Kim Joblin & Gillean A Joblin
Buderim Meadows Naturopathy & Astrology Services
Testimonials - We Get Help You Get Fantastic Results with our Holistic Medicine Approach. Read what some of happy clients have had to say .... Thyroid and Related Health Dis-Ease Testimonials Throughout ....
Buderim Meadows Naturopathy Clinic - Testimonials
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Sunshine Coast, Queensland and Greater AustraliaFocus areas
Mrs F B Says of Our Natural Health Strategies For Heart Disease - Heart Artery Blockages - Oct 2018
Hi to all, my name is Frances B from Donnybrook Qld. I want to thank Kim and Gillean for all the wonderful help my husband and myself have received.
Two years ago my husband was not in a good place - he was very tired and lethargic and aching all over - and breaking out in a rash - again. He was so depressed as Doctors couldn't find anything wrong with him.
After visiting Kim - who put him on Homeopathic & Bio-Regulatory Medicines With a Good Diet For Him, He picked up in leaps and bounds. The rash went, and he had so much more energy.
It's a shame the Dr's couldn't find out (two years ago) that he had a 95% blockage in one of his heart arteries before he had a heart attack - and an 80% blockage in 3 more of the coronary arteries - which were not addressed until four months later.
After the heart attack Kim put my husband on natural heart medications and blood cleansers. When Four months later the Drs re-addressed the 80% blocked coronary arteries with intended replacement stents, to our surprise they only needed to do one as the others had reduced to less than 50% blocked.
My husband kept saying, How do we know this medicine is working? Well he has now changed his tune and is very happy with the results!
In that time (4 month treatment) he took himself off all Drs meds as they gave him gout so badly, and his blood pressure was so low he regularly almost fell. He never had high blood pressure in the first place but the Drs still told him to take them.
Then the specialist said, well it looks like our tablets worked - if only they knew!
I fully recommend Kim to anyone.
I have introduced her expertise to some of my family and friends and they too are getting results.
I hope this helps you make up your mind regarding visiting Kim
F B.
Ms N T Says of Our Natural Thyroid Health Strategies for Auto-Immune Thyroid Un-Ease - Graves' Disease - January 2018
I have been seeing Kim and Gillean Joblin for approximately 10 years, when I was first diagnosed with Graves' Disease (Over Active Thyroid)
Kim and Gillean have been wonderfully supportive during my road to wellness. Encouraging me with changes to my diet which I have followed, removing cow's dairy and wheat products and providing supplements and support.
A brief history, I did go into remission for 4 years initially but the Graves came back about 5 years ago. My endocrinologist wanted me to take radioactive iodine or have my thyroid removed and I have been fighting against that, knowing it was a last resort.
My mother had Graves' Disease and my sister and her daughters have under active thyroids so it is definitely in my family.
With Kim and Gillean's help, support, care and guidance I have radically changed my diet over the past 10 years, spent time meditating and de-stressing my life.
Without Kim and Gillean in my life I probably would have followed the Endocrinologists advice and destroyed my thyroid. I am extremely grateful to them both for always being there during my journey.
Through Kim, I had allergy testing a few months ago and discovered that I was very allergic to egg white, almonds, curry (weekly night out), figs, goats cheese amongst other things. All of these items I was eating regularly so again I adjusted my diet. Kim then told me about a book she had read called Thyroid Healing by Anthony Williams. I bought the book. As the book predicted I had glandular fever when I was 15 which is caused by Epstein Barr Virus which remains in your body long after the Glandular Fever is gone. After reading Anthony's book, I have removed eggs, all dairy and wheat from my diet and within 3 - 4 days I started feeling changes happening. I am calmer, less stressed, my thoughts are clearer, I am sleeping better. It is early days yet but I am feeling positive about my future.
My Wellness Journey continues and I am forever grateful to Kim and Gillean and know that anyone who visits them will be better off.
Ngaire - 12/01/2018.
Ms E Says After Three (3) Days of our Specialised Naturopathy & Practitioner-Only Natural Anxiety Medicines for Thyroid Health) :
Hi Kim & Gillean, just letting you know how I have been going since I started your natural medication. This morning was the first I haven't woken up with anxiety since January, so I was very pleased that I was off to a good start for the day. Now that I have stopped the Anti-Depressant Medication All Together, I am finding I no longer have the shakes now, have an appetite and don't feel stressed out. I still have occasional sweats but the heat doesn't help. I have been taking your medicines twice daily as I haven't felt the need to use it three times per day. All in all I finally feel I am on the road to recovery and feel like I am getting back to my old self - which I must say What A Huge Relief! I can't thank you enough for helping me with that crippling anxiety, your naturopathy & natural medicine has finally released me from that. So again - Thank You So Much.
