David White
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Dr. White is the director of the Institute of Neijing Research (INR) and a senior lecturer at the Sydney Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SITCM). This site will introduce you to Dr. White's clinical acupuncture practice, research, and teachings in acupuncture and Chinese medicine. He is a fully registered practitioner and member of the AACMA and AHPRA.
Dr. David White
Principal Acupuncturist
Since a very young age Dr. White has been involved in the study of East Asian Traditions, from martial arts to medicine and philosophy. He completed his undergraduate studies at the Sydney Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine where he was awarded the annual prize for most outstanding performance in the degree. As part of this 4 year full time program Dr. White lived in Anhui, China where he undertook his hospital internship. Following this, he completed his Masters Degree in Acupuncture and Neurophysiology at RMIT University, Melbourne.
Dr. White has undertaken both professional and traditional internships with some of the world's most renowned Chinese Medicine practitioners, including having studied 18 years (ongoing) with Sydney Qigong Master John Dolic, 10 years (ongoing) with the amazing Sydney Acupuncturist Dr. David Tai, 5 years with Prof. Hoc Ku Huynh, and 2 years with Daniel Deng. In addition, David often presents professional seminars on Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine for both practitioners and students.
Clinical Practice
Dr White's Clinical Practice of Acupuncture stems from his extensive training in classical Chinese medicine, philosophy, language and neuro-anatomical acupuncture under Dr. David Tai. He has been fortunate enough to study under some very diverse and traditional teachers as well as some specifically orthodox practitioners. Dr White brings a clinically effective blend to his practice for optimised results and patient care.
Neijing Acupuncture
Neijing acupuncture is a style of acupuncture that derives its clinical methodologies from the fundamental text the Huangdi Neijing (Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic of Medicine). This text contains two sections, The Suwen (Simple Questions) and the Lingshu (Spiritual Pivot). Together they form the entire basis of Chinese medical theory and practice. This style of medicine is not only a complete medical system, however, it offers its practitioners (and their patients) a way of life rooted in ancient Chinese culture.
Neijing Acupuncture is often termed Neijing Acumoxa. Moxa (or moxabustion) is a huge part of acupuncture styles from all over the globe. This specialist technique includes the heating of a specific area, channel terrain or acupuncture point through the burning of a substance over it. Moxa is an incredibly powerful medical method and is also very safe.
Chinese Medicine
Chinese Medicine is a style defined medical practice. What this means is that each of its adepts will usually follow a specific textual or family lineage of practice. For instance, Dr White is a Neijing Acupuncturist and generally prescribes herbal medicine using the Shanghanlun or Piweilun traditions as his framework. Other styles may be described as TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), Wenbingxue, Menghe, Japanese Acupuncture, Five Element Acupuncture, or even Neuro-anatomical Acupuncture. Each of these styles have their benefits, some may be better at treating and managing psycho-emotional disorders and others may be better at treating musculo-skeletal disorders, the patient and practitioner needs to find what works best for them. Of course some are considered more complete than the others and are all-inclusive in their applications.
Neuro Rehabilitation
Specialised Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine have been used for over two millennia for the treatment and management of Neurological disorders such as paralysis, stroke, pain, migraines and other associated disorders. The earliest record of specific treatment involve acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, moxabustion, Qigong and exercise therapy.
Dr David White has been very fortunate to study directly under one of the world's most renowned Sydney acupuncture specialists in the treatment of neurological and pain disorders, Dr. David Tai. Here he learned and developed very specific methodologies utilising Neuro-anatomical acupuncture and classical acupuncture.
Nei Gong
Qigong (pronounced Chee Gung) are Chinese yogic like exercises involving specific movements, meditation and breathing methods for health and longevity. Qi 氣 is often translated as "life force", "energy" or "breath". The character itself is made up of two radicals, one for rice and one for steam (both representing our two primary sources of energy, the food we eat and the air we breath). Gong 功 can be translated as "cultivation", "awareness", or "force / power". Qigong 戚 功 is therefore the practice and philosophy of cultivating one's Qi through breath work. Qigong is also a relatively new term, Neigong is the more specific and traditional term and relates to "internal cultivation".
Cupping Therapy
Cupping therapy is a specialised technique that has a very long history throughout Asia, the Middle East, South America and Eastern Europe. Cupping was also a large part of conventional medicine in the west for a period of time.
Cupping involves the use of rounded, smooth, glass jars and fire to create a suction on the skin. There is no pain involved and the flame is purely used to remove the oxygen from the glass jar and never comes into contact with the skin. Cupping can be used on a number of areas, such as the shoulder, back, hips, buttock, legs and abdomen for a number of conditions ranging from common cold and flu to smoking cessation to pain (both acute and chronic).
For more information, please contact Dr. White today.
- Certificate In Acupuncture (China)
- Bachelor's In Traditional Chinese Medicine (Acupuncture)
- Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association (AACMA) Member
- Master of Applied Science In Acupuncture
- Masters Degree In Acupuncture
- Internship In Advanced Acupuncture (China)
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