Yasmin Turner
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Client Stories
Focus areas
Client has suffered lower back Pain for 8mths and has tried different modalities, though is not getting any relief. The pain was getting so bad the client was unable to get out of bed without assistance for a couple of days.
Treatment one, I worked in the hip area and down the legs. Client reported that she felt fantastic the next day, no pain at all for the first time in 8mths!
The client felt so good she returned to a dance group for 2 consecutive nights and the pain returned for 1 day only.
At the second treatment, client reported the lower back pain had not returned, though feeling some tension in the shoulders most likely due to working on a computer.
I did not hear from this client again for 1 year in which she reported that she had not had any lower back pain since the very first session though was now starting to feel a dull ache in the lower back and wanted to keep on top of it.
Lower back Pain causing difficulty with walking, tests show inflammation in L4-L5, spine area is so tender that it is painful to touch. Client was hospitalized last week with contraction like Pain across the stomach, blood in the urine and could barely walk.
As this client was in so much pain on arrival, I kept the session to a minimum to not overload the body. I did some work on the hips, down the legs and feet. It was wonderful to see this client who had shuffled into my clinic now walk out. After the session the client later reported that the family could see the difference as soon as she had returned home. The following week, the client was still experiencing some lower back pain though it was minimal in comparison to last week, legs sensitive to touch, though feel so much happier within herself.
Client suffering from Vertigo for 9mths ( since having second child), Vertigo is so bad that client has been unable to drive since.
Client has tried many modalities for vertigo, though nothing seems to be working and decided to give Bowen a try out of desparation.
After the treatment, I did not hear back from this client.
Over a year later the client booked in to treat a different ailment, when I asked about the vertigo, she said that it was gone after that one treatment!
Client has suffered from sharp pains in the chest, everyday for 1 year. At times, the pain can bring the client to the ground, which happens multiple times throughout the day.
All medical tests have come back clear.
After one treatement the client noted that the pain was only felt a few times that week, the severity in the pain when it was felt was also less. There was only one time that week, that the client ended up on the ground in pain.
After the second treatment, the severity and frequceny of chest pain were still at a minimum compared to prior treatment.
Teenage client suffering from anxiety, constantly fidgets, finds social interactions uncomfortable and stressful, dose not participate in group actvities at school. Spends alot of time alone in bedroom.
Even though I knew Bowen could be used to address an emotional ailment, I had not yet personally treated anyone for this reason, so I was unsure of the results.
Over a week later, I received a text from the teen's parent and I was shocked at the impact that, that one treatment had.
"I just can't beleive the different in Teen after seeing you. Teen is a different kid, handling school better, Teen dosen't shut up! Teen evan said to me, I dont know what that lady did but I am actually participating in class, even put my hand up to answer questions!!! I've never done that!, Thank you so much, Teen hasn't been fidgeting and picking at nails, evan going into a shop and asking for something at the counter is something teen would never do and she did! Teen's confidence has changed."
I received a last minute call from a regular client who had been suffering from a sore neck for a few days and now was unable to rotate neck to either side. This client had to move their entire body to look the other way. They were in a lot of pain.
Usually, at most the client will tell me they feel a little 'better' or 'looser ' immediatley after the treatment and they get more results over the next few days ( as in pain reduces, range of movement increases e.c.t). Though when this client sat up after treatment, full range of movement had been restored to the neck, neither of us were expecting it and of course the pain was gone!
Bowen Therapy Treatment
1hrBowen Therapy Treatment
1hrBowen Therapy
Business Hours
We're open 5 days.
Monday |
3:30 pm | To | 7:00 pm |
Tuesday |
9:00 am | To | 7:00 pm |
Wednesday |
9:00 am | To | 6:30 pm |
Thursday |
9:00 am | To | 6:30 pm |
Saturday |
8:30 am | To | 11:00 am |
- SP2 Master In Bowen Therapy
- Diploma In Specialised Bowen Therapy
Professional Membership
- Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia
- Bowen Association Australia
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