Whole Health Care for Animals
Alternative Pet Therapy-Online
Powerful therapy for animals that addresses emotional & behavioural health!Mention Natural Therapy Pages for 10% off first booking!
Creature Speak
Servicing area
Bathurst NSW & GlobalFocus areas
About Me
I've always had a strong innate-sense towards understanding animals & people.
I’m the first to admit I sat on the fence about trying out a BodyTalk session for myself as I thought I could handle every aspect of my life. But in 2015 at 36 yrs, I was still processing all the feels that come with separation/divorce, beginning a new relationship plus Post Natal Depression that plagued me on the daily (even though my daughter was 5).
I needed something that I wasn’t getting from the normal health haunts – doctor, counsellor, psychologist, chiropractor, naturopath….Well, I’ve never looked back - BodyTalk Sessions have helped me to no end & even set me on a new career path.
I particularly looked into becoming a practitioner particularly to help animals as I wanted to give them a voice. BodyTalk for Animals is the only modality I know that does just that in a truly holistic manner.
Of course when working with Animals your are also working with their matrix: (usually people). So I also do sessions for people.
Certified as BodyTalk Access Technician for Animals & People
Certified BodyTalk Practitioner
Advanced BodyTalk for Animals module
Mindscape Intuitive Training
Interspecies Communication Training
Natural Animal Health Care Student
Whole Energy Body Balance Student
I look forward to learning more about you & your animals & how I can assist with the healing journey.
Mardi x
Animal Therapy
1hr 30minSessions address everyday life stresses to more serious or mysterious conditions. Animals respond very quickly to energy therapy & benefit greatly. Results will be vast improvements with physical, emotional & behavioural issues. Animal sessions are availa
BodyTalk Session for People
1hr 10minA consciousness based approach to health care. Sessions are non-invasive & designed to heal body’s from the inside by addressing your body’s priority for healing. Via gentle muscle messages a session identifies which aspects of your body are poorly linked
- Certified BodyTalk Practitioner
- Certified BodyTalk Access For Animals
- Certified BodyTalk Access Technician For People
- Telepathic Communication
Professional Membership
- IICT - International Institute For Complementary Therapists