Daniela Mitreska - APD
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Devoted Nutrition
Focus areas
Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD)
Following my passion to help individuals achieve their health and wellbeing goals, I completed my Master of Dietetics in Melbourne. Having a particular interest in diabetes, I spent 2 years researching the cellular effects of Type II diabetes. At Devoted Nutrition Melbourne, I enjoy spending quality time guiding my clients through their lifestyle journey & providing evidence-based tips in order to ensure that my clients can make the best food choices independently.
Nutrition Services
Devoted Nutrition - Melbourne accepts GP referrals and is registered with all major private health care providers.
We also accept patients on Chronic Disease Management (CDM) plans, previously know as EPC plans.
Our Dietitian is also fluent in Macedonian and is happy to take consultations in Macedonian.
Nutrition Analysis
Ever wondered what the nutritonal composition of you menu items are? Using food analysis software we will generate Nutrition Information Panels for you menu.
Weight Concern
Our dietitians are passionate about nutritional interventions and support regarding weight concern and the non-diet approach to healthy living. The key to success is to learn how to be honest with your care team as well as yourself. Feel confortable during every session as we listen with a compassionate ear. We are 100% dedicated to your success and we will work to motivate you to be in charge of your own goals.
Lifestyle change takes time and practice. This cant be learned in one session and one diet does not fit all. Our dietitians at Devoted Nutrition are here to support you on your health journey to weight control. With ongoing email support and motivation between sessions as well as the option of taking a dietitian grocery shopping with you, we want to keep you on track until your heath strategies turn into habits and a way of living. As dietitians, we love being apart of the success and happiness of our patients however, you wont see any testimonials here. As accredited professionals, using testimonials is against our code of Professional Conduct and Statement of Ethical Practice. As accredited practising dietitans at Devoted Nutrition we will continue to evolve with nutritional science so that you know you are getting the best up-to-date, evidence-based aapproach to weight management. Start your health journey today.
Diabetes Management
No matter your type; Gestational Diabetes, Type I Diabetes, Type II Diabetes, Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT) or Pre-Diabetes, our dietitians can teach you how to enjoy your food whilst managing your diabetes. Complications of diabetes are serious. Reduce your risk by learning how to balance your meals. Did you know dietitians are the only qualified health professionals that can nutritionally manage medical conditions such as diabetes. Our dietitians work closely with your GP and diabetes educator particularly if you are on medication or insulin to ensure a holistic approach to health care. Start your health journey today.
Sports Nutrition
Looking to get the most out of training? Want to know how to best recover after a tough training session?
Need to assess your body composition?
Get expert adive and a tailored plan specifically for your needs.
Healthy Living Group Sessions
Devoted Nutrition is here to support you with your lifestyle journey but, if you find that you work best with the encouragement of your friends and family, why not get the group involved?
This package includes :
- 1 x Initial Consultation (one-on-one)
- 2 x Review Consultations (group session)
- 1x email support session
- Personal Training (optional),
Its suitable for a maximum of 10 people who are are trying to lose weight the healthy & sustainable way, meaning you are trying to avoid the never ending yo-yo & fad diets! Our expert dietitians and personal trainers will teach you how you can fit in a healthy lifestyle amongst a busy schedule whilst enjoying the encouragement of your friends or family.
If youre not after weight loss but instead want focuss on health living we can also incorporate the non-diet approch into this package.
Nutrition Presentations
Our dietitians are experienced in delivering interactive nutritional presentations on a variety of topics and to a variety of audiences. All information provided is based on clinical experience and evidence-based practices. We aim to motivate and inspire whilst delivering a heath message. Presentations will be tailored to suite your needs and audience. Whether you need a short 30min talk or a detailed 60min session, whether you prefer a small workshop session or formal presentation to a large group, Devoted Nutrition will structure any presentation to accommodate for your facility.
Corporate Nutrition
Did you know that you can improve productivity of your workplace by offering your employees short one-on-one dietetic consultations, nutrition workshops or group education session at your place of work. Now we can also deliver a range of healthy snacks to your work place !
Contact our Dietitan, Daniela on 0431 572 557 to discuss how Devoted Nutrition can help you achieve your health goals.
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