Mrs K J says of our Advanced Medicine & BioRegulatory Strategies for Weight Gain, Thyroid Nodules and Hormones :
I came to see Kimberleigh and Gillean again because Doctors were not wanting to pay any attention to my concerns about my Weight Gain, Medically Diagnosed Thyroid Nodules and my Hormones. (I first came a couple of years earlier for Fertility and Healthy Babies assistance from them and have a beautiful Daughter now).
Their holistic medicine service is excellent with great attention paid to the relevant details and they are both thorough and caring in their approach to me and my health.
I have lost weight, my throat is getting much less reactive and my thyroid issues are being well maintained. I feel healthier, and happier!
Ms F Mc says of our Histamine Intolerance (Allergies/Sensitivities) and Methylation Issues Assistance - Using Our Bio-Regulatory Medicine Strategies for Her Skin, Physical Pain and Extreme Emotional Stress ...... : Jan 2018 - Her Story
I first met Kim and Gillean in 2015 when I sought their help with my Health.
At the time I was truly fed up and at the end of my tether with my health problems! Specialist Medical and Standard Drs Medications only exacerbated my condition, (I was given steroid tablets, and cortisone creams).
My specialist dermatologist then suggested I try Anti-Malarial Tablets as the steroids and cortisone were not helping me. {I didn't take up the offer as he described them as a "good/bad" drug - because one side effect could be cancer! (his words)}
I then realised that the Medical Specialists were more focused on treating my symptoms and not interested in addressing the cause of my problems!
It has not been an easy journey to good health, there were ups and downs along the way.
First Kim explained my skin was reacting to lots of "bad" things going on internally; and although my skin problem was obvious, I soon realised there was a lot more to my health and un-ease ...... Kim explained that my body is lots of systems all "talking to" each other - I was also suffering from Insomnia, Feelings of High Anxiety, Stress and Muscle Aches and Pains.
With Kim and Gillean's Support with changes to my diet, and a range of alternative medications by early 2016 my skin had cleared up and I was less stressed, my sleep improved and I was feeling great. I chose to stick with my dietary changes, alternative medicines and lifestyle changes as I wanted to stay WELL!
Unfortunately March/April of 2017 my Skin Flared Up and I was experiencing Lots of Bowel Problems - (bloating, flatulence, and extreme diarrhoea) and Stress. (My very dear Mum turned 90 in Jan 2017 - I was her primary carer and she still lived at home; around March she started presenting health problems and was Hospitalised) - Sadly Mum passed away May 15th - Yet Again KnG were there for me with unwavering support, care and thoughtfulness.
I made the necessary dietary changes and took the new natural medicines required - by Mid December I was once again feeling great! It has been an interesting journey and I am learning what I need to learn about how to nourish my body, how to maintain myself for my health and be well - there is absolutely no way in the world I would be where I am today - Vital, Healthy and Well Again without both Kim and Gillean Joblin.
Both KnG have expressed over the years how dedicated I am to my health and wellbeing, fair enough I am - but I am absolutely positive that without their dedication, unfailing support and knowledge in all aspects of alternative treatments that I would not be where I am today - I am Well Again!....
Hence I would like to express my sincere gratitude in what I feel is my sheer good fortune in coming across Kim and Gillean and in teaming up with them for assistance with my health journey.
Kim & Gillean are two of the most caring & thoughtful people I have ever met. Their (particularly Kim's) diagnostic abilities and extensive knowledge in Holistic Practice is Mind Boggling!
You cannot possibly go wrong if you are looking for Natural Health Assistance & Medicines that actually work -
Do Not Hesitate to call them and book in! I am 100% confident in Kim & Gillean's knowledge and abilities - I remain forever grateful to them for their ongoing support and continued support in the years to come.
Fi Mac - 2018 Jan
Mrs E W says of her Fatty Liver Disease, Acid Reflux, Constant Fatigue and Underactive Thyroid :
I came to see Kimberleigh & Gillean Again This Year because I was Very Fatigued and My Dr was using medical drugs to treat my Fatty Liver Disease, Acid Reflux, Underactive Thyroid - that were just not working for me - I Felt the Dr Just Wasn't Able to Do Enough For Me and I really felt I needed Kim and Gillean's Expert Help Again.
