Crystal Energies - PSYCH-K therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
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Crystal Energies - PSYCH-K

Crystal Energies - PSYCH-K

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The healing vibrations of Australian Bush Flowers and Alaskan Flower, Gem and Environmental Essences affect our spiritual and emotional bodies. They act as a catalyst to unlock your full potential, resolve negative beliefs and create emotional health and well being.

Australian and Alaskan Flower Essences and Gem Essences

Servicing area

Geelong Region & Distance Healing Available

Focus areas

Emotions Love Brain integration Stress Management Guilt Grief

Flower Essences are produced by imprinting a flowers unique vibrational healing signature onto the carrier solution and are used to treat imbalances at a higher level. Essences assist us to bring about emotional and spiritual balance and well being in the whole person. Australian Bush Flower Essences and the Alaska essences are both self adjusting and without side effects. They assist us with memory difficulties or loss, stress, anger, reduction of radiation absorbed from x-rays and also for healing after surgery, protection and many other things. Our organs store different emotions , for example the liver holds anger, the kidneys hold fear and the lungs hold grief and anxiety. The essences assist to change these negative emotions into a higher vibration and release them.

95% of our beliefs which are stored in the subconscious mind, were formed between conception and up to age 6. This is an age when our cognitive processes and intellect were very immature and far from being fully formed. These beliefs that were formed when we were so young, continue to direct and affect our conscious behaviour long into adulthood, for we are constantly creating situations to reinforce the particular belief that we hold. The Australian Bush Flower Essences assist in releasing these beliefs at the level of the subconscious. An example is the very powerful Essence called Boab, which clears family patterning which has been passed down from generation to generation. When we address these self limiting beliefs and clear them, your true essence and spirit can awaken and emerge. Another stunning essence is Five Corners which is the beautiful pink flower at the top of this page. Five Corners aligns the conscious and subconscious minds, clearing self sabotage when you are working towards a goal. It also assists with self love and self acceptance and can drown out that voice that tells you you are not good enough or worthy. Five corners works to connect you to the truth which is that you are a unique and loving soul.

Combining healing energy with crystals and essences allows your body to come back into balance and a healthier state via Vibrational Healing.

Your Soul recommends essences for you, and you can also select them for yourself by working with the Insight cards with photos of all 69 Essences available. I also have in stock the Light Frequency Essences, The White Light Essences and the new Isis and Solar Logos Essences. The Bush Flower Essences work at the 1st level, the cognitive and emotional. The White Light Essences work at the 2nd level, healing and clearing at the Soul level. The Light Frequency Essences work at the level of the Divine Essence, also referred to as the Individual Flame or Higher Self. I also have in stock many of the Alaskan Flower, Gem and Environmental Essences,

You may view more information and also videos about the individual essences on the site for Australian Bush Flowers at The founder is Ian White, a 5th generation Naturopath who I am grateful to have had the opportunity of studying with. I have gained a thorough working knowledge of the essences and the ability to make my own. On his site it may be of interest to you to read about case histories regarding the use of the essences, by clicking on the tab "practitioners". I look forward to every opportunity that I have to share these beautiful healing tools, the flowers of this beautiful country , Australia.

Essences only $15

Geelong Region or Distance Healing Sessions Available

*Available to purchase are:Alaskan Flower, Gem or Environmental Essences. The White Light Essences, Light Frequency Essences, 73 Individual Flower Essences and the new Isis and Solar Logos Essences. If you choose to work with essences alone and not receive healing with any of the additional modalities I offer a bottle that lasts for approximately 2 weeks which costs $15. (per bottle)

For more information or to make
a booking, call or email today!



9 Services

Essences - flower, crystal, environmental.

less than 1min
Crystal Therapy Energy Healing Spiritual Healing Flower Essences Women's Health Men's Health
$20 Per course

Essences are vibration support to transform energy from dark to light, negative to positive. I stock Australian Bush Flower and Light essences, Alaskan crystal, flower and environment essences and other ranges too.

Emotion Code

Energy Healing
$190 Per session

Uncovering and releasing trapped emotions or inherited emotions.