CYBER-BAND Hypnotherapy therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
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CYBER-BAND Hypnotherapy

Cyber - Band Hypnotherapy

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CYBER-BAND Hypnotherapy co-created by Peter Zapfella and Coral A Conrad creates a virtual gastric band without the need for surgery. Following years of successful clinical practice in weight control and other issues using Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Emotional Alignment Therapy (EAT), counseling and hypnotherapy, they consulted with several people who had successfully completed gastric lap band surgery with subsequent weight loss, and were advised by hospital surgical staff with hands on clinical experience in the procedure. CYBER-BAND Hypnotherapy is Australian developed and owned. We suggest you choose to do your Weight Control therapy locally with the Australian founders and developers of CYBER-BAND Hypnotherapy - Peter Zapfella and Coral A Conrad. PHONES: 61 (0) 4 32718026 / 08 95 352 358 ? Peter Zapfellaand 61 (0) 4 28698968 Coral A Conrad Weekends ? Darwin: 31 Woods Street, Darwin City. NT Friday to Wednesday: Perth Metro WA 0432718026 WorldWide via SKYPE: Peter Zapfella    


Servicing area

Perth WA, Darwin NT,

Focus areas

Stroke Death Self-empowerment Habits Addiction Joy

Now you can Quit Tobacco Smoking and Problem (Alcohol) Drinking. Phobia's, Depression, Anxietyu and Panioc Attacks in just one session.

Now everyone can be slimmer, healthier and happier by taking control of their own weight, deleting their former food cravings and addictions. The weight is over!

Using Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Emotional Alignment Therapy and Advanced Hypnotherapy techniques Peter Zapfella firstly assist his clients to privately resolve old self-limiting beliefs (eg. 'I do not deserve...', addictions (eg. sugar and carbo's) and negative emotions (eg. sadness, worry, boredom, depression, past trauma's) related to their poor diet and excess body weight problems. Then they educate their clients about effective healthy life style changes and techniques that are proven to work.

Clients who have completed Weight Control therapy often send their friends reporting back with amazing results.

Now clients have the added option of CYBER-BAND Hypnotherapy whereby the deep unconscious mind believes they have under gone gastric band surgery, forcing them to eat smaller meal potions, thereby developing new healthy habits and behaviors and controlling weight long term.

  • The WEIGHT is OVER.
  • FREE of surgery time off work.
  • FREE of surgery pain or discomfort.
  • FREE of surgery scarring.
  • EASY to adjust & reversible.
  • $AVE thousands over $urgery




Tobacco smoking, poor diet and excess body weight account for the greatest causes of avoidable deaths in Australia, and the Western world, followed by alcohol.

The solution is easy; quit smoking, control weight, and quit problem drinking with Peter Zapfella. Then you will be able to avoid - type 2 diabetes, tobacco, alcohol and food addictions, hypertension, reflux oesophagitis., low self esteem, depression, anxiety, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, obstructive sleep apnea - snoring, and some cancers.

'I saw Peter Zapfella in Newman a few years ago for weight loss. Over the next 3 months I lost 27 KGs it just fell off me without a thought in it.' Megan L, WA

Only after private, one-on-one 'Weight Control Therapy' using NLP/EAT do they perform CYBER-BAND, Hypnotherapy over a series of sessions, where appropriate.


Have you ever struggled with 'yoyo' fad diets and exercise in an attempt to get rid of excess fat?

Many people who have tried to control weight are done with many of the commercial diets and expensive weight loss classes with limited (if any) results.

Others have done the exercise and gym thing, sweating it out for hours with personal trainers; ultimately with no measurable results. Why?

Because they were trying to change the 'outside', but had failed to change their unconscious, 'blueprint' of the body, on the 'inside'. The unconscious keeps resetting to the old default program.

Research has shown that many over weight people also suffer from unresolved trauma's, boredom, stress, anxiety, guilt or depression and may use food to help regulate their moods, much the same as problem drinkers and tobacco smokers.

Peter and Coral assist those people to overcome their emotional challenges, as part of the weight loss program.

Others say they eat or 'binge' on food, particularly sugar, chocolate, cola and 'junk' food. Peter and Coral are addiction specialists - so food addictions can also be resolved.

They 'cleanup' the issues at the heart of the problem.

Peter assisst his clients to change their core unconscious beliefs and negative emotions that are at the 'root cause'.

Peter Zapfella also uses Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Emotional Alignment Therapy techniques to overcome the root cause of the problem.

He can facilitate a 'contract' between the conscious and unconscious minds to lose a certain amount of excess fat within a certain period, using Emotional Alignment Therapy.

