Christina Spaccavento Counsellor
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Focus areas
Individual Therapy
What is Therapy?
Therapy is a collaborative treatment which is based on the therapeutic relationship between the therapist and the client. Therapists are trained and experienced health professionals that provide a non-judgemental, supportive and objective space where clients can work through current and past individual, interpersonal and life problems, traumas, negative experiences, phobias or fears so that a more fulfilling life can be achieved.
A good therapist draws on several theories of psychotherapy to guide them through the process of understanding a client's history and presentation. My therapeutic approach is integrative and I combine multiple approaches such as Eye Movement Desensitisation (EMDR) Therapy, Mindfulness and Meditation, Gestalt Therapy, Schema Therapy, Sex Therapy, Relationship Counselling, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Positive Psychology, practical life skills training and communication training.
Why See a Therapist?
Therapy enhances emotional and physical resilience and increases happiness, inner contentedness and intimacy in everyday life. Anyone can see a therapist and you do not have to be mentally ill to benefit from therapy. It's very normal to experience challenges and difficulties in life and asking for help from a trained and experienced professional is a great way to work through your problems.
Therapy may be of help if:
- you feel overwhelmed and feel like things are getting on top of you;
- you feel exhausted, depressed, anxious or stressed;
- you are having troubles sleeping;
- work is getting on top of you;
- you are binging on food, alcohol or drugs to cope;
- you’re having difficulty finding a solution to a problem that has been troubling you for some time;
- you find it hard to open up to family or friends;
- you are trapped in the past and cannot get over a traumatic experience;
- your work life, relationships or friendships are suffering;
- you feel angry, frustrated and irritable;
- you have experienced a major life event including the death of a loved one, relationship break up or traumatic event/s.
- One of the best ways to move forward is to book an initial appointment with a therapist. This way, you are taking the first steps towards healing and you can find out more about how therapy works and if you will benefit from it.
What to Expect an Appointment
Clients are assessed according to their personal, family, relationship and medical histories. The client's presenting problem is viewed in the wider context of past and present experiences, relationships, sexuality, family, religious and cultural background, values and motivations and short and long term goals of therapy are identified. Therapy goals may be achieved quickly or they may require a greater amount of time. The therapeutic process involves personal enquiry, self- reflection and delving into emotions and feelings. And while challenging, it is also profoundly rewarding and facilities breaking through blocks and personal growth.
Areas of Experience
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Addictions
- Self-esteem
- Socialising skills
- Self-care
- Illness and mental health
- Body Image
- Trauma
- Abuse
- Bullying
- Racism
- LGBTQI+ issues
- Homophobia
- Grief and loss
- Life transitions
- Life purpose and life coaching
- Fears and phobias
- Insomnia
- Feelings of not coping/overwhelm
- Substance abuse and addictions
- Eating disorders
- Workplace issues and workplace bullying
- Divorce/Separation
- Resolving the impacts of traumatic relationships
- Parenting and blended families
- Family conflict
- Work/life/family/relationship balance
- Conflict management
- Anger management
- Stress management
- Dating coaching
- Spirituality
- Meditation and breathing
- Sex therapy
- Relationship counselling
- EMDR Therapy
- Trauma therapy
Relationship Counselling
What is Relationship Counselling?
A relationship counsellor works with the dynamics between the people in a relationship to resolve conflict and confusion during a time of crisis or to assist people to optimise their connection to experience a more fulfilling relationship. I work with a diverse range of issues, type of relationships and clients including couples in new or long-term relationships, family relationships, friendships or work relationships.
Why See a Relationship Counsellor?
A relationship counsellor is an experienced and skilledherapist trained to assist couples in negotiating and resolving issues within their relationship dynamic. They are highly trained to deal with complex relationship issues including affairs and infidelity, trauma, mismatched libido and poor communication.
A good relationship counsellor can identify past and present stressors that affect the relationship and collaborates with the partners to resolve and repair difficulties and re-establish relationship happiness. It's important to find a relationship counsellor who is a good fit, understands you, is non-judgemental and can help you untangle the complexities of your relationship difficulties.