They Explained The Dr's Medications Dosages and Effects - and after reading my Dr's Pathology Reports, Did Their Natural Health Screenings With Me and Prescribed Bio-Regulatory and Advanced Natural Medicines to Assist my Digestive Health, Thyroid and Fatigue. I undertook their 5+ Steps Corrective Health Care Plan - This is all New To Me and they explained all the Advanced Medicines very well to me.
I have found every visit, the help and support I got, gave me calm and confidence to carry on, and improve my general health. Please go straight away to see them, and they can tell you how they can help you just like they helped me. . . . I really liked their helpfulness and patience and answering all of my questions, and I like the results of undertaking their treatment plans and taking their natural medicines.
Ms D H & Mr S K say about us (Migraine and Weight Loss) :
Kim and Gillean are two amazingly talented women with a wealth of knowledge between them and they work very well together.
They used specialised in-clinic diagnostic tools and treatments that helped us to understand where we were at with our health, where we wanted to be and how we were going to get there, and supported it with information for us to take home to help us understand what we were doing and why.
Debra says of Steven - : my partner suffered weekly from migraines since childhood and was always taking strong pain medication (weekly) which was ruining his health. Since seeing Kim and Gillean he has not had a migraine - which is just absolutely amazing! He has lost weight (about 20 kg) and his energy levels have increased dramatically.
They are extremely generous and caring and I and Steven highly recommend their services to anyone.
Sincerely Debra and Steven.
Please See Bottom of Page for More of Our Healthy Weight Loss Testimonials..
Here is what Mary has to say about our FATIGUE and Life-Style Treatments for Hemachromatosis (Excess Iron Storage) using our Practitioner-Only Natural Medicines, In-Clinic Screening Tools, Drs Functional Pathology (Iron Studies) and In-Clinic Urine Analysis :
I came to see Kimberleigh and Gillean because I WAS JUST TOO TIRED and wasn't feeling well in myself. I had lost motivation and enjoyment in life and in doing the things I normally loved doing. I WAS WANTING TO SLEEP 3/4 OF THE DAY AWAY and I wasn't getting any relief using the "medical system" and/or medical treatments. (I have Hemachromatosis a Serious Red Blood Cell Disorder that causes Fatigue and damages vital organs like heart/liver/kidneys)
I LOVED THEIR WHOLE APPROACH TO MY HEALTH CONCERNS RIGHT FROM THE FIRST VISIT. Their natural medicine diagnosis gave me the proof - I needed - to understand how to get back my health.
I AM NOW UP AT 6.30 AM AND CAN KEEP GOING ALL DAY IF NEEDS BE - unlike a couple of months ago before I commenced treatment with them.
I would say to others who are considering going to see Kim and Gillean - if you feel your health is worrying you and you can't find an answer or you just want to maintain your good health - please consult Kimberleigh and Gillean as their approach is professional and knowledgable. I am very happy with the wonderful concern and attention I received from them.
Mrs C C says of our Bio-Regulatory Diagnostics and Medicines (FIBROMYALGIA and Underactive Thyroid)
I had unexplained Fatigue and Pain from Fibromyalgia and sub-clinical under-active Thyroid. As well as her in-clinic naturopathic tests - Kimberleigh asked me for copies of my pathology reports from my Dr (who was very helpful and did the extensive testing required to find my underlying problems). Using Kim's naturopathic understanding of the pathology and subsequent targeted Bio-Regulatory Medicines I quickly got better - the result is fantastic. "Its INCREDIBLE - I can hardly believe the results - the pain is gone and I am no longer tired. I'll continue to go back for repeat check-ups and medicines to stay well - they work"! - Go see Kimberleigh and Gillean.
Mrs J M says (HEALTHY AGING++) : -
I came to see them to get advice on what supplements my body needed. I was worried about fibrillation (heart) and possible stroke, also my lungs and arthritis. I like their friendliness and their diagnostic techniques i.e. I like their Natural Medicine Diagnostics. I would say - go see them. They're great people and you'll learn a lot to help your body.
Mr J M says - BETTER BABIES : -
To start with - I was worried it would be a waste of time and money going to a naturopath for NATURAL, HEALTHY CONCEPTION. Kim and Gillean explained what was going on -- go and check out the service and if you feel comfortable TRY THEIR PROGRAM - WE HAVE HAD RESULTS!
