Annie O'Grady
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EFT Tapping is an easy stress buster, typically fast, that I can teach you to weave into your daily life – or that I can help you with, to ease small or serious problems of any kind. You’ll learn to tap on yourself while you briefly focus on whatever emotion, thought, memory, sensation, pain or problem you want to release
Annie OGrady - EFT Tapping
Servicing area
Adelaide, South Australia, and with Skype/Zoom sessions anywhereFocus areas
Sessions, groups and training
Some benefits of EFT tapping for you
Reach peace and clarity Clear stress from your body Solve your problems Lose your phobias Drop your anger, hate |
Relieve your pain Drop anxieties, fears, doubts Upgrade your limiting beliefs Reach peak performance Inspire yourself |
What is EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Techniques)?
Evidence-based EFT tapping is a scientifically proven acupressure-and-mindfulness method of stress relief. You can use it for yourself and/or have help from a qualified EFT tapping practitioner, especially for serious problems. Harvard Medical School research shows that acupressure (tapping on acupuncture points on the body) calms the brain’s fear centre, the amygdala.
EFT techniques often work fast and are easy to learn.
‘Acupressure’ means that you fingertap on specific acupuncture points (no needles) on your head, hands, upper body. While you tap, you briefly state one problem at a time. This may be an uncomfortable emotion such as anxiety or fear, a body sensation including pain, a thought, a mental block, a negative belief or attitude, a craving, a phobia or allergy symptom, etc. You monitor its intensity 0-10, repeating a short routine until you reach 0. Results are often permanent.
This basic stress relief technique is applied in specific ways to a multitude of personal problems:
relationship difficulties, self-esteem, chronic pain, anger management, eliminating food cravings or other cravings, neutralizing traumatic memories (including Post-Traumatic Stress symptoms), workplace or domestic stress and anxiety, depression, fears of public speaking or of water, heights, etc., removing blocks to peak performance in sport, exams, the arts, business, education, etc….and more.
‘How will EFT tapping help me?’
EFT tapping is likely to have you feeling better in minutes. The technique soothes mind, heart and body through lowering your stress levels. (One hour of EFT tapping lowers the stress hormone cortisol by a whopping 24%.). It can also gently and safely release trauma effects from anywhere in your life, setting up improved ‘blueprints’ for your future.
EFT has radically improved sports results for individuals and teams. It has released PTSD for thousands of U.S war veterans. It helps students lose ‘exam nerves’. It speeds the healing of grief from divorce or bereavement, recovery from accidents/operations, heals abuse effects, and has even helped people reach emotional calm for a peaceful death.
You can have a session with Annie on Skype/Zoom or phone, or in person in Adelaide, South Australia.
The method is backed by more than100 scientific studies. It is endorsed and used by many doctors, psychologists and self-development leaders worldwide. Its remarkable range of successes is studied by scientists at major institutions in the U.S.A. and universities in several countries.
- Physician author Dr. Deepak Chopra: ‘EFT tapping offers great healing benefits.’
- Cell biologist author and international lecturer Dr. Bruce Lipton: ‘EFT tapping is a simple natural process that can profoundly influence gene activity, health and behaviour.
‘’What can I expect in an EFT tapping session?’
In a one-to-one session with me – in person, or on the phone, or on Skype or Zoom – I will ask you what you’d like to improve in your life, and discuss the best way to start doing this immediately with tapping.
While I assist you to feel better on the topic you choose to work on, I am also teaching you the basics of how to start using EFT tapping for yourself in daily life. Once you know a little, you may share what you learn to help your family and friends feel better – plus, you can even tap to help your pets.
In resolving personal difficulties, you may either disclose details of events you want to heal or resolve quickly, or you may keep the information private, as EFT tapping works both ways.
Many difficulties yield to tapping release quickly. However, chronic or serious problems require persistence and EFT tapping experience.
About Annie (www.EFTemotionalhealing.com)
Hello, I’m passionate about relieving suffering and helping people to thrive, in the simplest and fastest ways possible. I’m a holistic practitioner, teacher, writer and educator.
I come from 30 years’ experience around Australia helping thousands of people feel better through natural stress reduction methods and personal empowerment techniques. Since 2008 I have specialised in Emotional Freedom Techniques as the most powerful and accessible method I’ve found. It’s used both by lay people and professionals.