What to Expect in an Appointment?
Clients are assessed according to their medical, family, relationship and sexual histories and both individual and couple goals are identified and worked towards during treatment.
Relationship counselling is more complex than individual therapy as the counsellor must identify the issues with the relationship dynamic as well as the issues of each individual that contribute to the dynamic. Both couple and individual sessions are conducted to provide a therapeutic framework for change.
Often, clients present with what they consider to be the main difficulty. However, careful assessment may reveal a plethora of other unresolved issues that contribute to relationship conflict. It is the counsellor's role to provide support, moderate and guide clients in resolving the complex issues presented during appointments.
Areas of Experience
- Relationship and marriage counselling
- Couples communication
- Argument resolution
- Rebuilding your relationship after infidelity
- Sex in long-term relationships
- Body image and relationships
- Intimacy and relationships
- Anxiety and depression in relationships
- Addictions in relationships
- Chronic illness in relationships
- Negotiating major life changes and relationships
- Dating coaching
- Ending relationships
- New relationships
- Resolving the impacts of traumatic relationships
- Negotiating parenting in a relationship
- Anger management/resolution in relationships
- Pre-marriage preparation
- Conception Support
- Blended Families
- Separation/Divorce Support
- Negotiating family and relationships
- Cross-cultural/religious relationships
- Alternative relationship structures
- LGBTQI+ relationships
- Individual therapy
- Sex therapy
- Trauma therapy
- EMDR Therapy
Sex Therapy
What is Sex Therapy?
Sex therapy is a specialised form of counselling that addresses concerns related to human sexual development, sexual functioning, sexuality expression, sex and relationships and sexual trauma.
Some people can find it daunting seeking help for sexual problems. Sex therapists are trained to deal with complex sexual and interpersonal issues on a daily basis and are experienced and equipped to provide specialised guidance to clients.
Why See a Sex Therapist?
A sex therapist is a highly trained health professional with specialised clinical skills, therapeutic experience and theoretical knowledge to assist people in the treatment of issues related to human sexuality.
Although a referral is not necessary, as trained professionals, sex therapists receive referrals from GPs, gynaecologists, physiotherapists, chiropractors, psychologists, psychiatrists, counsellors and other health practitioners.
What to Expect in an Appointment
A consultation with a sex therapist is the same as any other medical consultation. Your medical, family, relationship and sexual histories are taken and the therapist works together with you to resolve the issues that you have brought to the session. Together, we collaborate to identify issues, concerns and goals of therapy and put together a treatment plan.
Depending on the issue/s that you are experiencing we may work on many levels. You may simply need some assistance with building skills and experience or your concerns may be more complex and require longer term therapy. My approach is integrative and multiple therapeutic modalities may be applied according to your needs.
Consultations are conducted with the highest level of confidentiality and professionalism. As an industry standard sex therapists do not conduct any physical assessments or manipulations. Referrals to specialised medical practitioners will be made if necessary.
Areas of Experience
- Sex addiction/compulsive sexual behaviours
- Female and male desire problems/issues
- Low Libido
- Orgasm Related Issues
- Sex and long term relationships
- Sexual performance anxiety
- Sexual assault recovery
- Adult survivors of child sexual abuse
- Sexual trauma
- Erectile dysfunction
- Premature ejaculation
- Delayed ejaculation
- Post prostatectomy surgery
- Body image and sexuality
- Self-esteem and sexuality
- Sexuality workshops
- Painful intercourse
- Unexplained genital or sexual discomfort
- Illness and sexuality
- Gender identity issues
- LGBTQI+ sexuality and relationships
- Alternative sexualities and sexual practices
- Sex education
- Sexual communication
- Sex and dating
- Sexuality and religion
- Sexuality and diverse cultural backgrounds
- Relationship counselling
- Individual therapy
- Trauma therapy
- EMDR therapy
EMDR Therapy
What is EMDR Therapy?
Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy is an evidence based, proven and integrative psychotherapeutic approach for the treatment of trauma and other previously unresolved emotional, psychological and physical issues.
