Cindy Morris Naturopath therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2008

Cindy Morris Naturopath

Cindy Morris Naturopath

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Cindy has a clinical focus on autoimmune disorders and chronic fatigue . Treating chronic disease begins in the gut, a fact that naturopaths have understood for decades..... long before the necessary technological advances came along to prove it.    But restoring gut health takes more than just a probiotic and the good news news is that these technological advances allow the most precise treatment programs ever. So if you are looking for a practitioner with decades of experience in helping people restore their gut health and address chronic disease, then look no further.  Book here 

Cindy Morris Naturopath

Servicing area

Brisbane, Queensland - Online Consultation available: Nationwide and Worldwide

Focus areas

Parasites Death Habits Intolerance Wellness Hormones


How can Naturopathy help?

Advances in technology and functional pathology enable detailed investigation of the bacterial composition of the gut microbiome, as well as, the state of digestive function and presence of "leaky gut". Additionally, it is possible to assess for foods which are causing activation of the immune system and hence contributing to immune dysfunction. This type of investigation is vital for stemming the inflammation that contributes to autoimmune and chronic fatigue conditions.


What to expect?

Your first appointment will entail a thorough case history and perusal of recent blood tests and your usual diet and lifestyle. From this point we can decide what further testing is required. Once all available information is collated a program will be individualised for you. We will discuss the program at your second appointment and implement the program from this point.


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Naturopathy for Autoimmune Disease

A holistic approach to health is particularly relevant to autoimmune conditions. Improper absorption of foods, toxins and/or micro-organisms place an enormous load on the immune system, which may become so disrupted that the immune system begins to confuse toxins with our own healthy cells. There is, in fact, a growing body of evidence that highlights the link between gut health and autoimmune disease. Just a few examples include:

    • the link between gluten senstivity and Hashimoto's
    • the link between Yersinia overgrowth and autoimmune thyroid disaese
    • the link between Klebsiella overgrowth in the gut and Amklosing Spondylitis 
    • the link between Prevotella copri overgrowth and Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Cindy's has a special interest in helping people with autoimmune disease, thyroid disorders, chronic fatigue and hormonal dysfunction.


Autoimmune Disease

    • Hashimoto's thyroiditis
    • Graves disease
    • Anklosing spondylitis
    • Rheumatoid arthritis
    • Lupus
    • Coeliac disease


Chronic Fatigue

    • Ross river fever
    • Glandular fever
    • Parasites
    • Heavy metal toxicity
    • Lyme disease
    • Candida
    • Hypothyroidism



Restoring Gut Health - a basis for treating chronic disease.

As a naturopath for many years, the thing that really stands out to me is that there are no short cuts to health. If you do try to mask a symtpom with a medicine, be it pharmaceutical or natural, your results are likely to be short lived or fail to bring any true vitality to the body, even if you do manage to relieve the particular symptom.

True health and vitality stem from an everyday livingness which considers the body wholistically and not in parts. That is, find the underlying cause and don't just treat the symptoms. Plato said it wisely centuries ago:

"You ought not attempt to cure the eyes without the head, or the head without the body, so neither ought you attempt to cure the body without the soul."

Although this includes your mental, emotional and spiritual health, naturopathy is primarily focussed on the holistic treatment of the  physical body.

In order to treat the physical body holistically, we must begin with the health of the gut. Most of the immune system is found in the gut and so the food we eat and our abilty to absorb and metabolise nutients is the foundation to addressing the health of other areas of the body. If we use the analogy of a leaky boat, there's no point putting all of your effort into bucketing out the incoming water, when what is really need is to plug the hole. When we have a "leaky gut" the scenario is similar, with many substances that enter the body which would normally not.

In the body, the foods, toxins or micro-organism that breach the gut wall create inflammation. Exactly how that inflammation will affect you is highly individual depending on the toxin, your lifestyle and your genetic predisposition. The key, however, is to repair the gut to stem the influx of toxins and from there any residual pain, inflammation or hormonal imbalance can be addressed much more successfully. In terms of the sinking boat analogy, imagine how much easier it would be to bucket the water from your boat once the leak is fixed. Then if any other maintenance is required, you'll have a dry enviroment in which to complete it.


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