Sue Saxby therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2008

Sue Saxby

BodySense Kinesiology, Mind, Body, Spirit Transformation

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Positive living and learning. Relax, Renew, Revitalise!

BodySense Kinesiology, Conditions Treated & Speciality Areas

Servicing area


Focus areas

Balance issues Emotional wellbeing Stress Management Babies Australian bush flower essences Mind-body medicine


Are you or your child experiencing any of these problems: Pain? Stress? Anxiety? Low Energy? Poor Sleep? Allergies? Poor Immunity? Recurring illness? Autoimmune conditions? Chronic conditions?

The holistic approach stimulates the bodymind's potential for self-regulation and healing which may lead to improvements in many types of conditions and complaints such as:

  • Stress, Anxiety & Depression, Indecision, lack of Motivation, living with limiting fears that hold you back in your life? This is all connected with Emotional and Spiritual dis-ease.

  • Muscular pain & stiffness, posture problems, inflexibility

  • Sleep issues: Insomnia, disturbed sleep,Circadian rythms

  • Autoimmune Conditions: e.g. NeuroMuscular conditions, MS, Arthritis and Rheumatism, Eczema or Psoriasis, Lupus, Scleroderma, Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, IBD and IBS, Gluten Intolerance, Polymyalgia, Fibromyalgia,Thyroid imbalances, Adrenal Fatigue, Chronic Fatigue, Raynaud's, Sjogren's Syndrome.
    KINESIOLOGY, MIND BODY MEDICINE IS VERY HELPFUL FOR ALL AUTOIMMUNE OR CHRONIC CONDITIONS AND ANYTHING THAT IS NOT ABLE TO BE GIVEN A MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS - great for those "Can't find anything wrong with you" situations or for long term "Has not been right since...." situations.

  • Sensory Integration and Brain Functions: Amazing fast improvements for children (and adults) with OVER-REACTIVITY TO SENSORY INFORMATION, For improving processing of vision, hearing, memory, speech. balance and co-ordination, focus, motivation, innate sense of timing etc

  • Learning Problems - Absolutely brilliant for children with Sensory Integration and Processing problems - Global Developmental Delay, Dyslexia, Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADD, ADHD ODD, Auditory Processing Disorder, focus and attention, multi-tasking, memory training. Also great for those kids who oare not achieving to their full potential and there is no apparent reason why.

  • Behaviour Problems - Friendships, Socialising, Emotional Intelligence and Resilience, Confidence and Self -Reliance. Assists kids who just cant seem to make or keep friends, helps teens struggling with peer pressure and identity issues including self image and body image, self-harm, anxiety and depression.

  • Relationship issues - Learn effective communication techniques, problem and conflict solving techniques. Improve your heart connection with the most significant people in your life. Helps with adults for determining life satisfaction, for work, to improve parenting, self-esteem and relationship issues and with children and adolescents for behavioural and emotional issues.

  • Energetic balance of the Physical Body Systems

  • Energetic balance of the Etheric Body; Aura & Chakras


Sue has developed specialty areas focusing on such concerns as relationship issues, chronic pain or fatigue, learning and behaviour problems, weight, digestion and food sensitivities, fertility issues and pregnancy. Sue is passionate about giving her clients the unique assistance required by each individual no matter what age to help them live their most fulfilling life.



5 Services

Kinesiology, Energy Healing. Mind Body Spirit Transformation

$125 Per hour

Emotion=energy in motion. To create change energy has to shift. You can break through, clear blocks in your energy fields. I help you discover why you think and act the way you do, and through deep understanding of yourself create the power to change.

Structural Kinesiology, Body Alignment

$125 Per hour

Imagine the freedom you'll feel when your body is aligned, functioning well. Ease physical pain, restriction, stiffness, and swelling. Improve balance and co-ordination. Get excited about moving easily, no fear, doing more of what you want to do.


  • Advanced Diploma of Health Sciences In Holistic Kinesiology (College of Complementary Medicine, Sydney, 2012)
  • Diploma of Health Science In Holistic Kinesiology (College of Complementary Medicine, Sydney, 2008)
  • Diploma of Teaching In General Primary (Newcastle,1981)
  • Registered Specialised Kinesiology Practitioner (Australian Kinesiology Association (aka), Member 9981)
  • Diploma of Mind Body Medicine (College of Complementary Medicine, Sydney, 2012)

Professional Membership

  • ATMS - Australian Traditional Medicine Society
  • Australian Kinesiology Association
  • AKA - Australian Kinesiology Association

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