Hilary O'Moore
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Daisy Hills Services
Focus areas
Social work practice is effective across the life span, and this includes working with children, adults, families, carers, groups and communities. Most importantly, social workers work alongside people, with and without disability, to facilitate their empowerment and that of their families and carers to progress towards their needs, goals and aspirations for positive change.
Daisy Hills Services emphasis the principles of social justice and respect for human dignity and human rights. The social work profession operates at the interface between people and their social, cultural, physical and natural environments. Social workers maintain a dual focus on both improving human well being and addressing any external issues that impact on well being, create inequality, injustice and discrimination.
Our service is driven to create individual and innovative supports that are designed with you, to progress you towards positive life changes and achieving your goals. We have the experience, maturity, respect of dignity and commitment to work with you and walk alongside you for this part of your journey.
Daisy Hills Services delivers supports to the Southern region of SA from Noarlunga to Kangaroo Island and covers the Southern Fleurieu and Alexandrina Council region.
We travel to Kangaroo Island several times per month and are on the Island for one week each visit to provide consistent services.
Hilary O'Moore
B. Soc. Work.
Dip. Clinical Hypnosis Registered with ASH
Accredited Social Worker with AASW
Hilary is a mature and passionate clinical social worker with over 25 years experience working within the human services, she has lived experience with autism spectrum challenges and has had a long and varied career working with individuals, community groups, State and Commonwealth government agencies and creating her own support groups to assist her family members and the ASD community. The philosophy of Daisy Hills Services is to support people to make positive changes in their lives, from a social work framework, which recognises that we all have strengths and skills and can utilise these to make changes for ourselves.
As each daisy is unique Hilary applies innovative and individual supports to meet the individual's specific needs and challenges.
Therapy and Supports
Clinical Hypnosis
A positive and empowering experience to have a relaxed body and an alert mind where the brain can learn how to do things differently, hypnosis can address challenges such as addiction, anxiety, bereavement/grief, fear/phobia, confidence, habits and disorders, pain and assist medical supports, depression, sexual behaviours and sexuality, anger management, weight and eating issues, child birth, elderly and aged supports, business, exams, sporting confidence and family matters - individual and innovative supports for children, adolescents and adults.
Hilary is developing a specific model of hypnosis and utilising tangible objects to support people with ASD this process has been created and is being developed by Daisy Hills Services. Each session may be recorded by the participant and this can be used at home for increased intensity and ongoing self-help, this service can be delivered in your home or in your place of choice in the community, Hilary is in the process of locating appropriate rooms in the Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island regions. After the first session your specific needs will be discussed and a program created to meet your unique requirements, certain programs such as the quit smoking, hypno-gastric banding weight loss and child birthing packages require a block of sessions.
Hilary is certified for Clinical Hypnosis and is registered with the Australian Society of Hypnosis Inc. any person who is offering hypnosis for a fee should be registered with this organisation and you can request to see their certification and membership documents, DHS encourages all potential clients to request this authenticity.
Therapeutic Supports
Counselling sessions and mapping of the intervention for mutual clarity, therapy may be delivered by contemporary measures such as Cognitive Behaviour Theory, Narrative Therapy, Mindfulness, Play Therapy, Reminiscence Therapy, by using drawing, music, sensory tools, drama techniques and ACT. Therapeutic Lego Groups will be created using the D. Legoff model for groups of three to four for social exchange and cooperative task achievement, and small social groups will also be created for clusters of children, adolescents and adults who have common interests in their own region, this is an ongoing commitment by Daisy Hills Services to build social inclusion and address isolation. Clinical Hypnosis may be utilised for areas of emotional, physical, social and sensory challenge and to promote confidence and future positive functioning; each program of support is unique to the individual. Therapy can be delivered to your home, in your community, favourite place for breathing and in the future, at Daisy Hills Services rooms in the Southern Fleurieu region and Kangaroo Island.
Sensory Supports
There are numerous supports that can be trialed, purchased or made to assist with sensory challenges or for comfort and to use for personal needs. Daisy Hills Services will provide the opportunity to explore some of these items for touch, taste, smell, hearing, seeing, motion and experiencing whether you require these to address functional challenges or for anxiety, confidence, to assist with focus or with self-regulation. Future groups will be created to meet this need as identified.
Social Skills
Specifically for people with ASD but this area is becoming a popular support for people who have difficulty with social interaction and reading the social context. An individual or group (to be created as required) experience for appropriate and successful social skills, social play and social outings that can be facilitated by social work or peer mentors. The opportunity to practice social responses in a safe and supported environment with links to mentors and social guides in community. Hilary has a background in theatre and psycho-dramatic supports from her years teaching and performing in theatre and has always found these skills to be a valuable and unique support for exploring social confusion and increased social confidence.
NDIS Planning and Coordination of Supports
Hilary has been a Planner with the NDIS for four years and has worked in SA supporting plans for children from 0-18 yrs and worked in ACT planning for 0-64 yrs. Providing Support Connection, Coordination of Supports and Specialised Coordination of Supports as required to assist individuals, families and carers to navigate the NDIS process and to find therapists, supports, groups, respite, employment supports and equipment suppliers as applicable, within your region to be funded by your plan. Support for understanding your plan management options, and to access community and mainstream supports as appropriate. To assist you through the 'Daisy Maze' of our government process' and procedures, support can be booked prior to your first planning appointment to assist you to be prepared and advocacy to assist with the appeals process should you wish to have your NDIS plan amended or appeal the decision. Daisy Hills Services NDIS Provider # 4050017211.
Call now to arrange a suitable appointment when Daisy Hills Services is travelling to your community.
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