Andrea Sun
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Are you concerned that you won’t feel better?
“Being Well Centre is now rebranded to Andrea Sun. Please CLICK HERE to go to my NEW webpage & receive a FREE GIFT and much more: 6 Chinese Medicine secrets to Boost your Confidence”
Guaranteed Results
Servicing area
Brisbane Qld, Australia, NZ & Internationally (Phone/Skype)Focus areas
Bowel cancer
Cancer management
Mental illness
We guarantee our results…..
Most of our clients feel 60-80% improved wellbeing overall with EVERY session. Long term habits and generational patterns, often take time to shift and often months or years, depending upon the determination of the person. As we all know, you can't lose weight permanently by going to the gym 1x in your life or eating a healthy, slimming meal!
Optimal long term results takes time.
Therefore, with our Confident-WellBeing Success System Packages, we recommend several months depending on how many life transitions you are going through and how much support you would like.
(Individual sessions are availiable too, with health rebates for Acupuncture, Acupuncture Scar Bridging, and Remedial Massage).
We guarantee you’ll feel improved Confident- Wellbeing after 3 months & following our recommendations, or the 10th 1hr session is FREE!
Plus, after every 3 months, we give you a FREE review where we assess your process so far, the results you have achieved, and re-clarify your professional/personal goals.
What's the benefits of "Regaining confidence in one small area of your life?"
“One Life, One Body, One Chance!
Real confidence, wellbeing & adaptability is your greatest wealth in these changing times”
How do you maintain your clarity & confidence, in the middle of chaos?
Is your health & wellbeing being affected, because you are picking up on other people’s stress?
If you gain confidence through achieving exam success, then this confidence in yourself tends to filter into all areas of your life naturally- eg. relationships, health, finance etc.
We teach and empower you to gently nourish yourself into natural confident-wellbeing with ease, by very small steps or changes- small IMPERFECT action, builds confidence.
Walking- falling down- getting back up etc
(that’s long term substainable, not like an instant weightloss diet that you lose 10kilos in 3mths, and put it back on in 1mth).
Are you surfing on the internet looking for answers?
You can get is a lot of “academic information” on the internet that can really help, but we really need “PRACTICAL KNOWLEDGE” to prosper mind, body and heart for the long term. YOU NEED techniques that WORK FOR YOU, now and in the future.
Academic information= reading cookbook about cooking lasagne
Practical knowledge= eating and enjoying and tasting the lasagne (feeling satisfied in our body)
Gift Vouchers & Instant Health Rebates available.
Invest now in your Health & save $$$ later.....
Ring (07) 3106 7226 for more information.
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