Andrea Sun
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Welcome Entrepreneurs, Practitioners, Business Owners & Creatives...Are you unsure about your direction or purpose? You may have some level of success, and yet something feels missing. Perhaps you've always felt different from others. You try to do business like everyone else, but its taking its toll on your health and your energy. You want to find an easier, sustainable, prosperous & more fulfilling way that works for your business and you. If this resonates with you, I can help.
“Being Well Centre is now rebranded to Andrea Sun. Please CLICK HERE to go to my NEW webpage & receive a FREE GIFT and much more: 6 Chinese Medicine secrets to Boost your Confidence”
About Us
Servicing area
Brisbane Qld, Australia, NZ & Internationally (Phone/Skype)Focus areas
Bowel cancer
Cancer management
Mental illness
You are not alone... I have been there.
I invite you to say "YES" to U!...
Are you going through a Life Transition thats affecting your confidence?
Going through midlife crisis?
Identity Crisis?- not sure who you are anymore
Lost your direction or meaning in life?
Divorce? Relationship transitions?
Business/Career transitions?
Loss your loved one?
Health challenges?
Financial transitions?
Caring for elderly parents or sick relatives?
What is a Life Transition & how does it make you feel?
A life transition is a period of change in a person's life as he or she grows.
Or could be a positive change eg. marriage or new baby, or a more challenging change eg. death of a loved one, after relationship breakup.
Everyone feels something different, but some common experiences are:
*reoccurance of old health conditions eg. back ache
*depression or feeling empty
*more emotional than normal
*more irritable or fly off the handle more easily
*wanting to be alone
*radical shift in behaviour- like suddenly wanting to leave your job or relationship
*feeling overwhelmed
*feeling sad, guilty and excited at the same time
*don't know who you are anymore
*feel something is missing
*digestive issues
*tired or no motivation
About Andrea Sun...
Hi my name is Andrea Sun, founder of Being Well Centre, now rebranded to Andrea Sun. I am a Holistic Confidence Coach & Acupuncturist for women worldwide.
I am NZ born Chinese, with 24yrs international experience successfully supporting numerous clients achieve very long term transformative results mind,body & spirit in their professional and personal life, and feel Confidence in themselves, their professional & personal relationships or during Life Transitions. Many many clients have mentioned that I was one of the best Holistic Practitioners they had been to, and they still use many of the WellBeing techniques I taught them many many years later.
I have been there through MANY life transitions and understand how you feel...here's a snap shot of some of my life transitions that I have had...
and I have chosen to re-write the story of these and transformed my life, health, wellbeing, finances and relationship with myself and others:
*Identity Crisis & Chronic Health Condition: Healed and transformed a Chronic Generational Skin Condition & Identity Crisis as a NZ born Chinese (from 3 generations in my family)
*Loss of Meaning in Life- 2 major healing crisis where I experienced depression & lost meaning in life
*Family Crisis- traveled overseas seven times in 2.5yrs to support my family emotionally & financially- as my 74yr old Mum had terminal cancer
*Caring for my sick Mother/financial loss- left my job/business and care full time for 2 months for my elderly 74yr old Mum overseas with terminal cancer (with no financial backup)
*Care for my elderly father and fulfil his bucket list over the last 4yrs, organise his funeral and organise his affairs (and magnetically attract over $10,000 for the funeral)
*Moving to a new country: re-locate to Australia by myself with little funds, no job, and only knowing 1x person... and start and prosper in a new life in a new country, new business, new friends....
*Studying/Exam Success: I went from 23% in 6th form high school chemistry, with massive fear of failure, to transforming this and achieving 92% in Chemistry at 38yrs old (for my Acupuncture Degree)
*Relationship Break-Up & Celebration of our New Life: move on with ease and flow after a 7yr defector relationship breakup and "celebrate our new life" party with 20 friends
*Self-Marriage Ceremony to myself to honour my commitment to be true to me
My story is one of major life transitions, and my choosing to rewrite and transform my own Chinese families ancestry story of struggle and survival.
I have transformed my life, and discovered a fresh innovative way to stay connected to my centre during all of Life's Transitions, trust myself, find my inner strength, confidence, joyful wellbeing, and to thrive more, play more and prosper more on a professional & personal level being my uniquely brilliant self!
If I can do it... you can too...
Andrea Sun's Modalities include:
*Corporate/Group Confident-WellBeing Trainer
*Pellowah Healing Empowerment Trainer
*Confident-WellBeing Coach
*Business/Career Coach
*Acupuncture Scar Bridging
*Chinese Medicine Exercise Therapy
*Access Bars
*Remedial Massage
*teaching you simple 3min self-help Confident WellBeing Techniques that you can use at home/work
- Bachelor Health Science (Acupuncture)
- Chinese Herbs 1 & 2
- Pellowah Healing 1, 2 & 3
- Certificate IV Training & Assessment TAE40110
- Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming
- Master Results Life Coach
- Advanced Neurological Repatterning
- Performance Consultant
- Theta Healing DNA2
- Lymphatics-Mobilisation training
- Advanced Therapeutic & Oriental Massage
- Advanced Neuro Stress Release
- Reiki 1 & 2
- Touch for Health
- Tafe Teacher's Training
- Magician's Way Training
- Heart Resonance Therapy 1 & 2
- "Unlocking your Potential Course"
- Inner Child Course
- Relationships Course
- Prosperity Course
- Mandala Course
- Sandplay Course
Our passion is to....
