Corrective Massage Therapy

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The holistic approach to muscle and joint pain.

Corrective Massage Therapy

Focus areas

Nerve impingement Massage therapy Posture Circulation Fitness Postural dysfunction

Welcome to Corrective Massage

About Us

Corrective Massage Therapy is like no other massage therapy/modality as the goal is to alleviate pain by correcting individual postures, we address the root cause of the musculo-skeletal pain and restriction, not the symptoms of it. For example chiropractic medicine focuses on correcting misalignment's of the skeleton to reduce/eliminate nerve impingement's etc., however as bones do not have the capacity to move themselves, this approach will only yield a benefit in the short term. Hence Corrective Massages’ focus on the single largest organ of our bodies, our muscles, which accounts for on average 50% of our body weight.

The effectiveness of our CMT’s (Corrective Massage Therapists) treatments depend on a number of variables, the main ones are as follows:

  • How long the postural dysfunction has been allowed to perpetuate itself

  • How many aggravating factors are involved, e.g. Sport and Occupation

  • The age of the individual (the older the client, the more fibrous muscles and connective tissues become. This is a natural occurrence as nature sacrifices our joint mobility for stability)

  • Level of activity - disuse can be worse than overuse

  • Whether the postural dysfunction is due to functional (muscular driven) factors or structural abnormalities (genetic skeletal abnormalities)

  • The fitness of the client - the fitter the individual the faster he/she will recover from treatments and the deeper our CMT's are able to work to maximize benefit

Improved posture results in improved musculo-skeletal (muscle and skeleton) function, visceral (organs) function, lymphatic and blood circulation.

Our Main Objective

To establish the root cause of musculo-skeletal pain and dysfunction and to eliminate it. The amount of postural/musculo-skeletal dysfunction varies from person to person however no one presents with perfect muscular balance so EVERYONE can benefit greatly from Corrective Massage treatments. Whether the dysfunction is of a structural or of a functional nature is an important factor to consider, as this greatly influences the amount of benefit clients can expect to achieve from treatments.

Posture is the window into musculo-skeletal pain and dysfunction, hence our posture correction focus. See Our Posture System, Benefits of Corrective Massage and About Us pages to gain a better understanding of what we do and how we can help eliminate specifically your functionally driven pain.

Benefits of Corrective Massage

Many people present with skeletal misalignment's, these misalignment's are often of a functional (muscular driven) nature, hence why we have developed a posture system to address such dysfunction. It is in our experience that these misalignment's result and are maintained by specific muscular imbalances, both weaknesses and strengths contribute equally. Strengths drive dysfunction and weaknesses’ allow dysfunction.

Every Corrective Massage client is placed into one or a combination of posture classes, see Our Posture System for further information. Each posture class presents with specific musculo-skeletal issues which aids in the assessment and treatment process. The pain/restriction issue for which clients seek treatment are displayed in our posture and by correcting/improving posture the root cause dysfunction is brought to light. By isolating the root cause of the pain/musculo-skeletal dysfunction we are able to free our clients of their pain issues quicker and more effectively then by isolating the symptom as many therapies currently do.

The fact is due to everyday living and working certain muscles are used more then others, this is unavoidable. Using certain muscles repeatedly over others creates muscular imbalances, strengthens and reciprocal weakness issues and as mentioned over-use and under-use syndromes. Our focus is to eliminate/reduce pain by addressing specific muscular imbalances.

Contact us today for more information.

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