Colon Care Clinic
Colon Care Clinic
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The Premier Centre for Colonic Irrigation & Detoxification In Melbourne
Colon Care Clinic
Servicing area
Melbourne, CamberwellFocus areas
Optimal health
Autoimmune disease
Welcome to
Colon Care Clinic
Improve your Health & Vitality with Colonic Irrigation
The Colon Care Clinic is the premier centre for colonic irrigation and detoxification in Melbourne, Victoria. We utilise the latest technology using the LIIBBE equipment, which offers the highest quality in safety and sanitation, and complies with the TGA and FDA standards.
Our mission is to create an awareness of the importance of colon care and to promote a purer body, mind and sense of wellbeing.
What is Colonic Irrigation?
Colon Hydrotherapy also known as Colonic Irrigation is a safe, effective method of removing waste from the large intestine, without the use of drugs.
By introducing filtered & temperature-regulated water into the colon, the waste is softened & loosened, resulting in evacuation through the natural contraction of the bowel.
Will Colonic Irrigation cause you to Lose Weight?
In Short, the answer is yes.
Colonic Irrigation can cause you to loss weight; however, the weight you are losing will not actually consist of fat tissue. Instead, your weight loss will be from the removal of mucus and sludge from your colon walls, with people reportedly losing several kilograms from their colons.
It is most likely you will not notice a change in your outward appearance when it comes to your weight, you will notice a difference in the way you feel, with most people reporting feeling “lighter” after a successful colon cleansing treatment, even those that don’t lose a significant amount of weight.
By losing weight through maintaining a healthful diet and exercising, and then cleansing your colon to help get rid of toxic waste, you will begin to feel more energetic and you will put less strain on your body by reducing unneeded baggage.
3 Reasons for Colon Cleansing Before Your Weight Loss Diet
- When waste and other fecal matter is stuck to the walls of your colon, you will generally feel fatigued and tired most of the time.
A colon cleanse program will make you feel more energy, vitality and endurance, thus helping you follow your weight loss program.
- Cleaning your colon will directly affect your digestion, making it faster and more efficient. When the colon is lined with mucoidal plaque and solid waste, your whole digestive and waste removal system slows down.
A colon cleanse on the other hand will clean your colon and get your digestive system back on track, which will make it possible for you to follow your dieting regimen till the end without facing any stomach related problems.
- After cleansing your colon, you will experience an increase in both endurance as well as energy while exercising.
This will help you in achieving the exercise and workout related goals of your fitness program, thus helping you lose weight faster and better.

About Us - Colon Care Clinic
Agnes Roitman, a division one registered nurse of over 30 years in cancer wards founded the Colon Care Clinic in 1997 in Melbourne. The motivation for opening a colonic irrigation clinic stemmed from watching helplessly as her own mother passed away from colon cancer. In addition, Agnes is the first to admit that she abused laxatives in her youth, which led to a lazy bowel and caused her all the symptoms one can expect from an unhealthy colon.
Upon extensive research and study Agnes came to the conclusion, that in combination with a nutritious diet and proper exercise, colonic irrigation is an effective detoxification and preventative mechanism.
The only problem was that at that time in Melbourne there was no place for Agnes to go for her to have regular colonic sessions. It was then that Agnes took a risk and in 1997 opened The Colon Care Clinic in Hawthorn, Melbourne and since then has assisted tens of thousands of people.
Our clinic's professionalism, passion and dedication are second to none.
The Colon Care Clinic is frequently complimented on its impeccable hygiene standards and the quality of its TGA equipment.
Each of our four procedure rooms offers a calming atmosphere and complete privacy, however, assistance is available upon request.
All Colonic sessions are administered using LIBBE equipment which offers the highest quality in safety and sanitation and complies with TGA and FDA guidelines that dictate rigorous accountability. The features of the equipment include: temperature controlled water, an odourless vent system, a clear viewing tube, a ultra-violet purification and filter system and an automatic safety shutoff system. Disposable single use rectal tubes are used with every colonic irrigation session.
The LIBBE in Use
A colonic irrigation session is a drug free method whereby purified warm water is introduced into the bowel through a sterilized, disposable, small pencil thin tube. The purified water gently fills the bowels, then compelled by gravity alone, is flushed out. During a colonic irrigation session you can expect to flush out poisons, gas, accumulated faeces matter and 'mucoid plaque' that line the colon and corrupt its proper function.
During the session the patient can observe the waste exiting through a viewing tube, which runs alongside the procedure bed. The same process is repeated a number of times from 45 to 60 minutes. Full privacy is provided and a therapist is always available upon request.
In early 2009 after having spent our first ten years in Hawthorn we moved to larger premises on 542 Riversdale Road in Camberwell, Melbourne, showing you our commitment to colonic irrigation.
Our new clinic has had extensive renovations and each of the four completely private treatment rooms include en-suite, ducted heating / ac and mounted wall TV screens for your comfort.
