Christine & Geoff Kingsley
Clicking on the Send Me Details Now button opens an enquiry form where you can message Christine & Geoff Kingsley directly
Knowledge and Guidance Through Truth and Love
Servicing area
Padstow HeightsFocus areas
Self awareness
Psychic development
Stress Management
Crystal Stargate provides a platform to share the knowledge and guidance gained over 40 combined years of metaphysical discovery.
As now renowned holistic healers themselves, Christine and Geoff provide gentle awareness programs in healing self and others, mediumship, meditation, development and clearings.
They also conduct a fully approved and accredited Diploma Course in Energetic/Spiritual Healing.
People can learn to connect to their inner self as well as to the spirit world and help end their own personal struggles, finding lasting peace.
They will show you, love does not ever die!
Part of the process is learning different modalities and techniques to help you move along your path. To acknowledge and let go of areas of your inner self that no longer serve you in your journey.
The many workshops they hold guide their clients/students to understand and develop their own skills physically and spiritually. This enable them to work with spirit and walk in the physical world. Thus bringing heaven to earth.
They believe that giving knowledge, guidance and understanding to others enables them to move forward and gain control of their own lives and restores balance back to mind, body and spirit.
We are all naturally gifted, let us show you how to unlock and nurture those gifts.
Events Schedule 2012
2nd & 3rd Aura Workshop
8th Evening of Drumming
14th Evening of Healing
15th Open Circle
22nd Spiritual Church Service - Panania
Regular Events
Open Circle
3rd Friday Evening of the Month
7.00pm till 8.30pm
Contact us for venue location
Do you want to try meditation before committing your time on a regular basis? Come and join Sandra and Christina who are
experienced teachers, mediums and healers on the third Friday of each month for an open circle. Explore and learn about your
inner self. This is an evening of meditation to decrease your stress and increase your inner strength, and exercises to help you
develop your psychic abilities.
Cost: $25.00
Monthly Service
4th Friday of the Month
7.30pm 9.30pm
Held at the Panania Senior Citizens Club (Next to Library)
77 Anderson Avenue, Panania NSW 2213
This is a gathering of like minded people coming together to enjoy music, song, love and what spirit brings forth in the form of messages and healing for you.
Cost: By donation
Open Healing
2nd Thursday Evening of the Month
7.30pm 9.00pm
All are welcome please contact us for location.
This is an open healing, which starts 7.30pm till 9.00pm where there are a group of our healers giving to you.
We have had many people request we continue this healing service as they feel the benefits in many ways.
Donation: $20.00
Not available during school holidays
Evening of Drumming
2nd Friday Evening of the Month
7.30pm till 9.00pm
Contact us for the venue location.
This is a wonderful evening..
Bring a Drum, rattle or just come for to sing along and feel the vibration of the drums.
Its a great evening of unity and just plain fun.
Cost: $20.00
Not available during school holidays
Massage & Therapy
Massage is one of the oldest, simplest forms of therapy and is a system of stroking, pressing and kneading different areas of the body to relieve pain, relax, stimulate, and tone the body. Massage does much more than create a pleasant sensation on the skin, it also works on the soft tissues (the muscles, tendons, and ligaments) to improve muscle tone. Although it largely affects the muscles just under the skin, its benefits may also reach the deeper layers of muscle and possibly even the organs themselves. Massage also stimulates blood circulation and assists the lymphatic system (which runs parallel to the circulatory system), improving the elimination of waste throughout the body.
Mind & Spirit
Our minds are an amazing piece of equipment, without maintenance and proper care we can start to sabotage ourselves, which will lead to a lack of confidence and self esteem. Think of our mind like a computer it must be well maintained to work to our benefit.
Our spirit is important. Through programming from the past we can forget who we are and it can be a long and frustrating journey back to balance and harmony.
It is our intuition and spirit that guides us along our path to become our true selves.
We need our strength to be able to follow our intuition, which we all have deep inside us.
Crystal Stargate provide a range of personal and spiritual services, which are conducted in a loving and safe environment.
Meditation is a state of mind that can help you relax and in time be at one with yourself by understanding what gives you your moods, emotions and frustrations.