Eating disorders and syndromes caused by the unconscious mind's beliefs can be adjusted to make healthy choices in the future.
Anorexia nervosa, characterized by an unrealistic perception of current body weight.
Bulimia nervosa, by recurrent binge eating followed by compensatory behaviors such as purging (self‐induced vomiting, excessive use of laxatives/diuretics, or excessive exercise).
Binge Eating disorder or compulsive overeating.
Purging disorder, characterized by recurrent purging to control weight or shape in the absence of binge eating episodes.
Rumination, Characterized by involving the repeated painless regurgitation of food following a meal which is then either re-chewed and re-swallowed, or discarded.
Diabulimia, Characterized by the deliberate manipulation of insulin levels by diabetics in an effort to control their weight.

Excess fat loss without struggle is possible through appropriate eating habits and good exercise, because the mind is no longer sabotaging weight management.

I have lost 10 kilograms so far since seeing you. Now 2 of my friends who have had gastric lap banding surgery without weight loss want to see you for CYBER-BAND Hypnotherapy, and I want it too! Amanda R. Perth.

Gastric bypass surgery is a dangerous procedure where the stomach, duodenum and part of the small intestine are bypassed. Gastric lap banding is a procedure whereby an inflatable band is surgically fitted around the top of the stomach. A 'port' is also surgically inserted and stitched to the abdominal wall so that a saline solution can later be injected or withdrawn to adjust the tightness of the band. The theory is the tightness of the band limits the amount of food you can consume at any one time.

Peter Zapfella and Coral Conrad developed CYBER-BAND Hypnotherapy to utilize the power of the mind to develop new eating habits and behaviors that result in significant weight loss without painful, expensive gastric surgery. Weight Control therapy and CYBER-BAND Hypnotherapy is a highly personalised program tailored to you individually.


    • DEATH. Some people die as a result of complications associated with gastric bypass surgery and gastric lap banding surgery. No one dies as a result of CYBER-BAND Hypnotherapy.
    • There is always pain and discomfort as a result of the gastric surgery, with some also reporting referred pain in other parts of the body. There is no pain or discomfort as a result of CYBER-BAND Hypnotherapy.
    • You must be obese or morbidly obese or have serious health problems to qualify for gastric bypass or lap banding surgery. Any over weight person qualifies for CYBER-BAND Hypnotherapy.
    • To qualify for gastric surgery you must have a demonstrated history of failure with other weight control methods. Peter Zapfella and Coral A Conrad resolve the psychological causes related to weight prior to CYBER-BAND Hypnotherapy, therefore making it more effective than surgery alone.
    • Both the gastric bypass and gastric lap banding procedure requires keyhole surgery, often with a general anesthetic. While usually performed in a private one-on-one therapy session, CYBER-BAND Hypnotherapy can be remotely performed online via Skype, almost anywhere in the world.
    • There is a long recovery period, with perhaps a month off work, as a result of gastric surgery. CYBER-BAND Hypnotherapy has no down-time due to recovery.
    • The operation brings with it potential medical complications including infection, internal bleeding, gastritis and ulceration. CYBER-BAND Hypnotherapy is quick, simple and safe - no medical complications.
    • The gastric lap band can slip, or in some cases be subject to erosion ( the band works its way through the stomach wall allowing the gastric contents to leak into the body cavity).
    • Unpleasant and even painful vomiting or regurgitation of food often occurs following gastric surgery.
    • The port may bulge through the skin.
    • The port can "flip over" so that the membrane can no longer be accessed with a needle, or the tube may kink, requiring surgery to reposition. The CYBER-BAND can never slip, bulge, flip over, kink.
    • The port may get disconnected from the tube or the tube may be perforated in the course of a port access attempt. Either would result in loss of fill fluid and restriction, requiring surgery. The CYBER-BAND can never disconnect or perforate.
    • Medicare and private insurance covers less than 10 per cent of the cost of the gastric lap band. CYBER-BAND Hypnotherapy is a small fraction of the cost of gastric surgery.
    • CYBER-BAND Hypnotherapy has arguably better success rates than gastric lap banding. The WEIGHT is over.
    • In the course of our research we have found several people who have had to regularly return to the doctor to have the band adjusted, and some failed to lose any weight as a result of the band. Some have had the gastric lap band removed in another painful and expensive operation. Peter Zapfella and Coral A Conrad can adjust or remove the CYBER-BAND over the phone for FREE!
    • CYBER-BAND Hypnotherapy is contra-indicated for a few individuals who suffer certain psychological problems or are using certain medications.

