Tania Dolley
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Beyond Fit Nutritional Therapy
Focus areas
From being in the health and fitness industry for over 20 years, I have seen a dramatic shift in how people interpret ‘health’. Majority of people feel that losing weight, toning, building muscle, improving their aesthetics will produce a state of good health - if done correctly this can occur, but sometimes functional vitality and well being is compromised to get there. This can lead to metabolic dysfunctions altering mental, physical and social well being.
Beyond Fit Nutritional Therapy focuses on using nutrition and functional movement to support the underlying functions of the human body. When the cells or building blocks of our bodies are in working order and supported through optimal nutrition and movement, our quality of life can improve.
Personally, Beyond Fit Nutritional Therapy has evolved through nurturing the health of my family. With young boys that suffer from multiply food allergies, anaphylaxis, intolerances, skin conditions and topical sensitivities, with many doctors just wanting to prescribe antibiotics, steroid creams, chemo drugs etc., that my journey as a clinical nutritionist began. With my love for exercise, that is exercise with a purpose, passion for nutritional health and an intriguing mind for biological sciences - Beyond Fit Nutritional Therapy has been created.
With Beyond Fit Nutritional Therapy you will be working with a qualified Health Professional in the field of Nutritional Medicine and Fitness Coaching, who understands when it comes to Health and Nutrition - 'One Size does not fit all!'
- Complementary Medicine Association Registered
- Level 3 Fitness Australia Accredited (20+ years)
- Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences, Graduate Med Scientist
- Advanced Dip Nutritional Medicine
- Master Functional Trainer & Rehab Trainer
- Personal Fitness Coaching
- Comprehensive Health & Wellnes Consult
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