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About Us
Servicing area
North Ballarat, VictoriaFocus areas
- Pregnancy Massage
- Doula Care
- Reiki
- Therapeutic Touch
- Lymphatic Massage
- Complex Lymphatic Massage
- Hot Stone Massage
- Clinical Massage
- Reflexology
For more information about any of our services or to organise a time to come in & see me, just visit the Website
Complementary Therapies can be incorporated into our daily lives to improve both our general health and our mental and physical well being. When considering a holistic approach to our health, there are a number of things that we can do to help ourselves.
Practitioners such as Ian Gawler, founder of The Gawler Foundation, Doctor Craig Hassed, senior lecturer in Mind Body Medicine and lecturer in Graduate and post graduate Medicine at Monash-Medical centre, and Petrea King founder of the Quest for Life Foundation are providing on going research and education for people with cancer, aids and multiple sclerosis as well as management of chronic pain.
These practitioners have identified links between mind, body health, disease and illness.
Complementary Therapies can be incorporated into our daily lives to improve both our general health and our mental and physical well being.
The use of Complementary Therapies conbined with Traditional Modern Medicine can improve the benefits of treatment and provides a person with a sense of control over both their disease and their healing. It can empower a person to make decisions based on well informed information from all aspects.
Jenny has followed the guidelines from lessons learnt from the "Ian Gawler Foundation" and "Petrea King Quest for Life Foundation" and has provided volunteer support at both of these centres for many years.
Having a strong western medicine background with nursing in oncology, intensive care and surgical care for over 30 years, Jenny looks at health from both perspectives, which assists clients in being able to make well rounded informed decisions.
These therapies can be used safely while treatments are being undergone, and are provided as individual needs are assessed and discussed.
About Jenny Cameron
Jenny has been working in acute Health Care as a Registered Nurse for nearly 30 years.
Jenny believes in providing a holistic approach to health and wellbeing; balancing mind, body and soul and specializes in complementary care to chronic disease, cancer and pain.
Her Nursing has incorporated
- Intensive Care
- Surgical Nursing
- Accident and Emergency
- and more recently Oncology and
- Palliative Care Nursing
- Nurse Educator - Division 2 Nursing -
- Ballarat University SMB Campus
For more information about the best services for your needs or to organise an appointment - just give us a call!
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