Andrea Sun
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Welcome Entrepreneurs, Practitioners, Business Owners... Are You Unsure About Your Direction Or Purpose? You May Have Some Level Of Success, And Yet Something Feels Missing. Perhaps You've Always Felt Different From Others. You Try To Do Business Like Everyone Else, But Its Taking Its Toll On Your Health And Your Energy. You Want To Find An Easier, Sustainable, Prosperous & More Fulfilling Way That Works For Your Business And You. If This Resonates With You, I Can Help. “Being Well Centre is now rebranded to Andrea Sun. Please CLICK HERE to go to my NEW webpage & receive a FREE GIFT and much more: 6 Chinese Medicine secrets to Boost your Confidence”
Access Bars Sessions
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Brisbane Qld, Australia, NZ & Internationally (Phone/Skype)Focus areas
What occurs in the brain before and after a single Access Bars Session? Listen to what Dr Jeffrey Fannin (Neuroscientist) has to say...
An Access Bars session involved touching 32 points on your head where you have stored the electromagnetic component of all the thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions and beliefs that you have ever had about anything.
For example; every thought you have ever had about money that you considered important, the energy of that thought is stored in the Bar called "money." There are Bars for healing, body, control, awareness, creativity, power, aging, sex and money; 32 different ones in all.
Just by gently touching the Bars you effectively erase everything you have ever stored there. Just five minutes can erase 5,000 to 10,000 years of stored points of view. What is the value of erasing this bank of data you have stored all this lifetime, and every lifetime?
When you are functioning from preconceived points of veiw about what is possible in life, what is not possible in life, and have it rigidly defined of how the world works, you can not be aware of anything that does not match that.
Each thought, idea, attitude, decision or belief that you have fixed in place solidifies the energy and limits your capacity to change anything in that area. You change the energy, you change how that part of your life shows up. What is the most simple and easy way to change energy? Get your Bars touched! When you do, something different can show up in your life with ease.
At worst you feel like you have just had the best massage of your life. At best your whole life can change into something greater with total ease. This is an incredibly nurturing and relaxing process, undoing limitation in all aspects of your life with out any effort.
Having an Access Bars session supports you to effortlessly and easily releases anything that doesn't allow you to receive.
Receiving is not done on this planet. Doing, doing, doing in order to make sure you don't have to receive is how most people live their life. This has to change. You have to be willing to receive if you are going to have the life you truly desire.
Like magic, it is not about what you do, it is about changing the energy of how you are functioning in life that allows change to show up without effort and with great ease.
What else is possible?
What are the benefits of having a Bars session?
There are so many benefits there is not room enough to name them all here. Below you will find just a few of the common benefits:
People or situations that once drove you nuts and created great difficulty in your life suddenly no longer bothers you, and is not a problem any more.
Begin to receive everything easily.
Deep relaxation, while revitalizing and energizing at the same time.
More ease with every aspect of life.
Changing everything that does not work in your life, into something that does without any effort; other than to lay there and have someone touch the 32 points on your head.
Erasing what is creating limitations in your life without having to know how this works, or believe in it.
Happiness. General depression vanishes for many after just one session.
Grades, work performance and mental clarity increase without studying longer or working harder.
Quicker recovery time with any old or new injury, surgery, disease and for overall health improvement.
Very beneficial in changing a variety of sleeping difficulties. The results are different for each person, depending on what the difficulty is in the first place and how many times they have their Bars run. Many people around the world have had phenomenal results in using The Bars to change their sleep into something more rejuvenating and restful regardless of the number of hours.
Discover for yourself what the Bars can do for you by scheduling a private session.
More testimonials to come soon
"Stress was my biggest issue, and thats why I came to the Being Well Centre.
After 3x 1hr sessions of Coaching/Access Bars, my biggest breakthrough was a noticeable lowering of stress levels in my body, by 50%.
Its now easier to deal with stress in my professional & personal life.
The main tangible result I have experienced, is now I spend less time dealing with stress, and I get more work done in the day in the same amount of time"
By Derek Miller, (Lyconet Business Marketer) Oct '15
"Andrea thankyou, after visiting the being well centre once and having the Bars & Coaching treatment I have never been more relaxed and happy. Andrea has the ability to make you feel relaxed and welcome in her clinic. Look forward to the next BARS session. Once again thankyou Andrea".
by Warren Hayden (Business Owner)
"I have had a few sessions of Bars now with Andrea, and I am noticing changes in my thoughts and attitudes on a daily basis. Where I was once quite negative and feeling down I am now happy to go with the flow and feeling grateful about more things in my life. Thanks Andrea".
by Joanne
An Access Bars session can be from 30mins (for work on 1-2 areas)- to 90mins (where all the points are run). For long term optimal results, we recommend regular sessions of 90mins or 60mins minimum per session.
Package discounts availiable for 3x 1hr sessions or more.
Absolutely yes. People in a office/business work setting have found great benefit in the work place for reducing stress, increasing productivity and general enthusiasm, problem solving, creativity with projects, improving team work and moral just to name a few things.
As there is no special equipment or environment needed to have your Bars run, the work place or conferences can benefit greatly by adding this service for staff, employees and employers.
We can provide a regular scheduled service for your business personnel. Just call us for a free no-obligation quote: ph 07 3106 7226.
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