. One of the most distressing sequelae of acne is the scarring and discoloration of the skin. Because acne is so visible it can be a highly traumatic condition at a sensitive time of life. People with acne are at increased risk of depression and anxiety and more likely to experience anger.
So what can we do?
There are a number of factors affecting the onset of acne. Hormonal changes lead to changes in the hair follicle, nutritional deficiencies exacerbate this, as does stress. More and more evidence points to the impact of gastrointestinal health as a crucial factor in triggering acne.
I find that my patients show the greatest and fastest improvement when they follow a gastro-intestinal repair program that I taylor specifically for them. The program increases the health of the microbiome and digestive function. The addition of zinc, vitamin A, probiotics and omega 3 provides needed nutrients for skin health.
Research suggests that people with acne have lower levels of zinc in the blood and skin. In clinic I see a marked improvement when zinc is supplemented as part of a whole program. I know a lot of you will say “but we have tried zinc!!”, but zinc supplementation alone is not enough to treat acne. It must be part of a complete program which starts with repairing the gastro-intestinal tract.
Studies have shown that a significant decrease in the number of papules, pustules and infiltrates after four weeks of zinc supplementation.
Zinc in combination with vitamin A is particularly effective as Zinc is required to release vitamin A, from the liver.
Some small studies are showing positive results associated with probiotic supplementation of improvement of acne. In particular the probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii is prescribed in Germany for the treatment of acne.
Reduce the sugar
In clinic we see that dietary factors play a significant role in the control of acne. A diet high in sugar and refined carbohydrates is seen to aggravate acne. It is thought to do this by raising insulin levels in the blood which leads to increased circulating androgens and decreased sex hormone binding protein- leading to increased sebum synthesis- a crucial step in the development of acne.
In acne, there is increased sebum production from the sebaceous glands which are larger than in those without acne. Increased sebum allows the proliferation of bacteria in the hair follicle.
Reduce the milk and cheese
Dairy products are also associated with a worsening of acne. One study showed that women who consumed two or more servings of skimmed milk everyday were 22% more likely to suffer from severe acne, and 44% more likely to develop cystic or nodular acne than those who only drank one glass of skimmed milk.
In clinic we find that patients are fine with butter and most are also fine with cream. Yoghurt can be okay but for some of our patients it is necessary to change to lactose free yoghurt. The real culprits are milk, skimmed milk and cheese.
Reduce the treats
People with acne may not be able to tolerate fermented foods well and eating them may lead to a worsening of their acne. People with low levels of the enzyme diamine oxidase have reduced ability to metabolise histamine and will present with digestive concerns alongside the acne. Fermented foods are high in histamine as is wine, cacao, aged cheese and processed meat.
Reduce the stress
Stress also contributes to acne. Adrenalin produced when under stress, blocks the enzyme that clears histamine. Receptors for chemical messengers are also found in the skin. During stress the chemical messenger substance P is increased and once attached to the receptors in the skin, will lead to inflammation
- Member Nhaa
- B.H.Sc (Comp. Medicine)
- Bachelor of Arts (University of Melbourne)