Peter, five years ago you completely changed my life when I met you at the Conscious Living Expo and had followup sessions with you. Because of the amazing things I learned that day I have gone on to study NLP and hypnosis. I want to assist others to discover their self empowerment too. Kindest regards. Dee Lyon. Perth. WA


The medical/health fraternity use a theoretical guide to measure 'ideal weight' called Body Mass Index (BMI).
BMI uses a mathematical formula that takes into account a person's height and weight. BMI equals a person's weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared. (BMI=kg/m2).

Underweight = up to 18.5
Normal Weight = 18.5‐24.9
Overweight = 25‐29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

You should also make allowances for race, age, gender, body type, and perhaps medications and certain diseases. If you fall into the overweight, obese or extremely obese category, your health may be at risk if you do not reduce your weight to the recommended level, particularly if you experience any of the following:
high blood pressure (hypertension) high LDL;cholesterol ("bad" cholesterol) low HDL;cholesterol ("good" cholesterol) high triglycerides family history of premature heart disease, physical inactivity and tobacco smoking

For people who are considered obese (BMI greater than or equal to 30) or those who are overweight (BMI of 25 to 29.9) and have two or more risk factors, the guidelines recommend weight loss.

Just a 10 per cent cut in your current weight will help to lower your risk of developing diseases associated with obesity.

People who are overweight or obese have a greater chance of developing high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol or other lipid disorders, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and certain cancers. Even a small weight loss will help to lower the risk of developing those diseases. Talk to your doctor to see if you are at an increased risk, and talk to your doctor before commencing diets and exercise programs. Before commencing CYBER-BAND Hypnotherapy you must have your doctor's approval.

'Our whole family is blown away by the treatment you gave Alan. He stated at the outset that he was going to have a couple of drinks on Christmas Day (also his brothers birthday) and on New Years Eve. He did this, keeping to just a couple, and hasnt had a drink at any other time. He says that even when he had those drinks, he didnt particularly enjoy them and didnt feel like continuing. He has occasions when he feels like having a beer, but when he goes to the fridge he changes his mind. The difference in Alan is amazing.
He is happier, more confident and has goals of losing weight, getting fit, saving money and is a joy to have around. We have been so worried over the past few years about Alans drinking, which was completely out of control. Apart from the very dangerous things he was doing, I kept getting embarrassing feed-back from people that he became loud and obnoxious after a few drinks.
We are so grateful to you. It was the best money weve ever spent! We (including Alan) have told many people about what you do. Hopefully youll get some more clients from our referrals.' Many, many thanks, Heather. Mount Lawley. WA (names changed for privacy. Alan's friends and father have since had therapy with Peter and experienced the same results)


Based in Mandurah Western Australia. Peter travels to Darwin, Northern Territory monthly regularly. Peter will be attending Darwin soon:

Appointments are usually available at either 8.00AM (0800) , 10.30AM (1030), 1.00PM (1300), 3.30PM (1530) or in some cases 6.00PM (1800).
Darwin, Palmerston, Casuarina, Northern Suburbs, Millner, Nightcliff, Berry Springs, Yarrawonga, Woodroffe, Stuart Park, Coconut Grove, Pinelands, Winnellie, Karama, Rosebery, Virginia, Howard Springs, Berrimah, Coolalinga, Bees Creek, Humpty Doo, Girraween, Herbert, Noonamah, Tiwi, Moulden, Marlow Lagoon, Knuckey Lagoon, Hidden Valley, Bayview, Marrara, Karama, Nakara, Katherine, Alice Springs. Email or call Peter on 0432718026.


Perth and Mandurah. Call Peter on 0432718026 or 08 95 352 358.


Peter Zapfella attends corporate locations, by arrangement. Private individual sessions are available World-Wide via Skype.

Private therapy available World-Wide via SKYPE
Peter Zapfella will travel anywhere to assist people to quit smoking - if there are sufficient client numbers to make the trip viable. Inquiries welcome. Private individual sessions are available World-Wide via Skype. Download 'Skype' FREE online at or You can test your Internet speed for FREE at Add 'Peter Zapfella'


PHONES: +61 (0) 4 32718026 / 08 95 352 358 - Peter Zapfella
and +61 (0) 4 28698968 Coral A Conrad

