Christine Cook
Christine Cook Sound Vibration Therapy
Christine Cook Sound Vibration Therapy
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What are Tibetan Singing Bowls?
Tibetan Singing Bowls have been used for healing and relaxation in the East for thousands of years. They are traditionally hand beaten metal bowls comprising of 7 metals, gold, silver, nickel, tin, copper, iron and zinc, many are known to contain a small portion of an antique bowl that’s 300 - 400 years old, representing ancient wisdom.
The musical notes of the bowls correspond with the chakras, our body’s energy centres. The bowls are played to create the most beautiful, unique sounds with such strong vibrations that resonate through the body, bringing an instant sense of calm and peace and soothing aches and pains.
Why do they affect us?
There is growing research and evidence showing the benefits of sound vibrations to the human body, emotions and mind. Quantum physics has proven that absolutely everything has a vibration. Every substance, including bones, muscles, organs etc. has its own resonant frequency.
Similar to instruments, our bodies can fall out of vibrational harmony, first showing as energy disturbances and then developing into physical illness if not attended to.
The vibrations from the singing bowls recreate the original harmonic frequencies in our body, and make it vibrate to the frequency of the bowl. When it is synchronised, the body is able to tune into its own undisturbed frequency, re-establishing the flow of energy in the body, so its natural processes can heal.
Tibetan Singing Bowls are polyphonic, they each have 2 or more harmonising melodies that not only make them each sound beautifully unique, but they also create binaural beats, altering our brainwaves from beta state to alpha, theta or delta and have a direct effect on respiration, heart and pulse rates.
People are starting to understand the power of the mind, medical science agrees stress effects the body, but it’s not clicked into place the magnitude of what’s possible.
When our body, mind and spirit are aligned, anything’s possible. Singing bowls bring on the deepest of meditations without effort, helping to unlock the power of the mind for us to be our best us.
Why is Meditation important?
Meditation makes our brain stronger, smarter and faster and makes us feel centred, in control, more decisive, creative, happier and relaxed.
Stress relief
The amygdala in the brain is designed to allow us to respond immediately when we sense danger. It was designed to protect our ancestors from predators, and in today’s world, although we don’t usually have the same life threatening fears, every day stresses create the same reaction. When we feel fear/stress, the amygdala activates fight/flight/freeze response.
Hormones flood our bodies, our breath, heart rate and breathing increase and our muscles tighten. Long term stress of every-day life can cause us to burn out, it weakens our immune system, shrinks our brain tissue, ages us faster, causes anxiety and depression, causes us to seek escape through addictive behaviours and usually eventuates in creating disease.
Meditation has been scientifically proven to significantly shrink the amygdala and strengthens our focus/higher consciousness, structurally transforming the brain and its response to stress.
Restful Sleep
Melatonin is a hormone made by the pineal gland that promotes sleep and its release is increased through meditation by up to 300% and it improves our ability to wake up feeling refreshed.
We have on average 50,000-70,000 thoughts per day, they are usually negative and untrue to present moment situations.
If we allow our thoughts to run wild, they create unhappiness, fear based living, not being true to our heart, worrying what everyone else thinks and feelings of not being good enough. They can be debilitating and sabotage turning our dreams into reality.
Meditation allows us to take a break from those thoughts and reset our mindset.
Increased Emotional Balance
Temporo Parietal Junction in the brain refers to our self-awareness, motivation, adaptability, altruistic nature and emotional balance. Meditation increases our Emotional Intelligence (EQ) to enjoy a prosperous career and fulfilling relationships.
During meditation, feel good endorphins and serotonin are released, altering our mood, making us happier. The Posterior Cingulate Cortex is also affected, promoting present moment focus and awareness of feelings so we take the time to “smell the roses”.
Reduces Feeling of Loneliness
Meditation creates a feeling of oneness, blurring the lines of self and others. The Right Anterior Insula in the brain relates to our feelings of compassion and senses connection through helping others. The Parietal Lobe allows us to feel more connected and higher self-esteem. During meditation they become highly active, contributing to a meaningful life.
Synchronises Hemispheres of the Brain
Meditation synchronises the hemispheres of the brain, increasing intelligence, creativity, concentration and attributing to more success in life.