It is based on the idea that all current pervasive, intrusive and negative thoughts, feelings, behaviours and self-beliefs are the result of unprocessed memories that have originated in traumatic experiences or adverse life events.
The therapy involves following a set of standardised procedures and protocols including simultaneously focussing on images, thoughts, emotions, body sensations and self-beliefs while repeated bilateral eye movement is applied. The bilateral eye movement stimulates the brain to access its natural healing mechanism to process blocked content and clients achieve profound changes to symptoms that were previously resistant to other therapeutic techniques.
Repeated clinical studies show that people can experience emotional healing using the EMDR technique and can heal from psychological trauma in the same way that the body can heal from physical trauma if the right conditions are available.
EMDR Therapy is recommended by the World Health Organisation, the American Psychiatric Association and the US Department of Defence for the treatment of trauma and trauma related conditions.
Why See an EMDR Therapist?
Many clients have spent years in traditional therapy and find it hard to imagine that their emotional trauma is something that can be healed; they can also be wary of discussing traumatic events in an effort to avoid re-experiening painful memories. Like cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), EMDR Therapy aims to reduce disturbance and increase client resilience and inner strength related to traumatic events. But unlike trauma focussed CBT, EMDR Therapy does not require the client to re-experience trauma by fixating on a detailed description of the event, extended re-exposure or homework tasks. Because of this, EMDR Therapy can be safely used in the treatment of events ranging from single incident traumas to the most extreme cases of chronic complex trauma.
How to Choose an EMDR Therapist?
There have been significant changes in the way that EMDR Therapy has been practised over the last 20 years as a result of extensive evidence based research, empirical observation and advances in neuroscience and brain plasticity. It is best to choose a therapist that has undertaken the latest EMDR Institute training at an advanced level so that you can be assured that their skill set is up to date and reflect the significant changes, progress and advanced applications of EMDR therapy.
What Is the Process?
EMDR therapy is an eight phase model; clients must be assessed, reviewed, stabilised and resourced before eye movement reprocessing begins. The processing phase may access a myriad of memories, some of which may be repressed so it is essential that clients are resourced to manage anything that may arise during or after a session. The amount of time that the complete treatment will take depends on each client and their individual history.
Research and Links
EMDR Association of Australia
EMDR International Association
EMDR Institute Inc.
European EMDR Association
EMDRIA Francine Shapiro Library
Areas of Experience
- Body image difficulties
- Self-esteem issues
- Assertiveness
- Confidence building
- Performance anxiety or deficits in studies, business, social situations, performing arts or sports
- Sexual performance anxiety
- Phobias
- Panic disorders
- Generalised panic disorder
- Panic attacks
- Anxiety and depression caused by disturbing life experiences
- Obsessive compulsive behaviours
- Sex addiction/compulsive sexual behaviours
- Painful Intercourse
- Pain disorders
- Excessive and unresolved grief
- Alcohol and other substance addictions
- Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)
- Developmental and attachment trauma
- Resolving the impacts of traumatic relationships
- Resolution of disturbing memories and traumatic events
- Anger management and resolution
- Abuse
- Trauma related dissociative states
- Trauma based personality issues
- Trauma therapy for crime victims, police officers, fire fighters and field workers
- Catastrophic life events
- Victims of natural and manmade disasters
- Accident, surgery and burn victims
- Sexual assault
- Adult survivors of child sexual assault
- Post traumatic stress disorder
- Somatoform disorders such as migraines, headaches, chronic pain, phantom limb pain, chronic eczema, gastrointestinal problems, chronic fatigue syndrome, psychogenic seizures, body image issues
- Eating disorders such as anorexia, orthorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder
- Insomnia/Sleep Disturbance
- Gambling addiction
Business Hours
We're open 5 days.
Tuesday |
10:30 am | To | 6:00 pm |
Wednesday |
10:00 am | To | 6:00 pm |
Thursday |
10:30 am | To | 5:30 pm |
Friday |
10:00 pm | To | 6:00 pm |
Saturday |
8:00 am | To | 3:30 pm |
Professional Membership
- Australian Counselling Association (ACA)
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