I hold sessions with individuals and groups personally in Adelaide, and on Skype/Zoom anywhere.
I’m the author of ‘Tapping Your Troubles Away with EFT’, an EFT primer with case examples. I’m a contributing author to the EFT textbook ‘Clinical EFT Handbook’, Vol. 1, (U.S.A.)
I also train members of the public, healthcare and business professionals, and aspiring EFT practitioners in EFT Tapping for EFT INTERNATIONAL, the world’s largest professional association for tappers which is standardising EFT training worldwide.
Private Sessions with Annie
Skype/Zoom anywhere, and one-to-one in Adelaide
Your investment:
1-hour session $AUD 150
90-minute session $AUD 200
2-hour session $AUD 250
(Australia: concession cardholder discount of $30.)
Freedom Breakthrough Packages
for even bigger results (& savings).
Commit to 5 sessions, prepay for 4.
What is your biggest problem costing you? In your happiness, health, money, relationships, time, stress levels?
How would you like to be without such a problem?
- 5 x 2-hour sessions (normally $1,250) $1,000
- 5 x 90-minute sessions (normally $1,000) $850
- 5 x 1-hour sessions (normally $750) $600
The Package lasts for two months and includes between-session mentoring.
Client Virginia Sarah said: ‘Patterns that have been held for generations in our family are being cleared. After these few sessions I noticed unhealthy patterns of behaviour ending, and new possibilities and opportunities entering my life.’
Client Tina Gibson said: ‘This Freedom Breakthrough Package turned out to be one of the kindest things I have done for my wellbeing. If I had just booked one or two sessions I may not have got to the heart of so many things.’
Client Lorraine Yelland said: ‘It’s amazing how helpful these tapping processes are. I used to hate myself and often felt suicidal, but I don’t since having a few sessions with Annie. I feel emotional burdens lifting with each session, it’s incredible.’
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EFT TAPPING TRAINING COURSESEFT INTERNATIONAL approved trainings These trainings enable and continually expand trainees’ results, whether you want tapping skills for daily life, or whether you also want to become an EFT practitioner. They train reliably in the face of hundreds of EFT tapping imitations now on the Internet, because these courses are based on the scientific research studies of EFT tapping in action. The following certificates are internationally accredited with EFT INTERNATIONAL, the world’s largest professional association for tappers, which is standardising EFT tapping training worldwide. 2023 EFT tapping Certificate Level 12-day introductory weekend workshop with Manual Venue: Fullarton, Adelaide EMAIL now for Level 1 information sheet: annie@eftemotionalhealing.com BOOKING AND INFORMATION: http://www.eftemotionalhealing.com/
2023 EFT tapping Certificate Level 2 (must have Level 1 Certificate)2-day-&-1-evening introductory weekend workshop with Manual Venue: Fullarton, Adelaide EMAIL now for Level 2 information sheet: annie@eftemotionalhealing.com BOOKING AND INFORMATION: www.EFTemotionalhealing.com
EFT INTERNATIONAL Practitioner Training Level 1 and Level 2 , followed by practical training course Details on EFT INTERNATIONAL website: www.eftinternational.org |
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT tapping)
1hrAccelerated stress release acupressure-and-mindfulness technique. Faster, gentle, safe emotional and physical relief. Practitioner assisted, also self-help. Private sessions, workshops, training certificate courses (EFT INTERNATIONAL).
Past lifetimes regression therapy
2hrYour own personal experience of a relevant other lifetime that may be influencing this lifetime, along with healing adjustments to improve your life now.
- Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner
- Alpha RePatterning Practitioner
- EFT Advanced Practitioner
- Eft International Master Trainer and Advanced Practitioner
- Author of ‘tapping Your Troubles Away With Eft
- Contributor To The U.s. Eft Textbook ‘clinical Eft Handbook’, Vol.1
- Eft Universe Int-1 Practitioner
- Matrix Reimprinting With Eft Practitioner
- Alpha Repatterning With Eft Practitioner
- Tapping Out of Trauma Certificate 2 (dr Craig Weiner)
- Evidence-based Eft For Trauma Relief and Resiliency Certificate (dr. Lori Leyden)
- Energy, Trauma & Healing Certificate (dr. Dawson Church)
Professional Membership
- IICT - International Institute For Complementary Therapists
- EFT International
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