BUNBURY NATURAL HEALTH CENTRE therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
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At the Bunbury Natural Health Centre we provide a wide range of Professional Naturopathic & Herbal Medicine Services, perfect for treating a range of acute or chronic conditions & symptoms for all ages.

Bunbury Natural Health Centre - Naturopathy & Herbal Medicine

Servicing area

BUNBURY, Western Australia

Focus areas

Cancer management Hormonal imbalance Lactation Ageing Assessments Migraine


What is Naturopathy?

The World Health Organisation defines health as: 'A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being'.

Naturopathic practice is based on this principle, an inclusive and all encompassing philosophy of improving health on all levels.

Where Naturopathy differs from general Medical practice is that we focus on treating the person as well as the condition. 

General medical practice on the other hand is driven by working with a known disease process not the health process.

Naturopaths provide solutions for both acute and chronic health care management, but also seek to provide education for the client so they can improve and maintain their health long term.

Why Choose Naturopathy?

Naturopathic medicine is founded on the principle of wholistic practice. That is, the practitioner looks at all aspects of the person’s life – diet, lifestyle, emotional and social wellbeing. All these factors are taken into account when assessing the patient and looking to understand what factors have contributed to the person’s state of health.

The harmonious functioning of all these aspects in a person’s life are essential to regaining health and vitality. By addressing all these areas your treatment can be based on your individual and specific requirements.

As quoted in the ancient texts, health is not just the absence of disease or illness, it is the presence of vitality, a dynamic balance between body, mind and emotions. Wellness is a lifelong process, and devotion to this process brings unbounded rewards of energy, aliveness and peace of mind for our immediate and long term health.

What Does Naturopathy Offer?

  1. An individualised programme based on your health picture
  2. Advanced and effective testing procedures to assist in the diagnostic process. These include:
    1. Iridology to help determine the strengths and weakness a person has. This reading allows the practitioner to improve their treatment strategy for the person.
    2. Darkfield microscopy - looking at a drop of the patients blood under the microscope. This allows us to view the internal world of the client, looking at inflammatory problems such as allergies, irritable bowel, diabetes etc
    3. Blood and saliva testing (done via a laboratory)
    4. Blood typing (done in house with a finger prick)
  3. Safe and effective medicines ranging from herbs, to homeopathics and nutritional support
  4. A guideline for improving diet, nutrition and lifestyle to assist with improving and maintaining health
  5. Naturopathy can be used for all the family from birth to very old age.
  6. Naturopathy can be used also to complement mainstream western medicine.

What Do We Do?

At the Bunbury Natural Health Centre we follow the TLC programme. That is the Therapeutic Lifestyle Change programme. The changes to your diet and lifestyle create the fundamentals for your improved health and vitality. By providing relevant information the practitioner is allowing the client to develop responsibility for their health.

This takes the place of the current medical model where Doctors are seen as the experts of a person’s health. Practitioners, medical or natural should be seen as facilitators on the person’s road to health. The aim of any Naturopathic treatment (diet, lifestyle, herbs and nutritionals) is to support and complement the body’s own attempts to heal.


What Is Herbal Medicine?

Herbal medicine is still the oldest and most practised system of medicine in the world today. Herbal medicine is based on the use of specific plant parts that have medicinal healing properties and these properties allow the practitioner to help the person restore balance, to assist in prevention of disease and to enhance well-being.

How Does It Work?

Herbal medicine follows the principle of working to support the body to encourage its own healing response.

Using plants as medicine provides significant advantages for treating many conditions. Herbs are designed to assist the body in the healing process, providing a framework or structure to assist the body in returning to a point of balance.

At the Bunbury Natural Health Centre we use a combination of Western herbs and Chinese herbal formulaes.

Why Use Herbal Medicine?

When using traditional Western or Chinese herbal medicine every patient is treated individually, based on the notion that one does not treat the disease or condition but rather the person. In other words two people with the same complaint may be treated entirely differently, if their constitutions and life situations are different.

Herbal medicine as mentioned is the oldest form of medicine and is found in all original cultures. Even our modern pharmaceutical industry is based on active ingredients found often in botanical medicines or herbs. For example, (one of) the active ingredient(s) in white willow bark has been chemically manufactured and sold as Asprin.

The chemical manufacture is important for Pharmaceutical companies as they can patent the product. Plants and botanical medicines can not be patented and therefore hold no attraction finacially for these multinational companies.

What Are Herbal Medicine's Based On?

Chinese herbal formulaes are based on the principle of Yin and Yang and the dynamic balance between the two. Although Western Medical Herbalism and Chinese Herbal Medicine have 2 very different philosophy's and backgrounds they both serve the purpose of helping the client tor regain balance.

All herbal formulae are designed to support and enhance the clients health and wellbeing.

The Western medicinal herbs are purchased from Mediherb, the leading manufacturer in Australia. Mediherb products are well sourced and well researched and offer quality second to none. The Chinese formulaes are from the reputable Sun Ten range. Again these herbs are sourced from the highest quality herbs only.

For more information about the best services for your needs or to organise an appointment - just give us a call!


11 Services


Naturopathy Iridology Allergy Testing / Treatments
$99 Per hour

Assessing the coloured part of the eye looking for strengths and challenges in the body and function. The Iridology is included in the initial consult

Herbal medicine

Naturopathy Herbal Medicine
$50 Per course

Both Western Medical herbs and limited range of Chinese Herbal formulations to work with all health conditions, naturally. Cost of herbs for 2 weeks is generally under $50

Business Hours

We're open 5 days.


10:00 am To 2:00 pm


9:30 am To 6:00 pm


8:30 am To 6:00 pm


8:30 am To 6:00 pm


8:30 am To 5:00 pm


  • Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy (1998)
  • Trained Midwife
  • Trained Nurse

Professional Membership

  • ANPA - Australian Naturopathic Practitioners' Association
  • NHAA - Naturopaths & Herbalists Association of Australia

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