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The Carnarvon Dharma & Meditation Centre
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The Dharmadatu Buddhist Order exists as an expression of a new era in which the Dharma is communicated within a secular western context without recourse to religious beliefs or cultural institutionalisation. The Order provides an opportunity for those new to Buddhism to formalize their own commitment to the Dharma Path within that context. Its communication is drawn from within all of the major traditions of Buddhism but an emphasis is placed on the individual practitioner filtering out what is helpful for their growth and development and what is not under the guidance of its Consultant Dharma Director Paul Beard.
The Dharmadatu Buddhist Order & Sangha does not promote itself as a new school or tradition. It is the free association of individuals who seek to reach their full potential as human beings & who engage with Dharma & Meditation practice as a vehicle for that realization. You will find on this site details of our public classes together with an opportunity to engage in Dharma study at home with the assistance of one-to-one tutorial by e mail. All of our classes and study material are free of charge, but we do promote the ethos of generosity by providing an opportunity to make donations on a voluntary basis.
Classes are overseen and led by one of the regions most experienced and accredited meditation teachers and those he has trained to teach at the centre. Two structured meditation practices are taught which focus on concentration and clarity, combined with the development of kindly awareness and positive emotion.
There are so many things out there in the market place that are called Meditation. In many cases, what is being offered is little more than auto-suggestive relaxation techniques. These techniques play an important role in providing momentary respite from our hectic lifestyles, but really provide no long-term opportunity for change. At our classes you will be taught to meditate in safe & supportive conditions by an experienced teacher who will provide you with on-going support for your newly acquired meditation practice.
The two practices you will be taught have been thoroughly tried and tested and are over 2,500 years old. It is widely recognised that they compliment each other perfectly when practiced on a regular basis.
The benefits of Meditation on mental & physical health are now scientifically measurable and continue to prove beneficial to those who suffer the symptoms associated with 21st century living, i.e, stress, anxiety disorders and depression and we receive regular referrals from local G.P.’s
The Mindfulness of Breathing
This Meditation practice is the foundation practice of almost all of the contemplative traditions, of which Buddhism is but one. In time it provides the practitioner with the opportunity to develop a state of mind that is peaceful & quiet and provides a much needed sanctuary from the busyness of our everyday lives. Within the silence of the concentrated mind & with the clarity of our disciplined thought process we bring a greater sense of well-being to our lives.
The Metta Bhavana
This Meditation practice is the perfect antidote for the underlying sense of unease that is experienced by many in the West today. Low self-esteem or a lack of self-worth not only leads to self-directed anger and destructive behaviour but also leads to anger towards others. In time this practice provides the practitioner with the opportunity to challenge and change their fixed views of themself and others, which in turn, allows for the development of positive emotional states of mind.
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