Colonic Irrigation Testimonials
"I have been visiting the Colon Care Clinic for nearly two years and I cannot recommend it highly enough. Not only have I noticed benefits to my digestive system but my skin is clearer, hair is healthier, immune system is stronger and my overall well being has improved. I look forward to my weekly sessions and feel this is not a luxury but a necessity to maintaining good health.
Agnes and the team are always very professional and friendly and make every session very comfortable for me."
"I have been visiting the Colon Care Clinic in Camberwell for seven years and my body has never felt or looked better.
I could not possibly have lived without Colonic Irrigation as it has made amazing changes to my well being."
"Do you feel overworked and tired from time to time? Feel a little sluggish and stressed?
As a nation we experience less activity, eat more processed food and have increasing pressures as we try to balance work, play, family and other commitments contributing to the build upon toxins in our bodies.
The accumulation of plaque around the large colon must be removed if you want to prevent serious illness and have more energy. Colonics with herbal supplements can do this very effectively as I am my patients have experienced and it is a safe way to detoxification."
Thomas D'Amico ND BD Naturopathic Physician
"Colonic irrigation is the foundation of any detoxification process. A dream colon is the foundation of good health no matter how many supplements, how much heavy metal detoxing and care with diet. Health cannot be optimal without the removal of colonic plaque and residue.
Our sincere gratitude to Aggy, Regina and staff for their caring and dedicated work. It is a wonderful contribution to people well being to have!"
"I find it interesting how many people look after their car better then they look after their body, servicing their cars once or twice a year yet neglecting their body or waiting until it's too late.
I found preventative measures like colonic irrigation have helped me a great deal. The feeling after a session of colonic irrigation is amazing! I completed the initial recommended course eight years ago, and now have one or two colonic sessions per month to maintain optimal health. However I increase the number of sessions during periods of high stress in my life. Colonic irrigation could be the answer to removing the toxins that make you feel sluggish."
"In October 2001 I was diagnosed with a rare brain and spinal cord tumor. After four rounds of surgery I suffered a stroke on the operating table and had to spend 3 months in intensive care. After this I tried various natural health remedies, including colon hydrotherapy. Having started the weekly therapy in may 2002; my body began to eliminate the toxic traces of the chemotherapy and other drugs. With time my colon detoxified enough to better absorb vitamins and nutrients which sped up my recovery. I wish I had found The Colon Care Clinic before the third surgery as it would have diminished the dramas of medically related constipation. Colonic Irrigation is also quite important for people without cancer and should be done regularly. We all need to take better care of out bodies."
"If it were not for Agnes I would not be alive today. I had constipation for years. I was taking a lot of laxatives but it gradually got worse and worse, when I saw the advertisement in the paper and came to Agnes, I was in a very bad way as I could not go to the toilet at all. The elasticity of the wall of the bowels was at the lowest point of normal about 5 years ago. The muscles in my bowel stopped working and if it were not for Agnes I would not be alive today. After telling her my problems I asked if she could help me. She explained to me how the treatment works and I started that day. I am very fortunate."
"I recently tried the treatment and the result exceeded all my expectations. I have attended the Colon Care Clinic for the first time a few weeks ago and have notices that the following improvements have taken place since then: My facial skin became smoother and softer and some of the wrinkles disappeared, natural peristaltic movements of the bowel recovered thereby decreasing the bane of constipation, my appetites decreased, I eat less and feel less drowsy during the day. I am convincing that the continuation of my treatment will keep benefiting my health and I wish Agnes to keep up her good work and the very high standard of customer service."
"After my mother developed an autoimmune disease, I found out that she has been constipated for a very long time. She had diverticulitis and after having a colonoscopy myself I discovered that I had the same problem. I never thought I had problems with constipation, you think you're okay, even when you are not, so I started colon hydrotherapy. Unlike home enemas, there was n pain at all. Every time you leave the clinic feeling lighter and healthier. The next time I saw my physician he was amazed at my improvement. There was virtually no trace of diverticulitis. I firmly believe that this is the way of preventing disease. I figure if I keep myself clean I give myself half a chance."
"Dear Agnes, Regina and every smiling face at the Colon Care Clinic. Thank you for your impeccable service and your genuine caring souls. Sincerely without this clinic I would be a walking dead person with a swollen belly, lots of pimples, wrinkles and probably colon cancer. I enjoy seeing every one of you on a weekly basis and hate missing my session when I put work before my health (only occasionally). I am proud to admit that I have been a patient here since the clinic opened. Some of my friends think I am strange for having colonics, but who cares! Thank you."
"What a simple straight forward way to solve a big problem for most of us. Thank goodness I have found you. There is always a great relief after being here. Agnes, you are my shining star."
John. B
"Agi & Team, Thank you so much for all the care you have provided me with over the years. I know I am healthier for having colonics, and that the benefits from it have made my life a better one! So again thanks and I assure you that I will keep spreading the good word in colonics! I am your evangelist!!!"
Mike. T
"Thank you for all your help Regina & team, you have helped me 100%. I've had this problem for almost 25 years and now I've never felt so wonderful. I will be seeing you for a long time to come. Thank you heaps; I'm sure you will be having a few new clients shortly. Love you heaps,"
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