Karen Herriott Partridge therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2017

Karen Herriott Partridge

Celtic Healing

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An ancient art in a modern world

Celtic Healing

Servicing area

Perth in Person & Distance Healing Worldwide

Focus areas

Labour Leadership Emotional wellbeing Purpose Wellness Love

Customised Reiki Treatments - General Public - Pregnancy & Birth (Mums and Bubs) - Animals (Fierce & Friendly) , Distance Healing of all kinds. Reiki I, II & III Courses, Customised Reiki I Courses - Mums & Bubs or Animals & their Humans, Crystal Healing - Expanded Heart, Advanced Chakra, Inner Child, Emotional Release & Soul Retrieval, Psychic Surgery and Shamanic Healing, Psychic and Spiritual Healing, Readings - Tarot, Oracle, Shaman Stone, Crystals, Mediumship

Customised Healings ( Reiki, Crystal, Shamanic, Psychic & Spiritual) - all by private appointment. General Public - Treating Illness and Preventative Health & Wellness. Specialising in Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum,Animals of all kinds, Bereavement & Grief (Anxiety & Depression),Weddings.

Distance Healing - for Wellness and Events. Reiki can be sent to you, to your friends or loved ones, to your pet or animals, for a problem, decision or challenge in your life. It can help also help with past or future events, such as exams, job interviews, special birthdays, weddings, labour and birth, divorce, grief - any special or significant event in your life. You can have Reiki sent to your home, your business, or your work for any positive or healing purpose you wish.

Reiki Beginner, Practitioner and Master courses

Customised Reiki I courses for Mums and Bubs (Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum, Babies) and Pets and their People (Animals and their Humans).


Karen Herriott Partridge was born in Scotland and is descended from a long line of Highland Seers and Healers.

She has always “known” her bloodline gift but has spent most of her time ignoring it and pursuing mainstream healing options. She was a nurse and a fully qualified (AAC) volunteer ambulance officer for many years. She is also a qualified teacher with over 26 years experience in education (primary, secondary and adult) and vocational training.

Karen also holds a Masters in Criminal Justice and several other mainstream business, management and leadership qualifications.

Her breakaway from the mainstream world, embracing and finally exploring her healing and psychic gifts, came from the sudden death of her adult son, Kyle, in a motorcycle accident on 24.1.2016

Karen is now a fully qualified Usui Reiki Practitioner (Hands of Light) and Usui Reiki Master/Teacher.

Karen offers Customised Reiki Healings as well as Reiki Beginner, Practitioner and Master courses. She also offers customised courses for Mums and Bubs (Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum, Babies) and Pets and their People (Animals and their Humans).

She is trained in Psychic & Spiritual Healing and Shamanic Healing.

Karen is a qualified Practitioner in Crystal Healing from the Academy of Crystal Awareness and will have completed her Diploma in Crystal Shamanism by the end of 2017.

She is also a qualified Energy Practitioner from the Academy of Energy Healing

Karen is registered with professional bodies such as the International Institute of Complementary Therapies, Reiki WA and Reiki Australia.

She has studied under a world renowned psychic medium to unlock and develop her ancestral psychic abilities.

She has training in Clairvoyance (Seeing), Clairaudience (Hearing), Clairsentience (Knowing), Tasseography (Tea Leaf Reading), Scrying (Crystal Ball Reading, Shaman Stone and Pendulum use), Psychometry (Reading Objects), Reading Photographs, using Crystals, Tarot and Mediumship. Her teacher says she has consistently demonstrated “a very high standard of psychic ability”.

Karen’s Power Spirit Animal is a magnificent and beautiful female Celtic Grey Wolf….come to be known as Tayowin, who was retreived after a Shamanic Healing.

Karen has been described as the “Classic Wounded Healer” and as having “Magical Hands”.


Still keeping our 2016 prices – but please be aware prices may be subject to change

Reiki and Customised Healing

  • Initial Consultation and Treatment (90 min) $150

  • 1 hour Session (45 min Treatment) $100

  • 45 min Session (30 min Treatment) $ 75

For regular clients only – Top Up Sessions:

  • 30 min Session (15 min Treatment) $ 50

Specialised Crystal Healings

  • Initial Consultation and Treatment (90 min) $150

  • Simple Chakra Balancing (1hr 45 min Treatment) $100

  • Expanded Heart Healing (1hr 45 min Treatment) $100

  • Advanced Chakra Balancing (1hr 45 min Treatment) $100

  • Crystal Inner Child (1hr 45 min Treatment) $100

  • Crystal Soul Retrieval (1hr 45 min Treatment) $100

Specialised Shamanic Healings

  • Initial Consultation and Treatment (90 min) $150

  • Power Animal & Soul Retrieval $150

  • Psychic Surgery (if required as part of treatment) $50

Specialised Psychic and Spiritual Healings

  • Initial Consultation and Treatment (90 min) $150

  • 1 hour Session (45 min Treatment) $100

Psychic Readings

  • 30 min $70

  • 60 min $130

  • 90 min $200

All Readings include the use of my Psychic abilities – Clairvoyance (Seeing), Clairaudience (Hearing), Clairsentience (Knowing) and the use of Crystals as standard.

Generally, I usually conduct a Tarot Divination or Oracle Reading as part of the Standard Reading.

However, instead of Tarot or Oracle, the Client may select another mode of Divination that they feel drawn to – Tasseography (Tea Leaf Reading), Scrying (Crystal Ball, Shaman Stone, Pendulum), Psychometry (Reading Objects or Photographs). You might also like to have a Crystal Divination instead. Alternatives should be discussed in advance when making your private appointment, as you may require certain preparation or objects to bring.

Mediumship – by special arrangement only

  • Price on application with a 1 hour minimum

Please note: NO Genuine Psychic Medium can ever “Guarantee” connection – but I will try my very best for you.

Note: If appropriate (eg Animals, the elderly etc), by special arrangement I can come to you, but I do need to charge for my travel….I trust you understand. I can also offer Distance Healing (price on application).

Make a private appointment and experience those magical hands for yourself….it could change your life forever!

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