Through meditation these negative traits can be melted away over time, giving you the freedom to understand that it can clear your mind of thoughts that have created confusion around you and do not serve you anymore. This will give you a more positive outlook on life and help you to find that inner peace and happiness we all search for. Meditation is an excellent way to manage the stresses of daily life and understanding yourself. Remember it is a practice not a skill and the more you practice the more adept you become.
Investment: $25.00 per class (numbers limited)
Through Meditation you can begin to understand yourself, your guides and helpers who work with you. It is important to sit and meditate, for this will give you the understanding about the self. By sitting in a circle you get to know the energy of others. This enables you to blend with the auras of others to create a protective power around the developing psychic/mediums. Sitting in a circle enables these energies to flow from one sitter to the next, uplifting all the sitters. The teacher will help and guide those sitting to understand the energies around them and grow from these experiences by bringing in exercises for the student to expand their spiritual and psychic abilities. Dedication is required to gain full understanding and advancement. To sit in a development circle "Pathways to Self" is a pre-requisite.
Investment: $25.00 per session (numbers limited)
During your private sitting it is good to remember that spirit people are bound by a natural law and will only come through with love and truth. Spirit will respect your privacy, unless it is important to communicate it for your growth or awareness.
By linking with spirit guides and loved ones from the other side we give you information, which will help you on your lifes journey. This will give you a much broader understanding of the situations or outcomes, which may arise from your actions. Once you have this information, it will be up to you to determine your own course of action, as you have free will. Mediums will seldom remember much of what they have said after a sitting is finished
*Clairvoyant *Survival * Psychometry *Crystal Ally Cards
Consultation: $150.00 per hour 50% deposit required to confirm your booking & 48hours notice required for cancellations
No one person can understand another person fully. The key to good counseling is listening, observing, empathy and creating trust with their client. Christine has been using counseling within her practice, as well as one on one therapy for many years. She has achieved excellent results in helping with depression, anxiety, self-esteem issues and confusion. Within these sessions you will also be given healing and the keys to help you help yourself, giving you back control of your own life.
Investment: $120.00 per hour
In our busy industrial world sometimes we have forgotten about our energy levels and being balanced with nature to enable us to flow as one with the universe. Spiritual Healing allows the balancing energy to flow through and help clear, focus and harmonise the mind, body and spirit to become one again. This energy comes from a higher source and enables the healer to move into the auric field to clear away what is no longer needed. It is important that the recipient be opened to this healing as the intent to heal or be healed must flow both ways.
Investment: $120.00 per hour
Many ancient traditions have used Crystals in their healings, rituals and meditations to cleanse, clear and clarify. Crystals have been known to clear the blockages and ailments that hold you back in life. Crystals intensify your own positive energy.
They are Earth Energy, which is why we have an affiliation with them.
Crystal Resonance Therapy takes crystal healing out of the realm of superstition and into the realm of science. It is based on aspects of both quantum and Newtonian physics; utilizing basic laws of energy movement and electromagnetism to effectively shift energetic blocks and patterns within the physical body and energetic field.
During a CRT session, crystals and stones, sound vibration, and other sources of energy are utilized to engage the clients energy field and physical body in a state of resonance with the Earths natural electro-magnetic field.
The client experiences warmth, wellbeing, and a sense of release from limiting patterns and blockages. Often, clients report a sense of expanded connection to their spiritual guides and a sense of expanded consciousness. Sessions include an intake, full energy system assessment and balancing, appropriate crystal or stone placement and guided meditation. If you have ever been interested in exploring crystal healing, you definitely should explore Crystal Resonance Therapy!
Consultation: $180.00 Initial Session then $120.00 per hour
Reiki is the giving of universal life force. Rei meaning universal and Ki meaning life force, spirit or energy. Reiki is a safe, gentle, non-invasive form of hands-on healing that increases energy, reduces pain, produces deep relaxation and a general feeling of wellbeing.
Consultation: $100.00 per hour
Contact us for the location (Padstow Area)
We have a group of dedicated healers who are willing to give up their time on Thursday evenings once a month to offer their energy to those in need of healing.
Second Thursday of the Month 7.30 pm till 9.00 pm
No appointment necessary
Contact us for the location
(Available from February till December)
Contact 0418 415 807 for more Details
Donation: $20.00 per person, per session
CLEANSINGS (personal and house)
We have done many house and space cleansings. You may feel your house / unit is a little negative or has stagnant energy or maybe you feel a little uneasy at night. Allow us to cleanse and clear your home and make it your sanctuary once more.
