Greg Whitford
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Bowen Therapy Body Solutions
Servicing area
Adelaide & Metroploitan Areas - By Appointment OnlyFocus areas
Bowen Therapy
Bowen Therapy is an effective soft tissue treatment, which uses relatively gentle and non-invasive cross fibre (rolling) movements over muscles, ligaments & tendons. Bowen works on the fascia or connective tissue as it is also known to initiate relaxation, improved blood/oxygen flow and increased lymphatic drainage of bodily toxins. Thus empowering the bodies own healing resources to naturally achieve lasting relief from pain and discomfort, improved functioning ability and joint mobility.
Bowen Therapy is holistic and multidimensional in its approach treating not just the physical manifestation of the problem but also the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of the person receiving the treatment.
Tom Bowen developed the therapy in Geelong, Victoria over 50 years ago and in the ensuing period it has bought lasting relief to a significant number of people both here in Australia and around the world.
What conditions can Bowen help:
There is a wide range of conditions which respond very well to Bowen Therapy, these include and are not limited to:
- Migraines & headaches
- Neck & Shoulder problems
- Back pain & sciatica
- RSI & tennis/golfers elbow
- Knee & ankle problems
- Asthma
- TMJ syndrome
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Stress & tension symptoms
- Digestive complaints
- Hamstring problems
- Lymphatic drainage
- Leg & foot problems
What is a Bowen Therapy treatment?
A Bowen treatment takes around 30-60 minutes with work generally performed through light, loose and comfortable clothing, although some moves are better working straight on skin. 2-4 treatments at weekly intervals are often sufficient to acheive lasting relief from even long standing pain, though sometimes more are required. A bowen session is usually performed on a massage table but can also be done while standing as well. There is no violent manipulation of joints so Bowen Therapy can be used on all ages from newborns through to the elderly and on people of all fitness levels.
Call Greg on 0408 847 974 to make an appointment
- Bowen Therapists Association of South Australia (BTASA) No. P077253S
Diploma of Bowen Therapy - Trained by Smart Bowen Therapy
Reiki 1 & 2
Trigger Point Therapy
Discounts available for Pensioners, Students & People out of work.
Gift Vouchers Available
- Diploma In Bowen Therapy
Professional Membership
- Bowen Therapists Federation of Australia
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