Phoebe Brisbane
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Creative Sparks
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Being a healer was something that was always there, buried deep inside. It mainly showed its presence by a dull feeling of discontent with my life in the corporate world. My first spiritual healing experience happened the way it has happened for so many others. I had an immediate medical illness that the conventional doctors couldn’t fix. No amount of testing or drugs seemed to help. After spending a lot of time and money, the issue was eventually fixed by one visit to a spiritual healer. At the time, it a bit much for my accounting trained brain to comprehend, but there was no denying the result.
Learning Theta Healing started with small realisations and insights into things in my life and the part I was playing in attracting them. Some were a shock, as I had no idea of things that had been floating around in my sub-conscious. And so the layers of the onion began peeling back and the discovery of parts of me that I had locked away deep in my subconscious came to the surface. As more and more issues were resolved, I began to understand more deeply who I really was, and how I was truly creating my own reality. And then something pretty amazing happened, my world around me began to change, validating the healing work.
Theta healing has given me such clarity into my own life, who I am and why I have attracted all of the things that are in my life. Most importantly it has given me the tools to change any negatives, and enhance and bring in more positives. There have been lots of tears along the way, mainly tears of joy. While I always had a sense to trust my intuition, follow my inner guidance and listen to gut feelings, Theta Healing has allowed me to strengthen this ability. Now it’s crystal clear.
During a Theta Healing session you will learn more about who you really are and gain clarity into your life. You be able to overcome obstacles and remove blockages preventing you from manifesting your desires. As the client you are in control. Limiting beliefs will only be removed from your subconscious and replaced with positive ones with your permission. Everyone heals in their own way at their own pace. Are you ready?
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