We also do many rescues (the moving on of earth bound entities) that can be attached to people or homes. This is a specialised field, experience is essential. We are renowned workers in this field.
Cost depending on location and time involved - Payments in advance.
House Cleansing (remote - anywhere around the world) $250.00 min. (dependant on size of house and distance)
House Cleansing (visit) $350.00 min. (dependant on size of house and location)
Psychic Attachments (removal) $250.00 min. (dependant on class of attachment)
(Must be done at our Centre)
About Us
Christine and Geoff met over 20 years ago. Through adversity they were able to encourage and help each other heal. Within this unity they found the path of self love and love for each other. At that time Christine and Geoff discovered the path they would walk together their spiritual journey.
Christine and Geoff, founders of Crystal Stargate, have consciously devoted over 40 combined years of experience. Their products and services fulfil and nurture the needs of their clients/students.
These services include teaching, spiritual and personal development, meditation, healing, massage and other modalities and products to assist throughout your personal journey.
Our aim is to help assist our students and clients to understand and develop their own personal and spiritual skills. We will supply the tools to enable you to walk and work with spirit in the physical world.
We believe that this is a unique journey of self empowerment, learning to restore balance and gain control of your own life and path.
Both have been working with healing energies for many years. Their modalities compliment each other in the same manner they compliment and support each other in all they do.
Christine is a gifted trance medium. This gift is used in a variety of areas with love. She has an innate ability to engage and nurture her students on all levels. Christine has a unique ability and works with her guides in channelling beautiful works of art. Her talents extend to providing a variety of spiritual and artistic workshops including decorated feathers, medicine drums and dreamcatchers.
Education and Certification
Geoff is a gifted healer and he works with various spirit guides using a variety of modalities. He has a wealth of experience in leading group classes. He is a strong believer in discipline and control as well as personal responsibility. Geoff encourages individual self development, conducts a variety of workshops imparting valuable knowledge with love and support.
Education and Certification
Crystal Stargate provides a platform to share the knowledge and guidance gained over 40 combined years of metaphysical discovery.
As now renowned holistic healers themselves, Christine and Geoff provide gentle awareness programs in healing self and others, mediumship, meditation, development and clearings.
They also conduct a fully approved and accredited Diploma Course in Energetic/Spiritual Healing.
People can learn to connect to their inner self as well as to the spirit world and help end their own personal struggles, finding lasting peace.
They will show you, love does not ever die!
Part of the process is learning different modalities and techniques to help you move along your path. To acknowledge and let go of areas of your inner self that no longer serve you in your journey.
The many workshops they hold guide their clients/students to understand and develop their own skills physically and spiritually. This enable them to work with spirit and walk in the physical world. Thus bringing heaven to earth.
They believe that giving knowledge, guidance and understanding to others enables them to move forward and gain control of their own lives and restores balance back to mind, body and spirit.
We are all naturally gifted, let us show you how to unlock and nurture those gifts.
Events Schedule 2012
2nd & 3rd Aura Workshop
8th Evening of Drumming
14th Evening of Healing
15th Open Circle
22nd Spiritual Church Service - Panania
Regular Events
Open Circle
3rd Friday Evening of the Month
7.00pm till 8.30pm
Contact us for venue location
Do you want to try meditation before committing your time on a regular basis? Come and join Sandra and Christina who are
experienced teachers, mediums and healers on the third Friday of each month for an open circle. Explore and learn about your
inner self. This is an evening of meditation to decrease your stress and increase your inner strength, and exercises to help you
develop your psychic abilities.
Cost: $25.00
Monthly Service
4th Friday of the Month
7.30pm 9.30pm
Held at the Panania Senior Citizens Club (Next to Library)
77 Anderson Avenue, Panania NSW 2213
This is a gathering of like minded people coming together to enjoy music, song, love and what spirit brings forth in the form of messages and healing for you.
Cost: By donation
Open Healing
2nd Thursday Evening of the Month
7.30pm 9.00pm
All are welcome please contact us for location.
This is an open healing, which starts 7.30pm till 9.00pm where there are a group of our healers giving to you.
We have had many people request we continue this healing service as they feel the benefits in many ways.
Donation: $20.00
Not available during school holidays
Evening of Drumming
2nd Friday Evening of the Month
7.30pm till 9.00pm
Contact us for the venue location.