Decreases Memory Loss
The Hippocampus deteriorates with age and when suffering depression, causing poor memory. Scientific results have shown the left and right Hippocampus significantly grow in density and size during meditation.
DHEA are hormones doctors check to determine our “real age”. They decrease each year we age. Regular meditation has been reported to greatly increase DHEA.
GABA are major inhibitory neurotransmitters in the central nervous system. People with addictions lack GABA. 1 hour of meditation has been known to increase GABA by 27%, reducing anxiety, nervousness, racing thoughts and sleeplessness.
Over 40 years of age
Growth hormones are produced from the pituitary gland and production gradually decreases from age 40. The reduction of this hormone causes frailty, weaker bones, muscles, increased body fat, poor heart contractions, bad moods, lack of motivation and fatigue. We release the most growth hormones when in Delta state which is strongly brought on from the binaural beats of the Tibetan Singing Bowls.
Muscle and Joint Pain
Anxiety causes muscle tension, over time causing pain. It’s normal to have some aches and pains, even if it’s only caused by the way we sit or sleep. However, when we are focussed on negative feelings, we notice every little pain so much more and we tend not to honour our bodies, we may eat poorly, exercise less, not hydrate properly, further causing muscle pain and anxiety.
About Me
I’m Christine Cook, I’m 44 years old, I was a police officer for 10 years prior to first being introduced to Tibetan Singing Bowls in 2012. My world completely opened up from discovering Sound Vibration Therapy and I’ve never looked back.
The first time I attended a Singing Bowl Meditation, I had no idea what it was, but curiosity got me. I didn’t consider myself particularly spiritual or open to alternative healing then, but it was an indescribably amazing experience. I could feel sensations running through my body from the sounds and vibrations in the air and I left the session feeling totally relaxed and at peace.
I was hooked, and went back every week and every time I went, I had a different experience. Sometimes it was emotional, I can recall crying during a session once. That night I felt compelled to release some more, so I went back for the evening session to release more sadness or hopefully feel at peace again, instead I felt anger and frustration. I journaled that night and felt a huge release, I felt clarity and in my power.
Sometimes I would see waves of beautiful colours, they would take me to another world, even on the days my mind wouldn’t otherwise quieten, they would centre me and take me on a beautiful journey.
I once had a vision, there was a room/temple with people sitting around a circle on the floor with beautiful cushions everywhere centred around Tibetan Singing Bowls. It was around the time I had decided to study it and take it to Aged Care. Just as I wondered if it was a sign I was on the right path, a beam of white light shone down on them. Some of my clients also experience visions and it’s very exciting to see their joy in describing them.
I use them on myself in my every-day life as well, I’ve eased my headaches, stopped nausea, regained full movement in my left shoulder, completely healed my groin injury within 3 days and regularly use them to soothe my back pain and make dissolve my misalignments.
They have helped me bring forth buried emotions so I was able to release them and they always relaxed my mind when it wouldn’t otherwise quieten. They unblocked my throat chakra during major life changes and helped balance my energy all over.
Because of all that I experienced, I feel compelled to introduce Sound Vibration Therapy to everyone and I’m so grateful to have been able to help so many people with such varying concerns. And although most changes and responses are only obvious to the person experiencing it, there have been quite a few where I have been able to witness the most profound results during or soon after their session, and that’s so inspiring.
I'd just like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to Christine for the amazing treatment I had last week with your beautiful singing bowls. I went into the session feeling like 15 people all wrestling for space in the one body - jumbled, anxious, with a 'monkey mind'. I walked away feeling so amazingly aligned, as one person with 15 tasks to do.
My mind and body felt clearer, centred and calmer and my breathing improved dramatically. When anxiety starts to creep into my busy life again I now feel compelled to take a deep breath while in my minds eye my hands come from each side of my body to meet in front of me to the words 'I am aligned'.. It feels pretty awesome I have to say!!!
Thank you once again for 'straightening' me out with your beautiful bowls... Keep up the great work!
Amazing meditation with the Tibetan Singing Bowls. Thanks Christine Cook Jenny
Had a good nights sleep afterwards!! Sigrid
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