Harry Yu Wu
Hornsby Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine Clinic
About Hornsby Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine Clinic
Focus areas
All our practitioners are:
- Trained in China
- Former medical doctors in China
- Registered in Australia
- Over 20 years of experience
- Fluent in both Mandarin and English
All our practitioners are graduates from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine (BUCM), and have completed their internship at Guang An Men Hospital Beijing.
Our practitioners have a wealth of experience working as medical doctors in public hospitals in Chine for 5 to 10 years before coming across to Australia.
Dr Harry Yu Wu
Throughout practicing both in China and Australia for over 20 years, Dr. Harry Yu Wu has helped over tens of thousands of patients to recover. Harry is also a senior lecturer in SITCM ( Sydney Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine) and doctoral researcher in Public Health and Chinese medicine. He has undertaken clinically and academic training in Australia and China. He used to be a medical doctor in China and worked in a public hospital for nearly 10 years.
Dr Harry Yu Wu is specialized in musculoskeletal problem, e.g. headache, migraine, cervical problem, tingling or numbness in extremities, tennis elbow, frozen shoulder, sore back, lower back pain, disc protrusion, stenosis, sciatica, Achilles tendinitis, Plantar fasciitis, bursitis.
Dr Diana Deyi Hu
Dr Diana Deyi Hu is the 5th generation in her family majored in cancer management with Chinese Herbal Medicine
Dr Diana Deyi Hu is specialized in cancer management