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Being aware of your Physical, Mental, Emotional and Authentic/Spiritual Self, will help prepare you to stay centered and focused which can then lead to long term personal success.
Life Coach Personal Development / Bio Matrix Energy Healing
Servicing area
, VictoriaFocus areas
Stress Management
Self awareness
Welcome to Clarity Healing
Life Coach Personal Development & Bio Matrix Energy Healing
~ Do you feel you are at a Crossroads in your life?
~ Are you feeling Confused about how to make positive changes?
~ Do you want to feel more Motivated and Confident?
~ Would you like more Energy & Vitaility?
About Clarity Healing
Being aware of your Physical, Mental, Emotional and Authentic/Spiritual Self, will help prepare you to stay centered and focused which can then lead to long term personal success.
Empower yourself with the knowledge of who you are, know your strengths and weaknesses (fears), find your inner voice and honour that. Then no matter what lessons or obstacles life sends your way, you will be able to pin point what area of your life it affects and make some positive changes with that.
Do not let negative, non-productive behaviours like Depression, Stress, Anxiety, Confusion, Frustration or Procrastination take control of your life.
When you neglect one area of yourself, it will affect other areas of yourself and your life. When you do things from a desperate, needy or fear based place the results will be short term and non-productive. When you operate from a place of honour and self-love, then you operate with positive energy, which can then lead to long-term success.
Here at Clarity Healing, the aim is to help assist you with finding balance and harmony within your life. Body, Mind and Soul.
Taking a journey of discovery, and creating a more positive, less toxic environment for yourself.
It is my pleasure to join you on this Self Healing journey, with Coaching, using solution focused therapy or the amazing Bio-Matrix Healing Technique, allowing yourself to clease away years of disruption, to bring forth clarity and better health..
Allow your light to shine.. reach deeper and take charge, the ability to re-invent yourself is yours.. all you need to do is give yourself the permission to do so.
Take responsibility for your health and well-being today.
Eliminate the negative blocks in your life for good!
'As you strive to attain your own level of optimal health, you move closer to reaching your full potential in how you look, feel, in what you achieve and how you cope with lifes challengers.
Welcome to Clarity Healing!
Valentina Rise is the ~
~ Founder of Bio Matrix Energy Healing Technique
~ Certified Life Coach
~ Persoanl Development Therapist
~ Motivational Speaker
~ Author of 'Awareness of Self Is The First Step To Success'
Valentina runs a varity of events and workshops from her Self Awareness Program to Meditation Classes, Spirtual Circles, Raw Food Demonstrations, to more in depth Energy Healing workshops about Etheric Fields and Sacred Geometry, Reconnecting you back to your pure divine self and source.
For more information on all events head to www.clarityhealing.com.au
* Life Coaching Personal Development
~ 1st Session ~ $120.00 (90min)
~ $80.00 for 1 hour sessions
(concessions is available)
* Bio Matrix Energy Healing
~ 1st Session $120.00 (90min)
~ $80.00 for 1 hour sessions
~ $60.00 1/2 hour sessions
(concessions available)
(usually 3 sessions are recommended with the bio matrix healing)
To purchase the book 'Awareness of self is the first step to success' , just head to www.clarityhealing.com.au hit the 'Lulu Buy Now' button and it will take you straight to check out.
Contact ~
Websites ~ www.clarityhealing.com.au
E-Mail ~ valentina@clarityhealing.com.au
Phone ~ 0419 309 002
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