Darwin: 31 Woods Street, Darwin. NT 0800

World-Wide via SKYPE: Peter Zapfella +61 432718026 &

MOBILE/TEXT: +61 (0) 4 3271 8026
PHONE: 08 95 352 358

World-Wide via SKYPE: Peter Zapfella +61 432718026


'Peter, We havent met but I know you by reputation.
Id like to say a thank you for treating my dad just after my mom died. His name is Gerry Prangley. You saw him about two years ago. The transformation was incredible to say the least. You have also helped many of my clients and other members of my (inherited) family including a young woman named Grace. She brought her sister Cathy along to the session... Grace has walked for years with a stoop the result of an abusive marriage. She is a wonderful but very simple girl who was never afforded an education. Today she is a top sales person in a jewellery store, stands tall her stoop has vanished and is in a lovely relationship with a very decent man. Another incredible transformation...
I will continue to make referrals (to you) in the New Year.'
Roxy OReilly.

FREE of SMOKING - for life! Individually one session free of nicotine withdrawals, struggle and weight gain. (Brochure available)

Quit Addictions (drugs, marijuana, gambling, alcohol, chocolate, coffee, food, sugar, internet, porn etc) individually in one session (Brochure available)

Quit Eating Disorders (Brochure available)‐ Anorexia nervosa, characterized by an unrealistic perception of current body weight.

Bulimia nervosa, by recurrent binge eating followed by compensatory behaviors such as purging (self‐induced vomiting, excessive use of laxatives/diuretics, or excessive exercise).

Binge Eating disorder or compulsive overeating.

Purging disorder, characterized by recurrent purging to control weight or shape in the absence of binge eating episodes.

Rumination, Characterized by involving the repeated painless regurgitation of food following a meal which is then either re-chewed and re-swallowed, or discarded.

Diabulimia, Characterized by the deliberate manipulation of insulin levels by diabetics in an effort to control their weight.

Quit Irrational worry, stress and anxiety. (Brochure available)

Quit sadness, loss and depression. (Brochure available)

Quit Phobias and irrational fears. (Brochure available)

Quit frustration, anger including road rage & domestic violence.

Quit Sexual problems (performance, confidence, guilt, shame etc)

Quit Shyness & blushing. Nail biting.

Quit Childhood traumas (physical, emotional & sexual)

Quit guilt, shame, embarrassment, hurt & low self esteem.

Quit Self limiting beliefs and MORE.....

Go to

''I located Peter Zapfella through a recommendation by my GPI found with Peter that he has the ability to make a patient feel comfortable and is very approachable and personable. He handled my every need as a patient and desire to learn and understand the way in which the mind works with extreme professionalism. I cannot speak highly enough of his sincerity and genuine interest in helping his patients. Not to mention his knowledge on the subject. Since my first meet with Peter in 2003 I have directed many patients to him, including family members with outstanding results. Ashley Satie. Port Kennedy. WA


By attending, the client agrees to follow instructions and tasks without limitation. If a client fails to appear, or is late for the nominated appointment, fails to pay all outstanding amounts due, or fails to complete tasks as instructed, then all warranties and guarantee's become void.
Like any medical or therapy procedure there can be no definite guarantees of success. No doctor, psychologist, acupuncturist or counselor can give a 'money-back guarantee', and we do NOT either. Truth is a 'money-back guarantee' is an invitation to fail.

When booking an appointment for therapy you agree to pay a deposit. If for any reason you cannot attend a booked appointment, you will email or call Peter Zapfella by phone (04 32718026) as soon as possible, so that someone else can have the opportunity of using that appointment time. You also agree that if you fail to give more than 24 hours notice of cancellation/postponement of an appointment you will forfeit the deposit. The balance of all fees for all sessions are payable and due at the time of the first appointment. If you fail to give notice and fail to appear for your booked appointment you agree to pay the full fee for the reserved time. In addition you agree to pay for all professional collection costs and fees reasonably incurred in recovering the debt, plus interest and administration fees as detailed at If a client is not ready to make THE change/s in their life, or if they are ill, have a communicable disease (e.g. Colds and flus etc), they should postpone their appointment until they are healthy. Peter Zapfella reserves the right to end a session or therapy if a client is un-cooperative, unwell or under the influence of drugs etc.
You agree you have your doctors approval to proceed with weight control therapy and CYBER-BAND Hypnotherapy before your first appointment.


Private therapy available World-Wide via
Download 'Skype' FREE online at or You can test your Internet speed for FREE at


Peter Zapfella and Coral Conrad will travel anywhere to assist people to change their lives for the better - if there are sufficient client numbers to make the trip viable. Get together ## number of people and you get your individual therapy FREE. Register your interest now by email.
See for Corporate Conditions.

CYBER-BAND is a trade mark. number 1463052.

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