Mrs K J Says - Our Natural Fertility and Healthy Pregnancy Program :
We are very blessed to have such a beautiful little girl - we work mighty hard to bring her up in an holistic way! I would like to thank you both for your guidance throughout my pregnancy and in the first few months of Indie's life - your advice and help is forever appreciated.
I was having problems with hot flushes, stress and my weight. Kimberleigh and Gillean are both very approachable and professional in their application of naturopathy. I like that they are very thorough with LOADS OF INFORMATION. Their service is excellent.
Mrs K T says (DEPRESSION) : -
I came to see Kim and Gillean because I was tired, depressed - feeling unable to function, and overweight and I did not want to get conventional medical anti-depressants. I like their personal, pleasant service making me feel important and that my health matters. If you want to get healthy - go see Kimberleigh and Gillean.
Kimberleigh and Gillean will be able to help in every way they can to get you on the road to recovery. I had constant bowel problems, stress and disrupted sleep (and later bladder problems - and urinary tract infections) for two years prior to seeing them. They are friendly and helpful with my health concerns and their service is excellent.
Kimberleigh and Gillean are very thorough and informative. I came to see them for help with my weight, menopausal symptoms and general health. Their service is excellent. I would say - go see them and change your life-style and live longer.
I came to see Kimberleigh and Gillean because I was worried about my weight, my upset digestive system (IBS) and my low energy - I had no oomph! Their service is excellent. They are very thorough, show a lot of knowledge about my health concerns and demonstrate care towards me.
I liked the relaxed environment and caring family experience. I have enjoyed my visits, their service is excellent. I would say to others that seeing Kimberleigh and Gillean improves your inner health and long-term life-style, and this is more achievable with the information tailored to your personal health needs from them.
Mrs T N says : (MIGRAINE/FATIGUE/PAIN) 1st Note - 2009 -
You will be treated as a unique individual and treated with respect and caring with follow-up checks. Kimberleigh and Gillean are particularly helpful, caring and nurturing. They listen, they understand and they treat the cause of my health concerns. I first visited because of pain, migraine and lack of energy. Their service is excellent.
2nd Note - July 2014 (BOWEL CANCER)
I visited Kimberleigh and Gillean again with a pathology report showing very low iron - in 2013 and 2014. I had had unexplained fatigue and persistent vertigo (dizziness) for some time. They assisted me with natural medicines - during which time it was found I had bowel cancer that needed to be removed - that explained my very low iron levels. Kimberleigh explained what was going on and I chose to have Bio-Regulatory and other natural Medicines before and after my Surgery - I preferred not to have any chemo or radiation. It is now July 2014 - my blood tests are back to normal - my Dr tells me I am well, and I feel well! I have energy, my iron levels are fine, my vertigo is gone I am now 80 and I am about to go on a trip with a long-term school friend. Thank you Kimberleigh and Gillean!
3rd Note : April 2015 (DIGESTION/WIND)
Hello Kimberleigh and Gillean,
Thank You both for your knowledgeable treatment yesterday. I was concerned about my digestive system again. This morning for the first time in ages I am feeling GREAT!
Here is what Ms D K has to say about her health and weight loss program with us : -
I would like to say THANK YOU to Kimberleigh and Gillean for all they have done to help change my attitude to my health, life and living - people who haven't seen me for a while are amazed at the positive changes in me and how I look - I HAVE LOST OVER 15kg since I first came to see them for help to change my life-time style of eating patterns and to get my body ready (healthy) for older age.
Mrs G O says about our HEALTH, VITALITY AND WEIGHT LOSS services :
I liked the friendly, relaxed atmosphere of the clinic and the genuine support from Kimberleigh and Gillean in helping me RE-GAIN MY HEALTH. Before I came to see them I had a feeling of not being well - for a long time. I was exhausted and I had gained weight. By using their natural diagnostic tools for finding out why I had weight gain and why I was feeling exhausted, they were able to pin-point exactly what I needed to regain my health and lose weight - and I have! These ladies have a wealth of knowledge, skills and experience to assist in improving your health. They are genuinely interested in your health and well-being and make you feel comfortable in sharing your concerns.
YOUR HEALTH IS YOUR WEALTH WITHOUT IT YOU HAVE NOTHING! - It is easier than you might think & 1 Year From Now You WILL Wish You Had Started TODAY - Call now to find out Just How We Can Help You To FIRE UP Your HEALTH!
- Fellow of Atms
- Advanced Diploma In Herbal Medicine
- Advanced Diploma In Health Sciences
- Advanced Diploma In Naturopathy
Professional Membership
- ATMS - Australian Traditional Medicine Society