This is a wonderful evening..
Bring a Drum, rattle or just come for to sing along and feel the vibration of the drums.
Its a great evening of unity and just plain fun.
Cost: $20.00
Not available during school holidays
Massage & Therapy
Massage is one of the oldest, simplest forms of therapy and is a system of stroking, pressing and kneading different areas of the body to relieve pain, relax, stimulate, and tone the body. Massage does much more than create a pleasant sensation on the skin, it also works on the soft tissues (the muscles, tendons, and ligaments) to improve muscle tone. Although it largely affects the muscles just under the skin, its benefits may also reach the deeper layers of muscle and possibly even the organs themselves. Massage also stimulates blood circulation and assists the lymphatic system (which runs parallel to the circulatory system), improving the elimination of waste throughout the body.
Mind & Spirit
Our minds are an amazing piece of equipment, without maintenance and proper care we can start to sabotage ourselves, which will lead to a lack of confidence and self esteem. Think of our mind like a computer it must be well maintained to work to our benefit.
Our spirit is important. Through programming from the past we can forget who we are and it can be a long and frustrating journey back to balance and harmony.
It is our intuition and spirit that guides us along our path to become our true selves.
We need our strength to be able to follow our intuition, which we all have deep inside us.
Crystal Stargate provide a range of personal and spiritual services, which are conducted in a loving and safe environment.
Meditation is a state of mind that can help you relax and in time be at one with yourself by understanding what gives you your moods, emotions and frustrations.
Through meditation these negative traits can be melted away over time, giving you the freedom to understand that it can clear your mind of thoughts that have created confusion around you and do not serve you anymore. This will give you a more positive outlook on life and help you to find that inner peace and happiness we all search for. Meditation is an excellent way to manage the stresses of daily life and understanding yourself. Remember it is a practice not a skill and the more you practice the more adept you become.
Investment: $25.00 per class (numbers limited)
Through Meditation you can begin to understand yourself, your guides and helpers who work with you. It is important to sit and meditate, for this will give you the understanding about the self. By sitting in a circle you get to know the energy of others. This enables you to blend with the auras of others to create a protective power around the developing psychic/mediums. Sitting in a circle enables these energies to flow from one sitter to the next, uplifting all the sitters. The teacher will help and guide those sitting to understand the energies around them and grow from these experiences by bringing in exercises for the student to expand their spiritual and psychic abilities. Dedication is required to gain full understanding and advancement. To sit in a development circle "Pathways to Self" is a pre-requisite.
Investment: $25.00 per session (numbers limited)
During your private sitting it is good to remember that spirit people are bound by a natural law and will only come through with love and truth. Spirit will respect your privacy, unless it is important to communicate it for your growth or awareness.
By linking with spirit guides and loved ones from the other side we give you information, which will help you on your lifes journey. This will give you a much broader understanding of the situations or outcomes, which may arise from your actions. Once you have this information, it will be up to you to determine your own course of action, as you have free will. Mediums will seldom remember much of what they have said after a sitting is finished
*Clairvoyant *Survival * Psychometry *Crystal Ally Cards
Consultation: $150.00 per hour 50% deposit required to confirm your booking & 48hours notice required for cancellations
No one person can understand another person fully. The key to good counseling is listening, observing, empathy and creating trust with their client. Christine has been using counseling within her practice, as well as one on one therapy for many years. She has achieved excellent results in helping with depression, anxiety, self-esteem issues and confusion. Within these sessions you will also be given healing and the keys to help you help yourself, giving you back control of your own life.
Investment: $120.00 per hour
In our busy industrial world sometimes we have forgotten about our energy levels and being balanced with nature to enable us to flow as one with the universe. Spiritual Healing allows the balancing energy to flow through and help clear, focus and harmonise the mind, body and spirit to become one again. This energy comes from a higher source and enables the healer to move into the auric field to clear away what is no longer needed. It is important that the recipient be opened to this healing as the intent to heal or be healed must flow both ways.
Investment: $120.00 per hour
Many ancient traditions have used Crystals in their healings, rituals and meditations to cleanse, clear and clarify. Crystals have been known to clear the blockages and ailments that hold you back in life. Crystals intensify your own positive energy.
They are Earth Energy, which is why we have an affiliation with them.
