Bernadette Marie Psychic Medium
Bernadette Marie Psychic Medium
Focus areas
Her special gifts of Mediumship, Claircognizance, Clairsentience and Clairvoyance, are what she shares in all her readings, given in a relaxed and informal manner.
Ever since my father died when I was eleven, I never really thought that he had gone for good. Even though I couldn't see him, I still spoke to him every day of my life and still do! I try and encourage all my clients to speak to their loved ones that have passed over as they are listening, believe me!!! They are never far from us and a lot of people don't realize that their family members that have crossed over are actually their Guides, helping you from the other side. They continue still to look after you and assist you with your daily life, but just from another place!
When I reached my twenties, I started to read everything I could lay my hands on regarding Spirituality and Psychics, I thought, how fantastic that these Mediums could actually "speak" with Spirits and receive messages and visions, little did I know that I would soon be doing that exact thing in a few years time!
I firmly believe you are only given gifts that you can handle at certain times in your life, and as I was travelling around England and Europe at that time, the timing wasn't right for me to begin, besides, the Universe had several lessons up it's sleeve for me to experience first. I knew I was being tested, and that each lesson and it's experience was going to add up to something later on.
It wasn't until my early thirties that after having children and being more settled at home, I had more time up my sleeve to begin to get serious with my Psychic and Spirituality, so I joined a Psychic Development and Meditation group. That's when things took off for me, I started to recognize various "coincidental" and unexplained events in my life that somehow seemed to tie in later on and gave me answers as to why and when it happened at that particular time. I started getting answers and being "shown" things as the years went on, I knew Spirit were trying to communicate with me and urge me to do something with my gift, to share my gift of being able to communicate with Spirits, connect loved ones in Spirit with loved ones left behind and bring them messages of love and confirmation. Over the years, I've crossed over lost souls, given messages of love from suicides, written narrations from souls on how they lived their last moments on earth while ''feeling" and "seeing" what they went through. While channelling Spirit, I am able to connect with them through photo's, objects and writing.
The gift of being able to communicate with Spirit, passing on messages of love and knowing that you are helping with the grieving and healing process is truly an amazing experience, and one that I am extremely grateful and humble in receiving.
My Readings consist of working with Guides and Angels. Using Clarevoyance and Insight, I can help with Direction and Guidance,
assisting you in unblocking unhealthy life patterns, letting go of the need to hold onto negativity and recognizing where you are stuck in your daily life allowing you to move forward. Working as an Empath, I can "read" a person that you are inquiring about, picking up traits and personalities of that person, "feeling" if that person is compatible with you and whether or not you are being honored.
Sometimes we just need confirmation that we are on the right track or that our instincts were correct! We all need some Guidance and Direction in our life at some stage...
Over the years, I have also Cleared Houses and Businesses from negativity or moved on Spirits that have decided they want to hang around and make a nuisance of themselves. I've had great success recently with a local Restaurant, moving on an Energy that was keeping the business and it's owners bewildered why they weren't getting customers and that the restaurant had several owners previously that had to sell. I'm pleased to say that the Business has a change of name, a new make over and business is great!
Some Spirits decide they want to stay in the surroundings they have always felt comfortable in, therefor not moving on. Not too long ago, I had to "move on" a grumpy old man that couldn't stand all the new contraptions that the home occupier had, mobile phones ringing all the time, big screen TV, Stereo, all the mod cons. He was happy to cross over as he wanted peace and quiet! Funny enough, every time I went to cross him over, a mobile phone rang somewhere in the house...his reply to that was.."See what I MEAN!!!"
I'm grateful every day for my gift, and appreciate and love the people that I have met as Clients over the years. There is something magical about helping people, whether it's to give them comfort, give them answers, give them a listening ear and let them know that everything is going to be alright..because it is! Sometimes we just get off track every now and then and need someone to show us how to get back on. I work with Guides, yours AND mine, so that the message gets across, well and truly! I also use Angel Oracle Cards in all my readings. These beautiful cards are full of messages of hope and inspiration from the Angels to help us in our daily life and re-confirm the messages we have recieved during the reading.
All readings are $100 an hour or $150 for a two hour session. I also am available for Spiritual Counselling and Pyschic Development.