Diane Poole
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Diane Poole from Canberra Kinesiology can help you: Identify and address the underlying cause of your health and life issues. Overcome limiting beliefs and behaviours of the mind and body. Improve your ability to heal, be happy, peaceful and achieve your goals in all areas of life.
Canberra Kinesiology
Servicing area
Canberra & RegionFocus areas
About Kinesiology
Kinesiology is a dynamic and highly effective complementary therapy that strengthens and enhances your innate ability and potential to heal and be successful in all areas of your life. Kinesiology does this by detecting and correcting the physical, emotional, mental, chemical and other imbalances that inhibit your healthy body functions and hinder your level of performance and well being.
Kinesiology can help you:
- release stress and trauma
- enjoy optimal health and happiness
- live with more energy and vitality
- reset limiting subconscious beliefs and perceptions
- release self-sabotaging patterns
- realise your full potential and achieve your goals
- optimise other therapies/treatments
- and many more benefits >>
People of all ages and abilities can benefit from Kinesiology. Diane has worked with expectant mums, babies, children, the elderly and with people of varying abilities. For babies and young children Diane works with Mum or Dad using surrogate balancing.
Techniques Used
There are a comprehensive range of Kinesiology techniques Diane uses to bring the body’s energy back into balance. These techniques are gentle, non-invasive and safe and include:
- meridian and acupressure points
- muscle balancing and stimulation
- neuro lymphatic massage and balancing
- vascular and vertebral neuro reflex points
- cranial balancing
- reflexology
- rapid eye movement (REM)
- emotional and mental stress diffusion
- sound and/or colour therapy
- neuro linguistic balancing(NLP)
What to expect in a session
Generally, a consultation or ‘balance’ as it is commonly known, involves initial discussion with Diane to clarify the problem and define the goal you wish to achieve. It will involve laying clothed on a massage table, but if this is not possible, sitting or standing is just as effective. Diane will then use gentle muscle testing to detect imbalances and the preferred therapy techniques required.
Therapy techniques involve holding, rubbing, massaging or tapping meridian, lymphatic, trigger and reflex points, essential oils, nutritional supplements, affirmations, visualisations, emotional stress diffusion.
The ‘balance’ will also involve ongoing discussion with Diane so that you understand what is happening and what is being corrected. You will nearly always have strategies for support and reinforcement to take home with you.
Along the way you will gain wonderful insights about your life and body and how to become healthier and happier. An often heard comment from new clients is: “I don’t know what Diane did, but it seemed to work because I feel better, more relaxed and freer”. The healing and benefits that can come from Kinesiology are often subtle but profound and sometimes these benefits unfold over a period of days, weeks or months.
You will be treated as an individual and with integrity, care and respect. A Kinesiology ‘balance’ is a unique process for each person and thus the therapy and support you receive will be specific to your healing needs, thus ensuring the best possible outcome for you.
Planning your time and finances is an important part of the healing process. A good guide is to expect 3 sessions over 6 weeks. Of course wonderful things can and do happen in the first sessions, so this is simply a guide.
- Consultations are generally - 1.5 hours Fee $150
- Under 18years of age 1.5 hours - $130
- Concessions - $130
Available days and times for appointments are:
- Monday between 1pm – 5.30pm
- Wednesday between 9am – 5pm
- Friday between 9am – 5pm
If you would like to make an appointment outside these hours or have further questions about Kinesiology and your situation, please feel free to call us.
Can’t make it to the clinic for a consultation?
Effective online consultations are available for interstate clients or for people with mobility issues by arrangement.
Book online: dianepoole.gettimely.com/book
call Diane to find out how Kinesiology and PSYCH-KTM can help you:
0428 363 010
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