Crystal Resonance Therapy takes crystal healing out of the realm of superstition and into the realm of science. It is based on aspects of both quantum and Newtonian physics; utilizing basic laws of energy movement and electromagnetism to effectively shift energetic blocks and patterns within the physical body and energetic field.
During a CRT session, crystals and stones, sound vibration, and other sources of energy are utilized to engage the clients energy field and physical body in a state of resonance with the Earths natural electro-magnetic field.
The client experiences warmth, wellbeing, and a sense of release from limiting patterns and blockages. Often, clients report a sense of expanded connection to their spiritual guides and a sense of expanded consciousness. Sessions include an intake, full energy system assessment and balancing, appropriate crystal or stone placement and guided meditation. If you have ever been interested in exploring crystal healing, you definitely should explore Crystal Resonance Therapy!
Consultation: $180.00 Initial Session then $120.00 per hour
Reiki is the giving of universal life force. Rei meaning universal and Ki meaning life force, spirit or energy. Reiki is a safe, gentle, non-invasive form of hands-on healing that increases energy, reduces pain, produces deep relaxation and a general feeling of wellbeing.
Consultation: $100.00 per hour
Contact us for the location (Padstow Area)
We have a group of dedicated healers who are willing to give up their time on Thursday evenings once a month to offer their energy to those in need of healing.
Second Thursday of the Month 7.30 pm till 9.00 pm
No appointment necessary
Contact us for the location
(Available from February till December)
Contact 0418 415 807 for more Details
Donation: $20.00 per person, per session
CLEANSINGS (personal and house)
We have done many house and space cleansings. You may feel your house / unit is a little negative or has stagnant energy or maybe you feel a little uneasy at night. Allow us to cleanse and clear your home and make it your sanctuary once more.
We also do many rescues (the moving on of earth bound entities) that can be attached to people or homes. This is a specialised field, experience is essential. We are renowned workers in this field.
Cost depending on location and time involved - Payments in advance.
House Cleansing (remote - anywhere around the world) $250.00 min. (dependant on size of house and distance)
House Cleansing (visit) $350.00 min. (dependant on size of house and location)
Psychic Attachments (removal) $250.00 min. (dependant on class of attachment)
(Must be done at our Centre)
About Us
Christine and Geoff met over 20 years ago. Through adversity they were able to encourage and help each other heal. Within this unity they found the path of self love and love for each other. At that time Christine and Geoff discovered the path they would walk together their spiritual journey.
Christine and Geoff, founders of Crystal Stargate, have consciously devoted over 40 combined years of experience. Their products and services fulfil and nurture the needs of their clients/students.
These services include teaching, spiritual and personal development, meditation, healing, massage and other modalities and products to assist throughout your personal journey.
Our aim is to help assist our students and clients to understand and develop their own personal and spiritual skills. We will supply the tools to enable you to walk and work with spirit in the physical world.
We believe that this is a unique journey of self empowerment, learning to restore balance and gain control of your own life and path.
Both have been working with healing energies for many years. Their modalities compliment each other in the same manner they compliment and support each other in all they do.
Christine is a gifted trance medium. This gift is used in a variety of areas with love. She has an innate ability to engage and nurture her students on all levels. Christine has a unique ability and works with her guides in channelling beautiful works of art. Her talents extend to providing a variety of spiritual and artistic workshops including decorated feathers, medicine drums and dreamcatchers.
Education and Certification
- Teacher (spiritual development)
Dedication to Spiritualism
Spiritual Healing
Crystal Healing
Colour Psychology
Crystal Resonance Therapy
Alternate Life Exploration
Primus Activation Healing Technique
Advanced Counselling (holistic)
Reiki Master
Massage Therapy (specialising in Aromatherapy)
Geoff is a gifted healer and he works with various spirit guides using a variety of modalities. He has a wealth of experience in leading group classes. He is a strong believer in discipline and control as well as personal responsibility. Geoff encourages individual self development, conducts a variety of workshops imparting valuable knowledge with love and support.
Education and Certification
- Teacher (spiritual development)
Dedication to Spiritualism
Spiritual Healing
Medical Intuition
Polarity Therapy
Daavid Therapy
Primus Activation Healing Technique
Theta Healing (DNA I and II)
Reiki Master
Massage Therapy (specialising in Sports)
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