Haisong Wang
Capital Health Centre of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Capital Health Centre of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Servicing area
All of Canberra and surrounding areaFocus areas
Our Mission
It is our aim to provide personal, flexible, high quality treatment in Traditional Chinese Medicine, which meets the health needs of our clients, and thereby contributes to the health and well-being of the community.
Services, Staff and Locations
Capital Health Centre provides health care services for the treatment of most illnesses in children and adults using Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The centre is staffed by qualified expert practitioners and specialists in TCM.
Our 3 clinics are conveniently located in Woden, Belconnen and Civic.
Our specialties include:
- Muscular pain management & Stress management
- Rehabilitation for stroke patients
- Aiding the recovery of surgical patients
- Pain & Stress management for recovering chemotherapy patients
- Regaining physical strength and senses of wellbeing after delivery for new mothers
- Difficulties in sleeping
- Increasing mobility of senior clients
- Improving the immune system for allergy intolerance and weak constitution
- Psoriasis, acne, eczema and hives
- Health prevention and anti-aging
- Most adult & childrens health problems
- Musculoskeletal Injuries & Pain
- Stress Management
- Fertility Male & Female
- Gastro-Intestinal problems
- Gynaecology related health conditions
For more information or to make a booking contact us today
30minAcupuncture itself is a very simple procedure administered by inserting very fine, sterile needles into the acupoints along the different meridians and pathways of energy. These needles clear energy blockages and encourage the normal flow of qi through th
Professional Membership
- AACMA - Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association
- ATMS - Australian Traditional Medicine Society
- FCMA - Federation of Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Societies of Australia
- Chinese Medicine Board of Australia