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Servicing Perth, Dunsborough, Busselton & South West WAFocus areas
Touch for Health Kinesiology is simply a method that is used to extract information and balance energy.
I can assume the role of questioner and inquire with your subconscious mind as to what is the cause of physical pain, stress or illness, where there are blockages and what is needed to correct and balance out the stress.
I use a muscle (usually your arm) as a sort of test subject, and your body acts as a communication device allowing a flow of conversation with your unconscious (or super conscious as I like to think of) mind. What I'm saying here is that all of the information we require comes from you, not me. My job is to interpret that information and use it to support you to make changes.
The subconscious mind stores every single memory & event that has ever happened to you, including traumatic, stressful & anxious memories - the kind that cause painful blockages and dysfunction in the physical body.
When we go through a traumatic experience, unless we clear the emotional blockage stored in the body, we set up limiting patterns of thinking which influence the way we interact with the world.
We then go on to attract people, and undesirable situations that will keep delivering to us the same experiences that we need to work through. This continues, and can eventually manifest as dis-ease and illness.
Most of the work and knowledge I draw upon is deeply embedded in Traditional Chinese Medicine. My main focus is clearing, and then balancing and energising the acupuncture energy meridians that run throughout your body. Balancing these meridians is paramount to achieve natural flow and wellbeing in your body, your mind and also your outer experiences in the world around you.
Having a balanced energy system allows for greater opportunities to flow to you in Life, whether it be a better financial position, increased health, a greater sense of Peace and mental/emotional freedom.
One of the most powerful ways to effect positive change in your life is to book in for a Goal Balance. We work together to determine a goal that you greatly desire, yet don't believe you can achieve or receive. Then we clear the stress relating to that goal not appearing in your Life so that you can experience the reality that you really want, and deserve!!
I simply act as a facilitator for your own innate ability to balance yourself. You have the ability and the responsibility to heal whatever it is you are working through. No matter what the situation, kinesiology will help!
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