Our passion is to make a difference by supporting individuals/groups to "Be Well & Confident for Life during all transitions, in a fast changing world", for this generation, your children and their children.
If we "Re-gain our natural confident-wellbeing that we were all born with, we will play more, and prosper more, with more ease and flow, during a fast changing world and through all life transitions".
What else is possible?
Want confidence through midlife crisis?
Want confidence that you CAN have a more fulfilling, purposeful life?
Want confidence after divorce or relationship changes?
Want confidence in business/career changes?
Want confidence that you "can" get your health- back-on- track?
Want financial confidence in yourself?
Want inner strength/confidence that you can get your life back on track, after losing a loved one?
Want confidence in passing your studies or exams?
Gain confidence in your natural abundant wellbeing, as the person you really are...
We specialise in a unique, proven: "Confident-WellBeing Success System" through Life Transitions.
Each session is individually tailored to you, treating the symptoms and underlying causes. For optimal results, we combine a unique combination of up to 12 Holistic Modalities, depending on what you need or prefer, including: Confidence-WellBeing Coaching, Sound/Movement/Art Therapy, Meditations, Acupuncture, Acupuncture Scar Bridging, Access Bars, Reiki, Pellowah Healing, Chinese Exercise Therapy, WellBeing Products, Self-Help techniques, Dietary & Lifestyle support etc.
Together we can ALL make a difference!
Just give us a call for a FREE No-Obligation 1/2hr Chat to clarify what you need, and how we can support you! You can book at www.andreasun.com.au- work with me (or message me if those times don't work for you, and I'll see if I can accomodate).
Look forward to chatting soon: ph 07 3106 7226
Andrea :)
What is Natural Confident-WellBeing?
Here's our definition:
Natural Confidence= is feeling good being you, trusting your own inner knowing, gut level feeling & intuition. It is KNOWING and having inner confidence, that no matter what happens in life eg. health problems, loss of job/business, loss of loved one, relationship changes etc, you will somehow have the resilience and inner strength to get back on track.
Whole WellBeing= all parts of us working together and at-ease
ie. physical, mental, emotional & spiritual wellbeing united
Dis-sease= the body, mind, heart is NOT at ease
Dis-ease = physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually we are NOT at ease
Why is it essential to have “Natural Confident- Wellbeing?”
To stay grounded, healthy, happy, adaptable & prosperous in a fast changing world.
Gain simple KNOWING, clarity & confidence in YOU again in daily life
Natural confidence= KNOWING that you KNOW, trusting your own decisions (and not everyone elses advice or decisions).
YOU KNOW that you know, and you trusted yourself when you were a young kid= I’m hungry, I’m tired, I’m scared, I’m happy, I’m sad, I’m lost.
(You didn’t say: Mommy, am I hungry?”, or Mommy, am I tired?”.
When you were tired you fell asleep. When you were hungry you cried for food).
Many of us lost connection with our Natural Confidence & WellBeing, because we later gave our power away to others, to our parents, to our friends, to our teachers… and forgot that we KNEW already.
Our vision is to re-empower you again and remind you that YOU KNOW THAT YOU KNOW. We are re-learning what is to be grounded, re-connect with our body, listen to our knowing, We are relearning how to regain TIMELESS WISDOM and KNOWING. (eg. universal life lessons or cycles)
PLUS extra benefits for YOU:
*Instant Health Rebates for: Acupuncture & Remedial Massage
Join our FREE Being Well Centre Loyalty Program, and receive CASHBACK & Shopping points discounts for all Holistic Sessions & Products from our clinic. You can even open a special holiday savings account for your cash back! Plus use this card at heaps of places elsewhere for your DAILY expenses and get CASHBACK on your groceries, food, petrol, phones, internet, travel, car maintenance, insurance, accomodation, restaurants, clothes etc etc.
*Tax Deduction Receipts for: Pellowah Healing Empowerment Courses and Business Coaching
Whats unique about us?
- Unique individualised "Holistic Confidence-WellBeing Success System", combining of up to 12 simple, effective Holistic Modalities depending on what you need on the day or prefer.
- Acupuncture Scar Bridging Specialists: We bridge scars with fine, sterile acupuncture needles, to remove scar blockages and restore blood flow to muscles, ligaments, tendons, bones and organs.
- We are 100% committed to supporting your individual needs.
Each session is thorough and well targeted to the problem. We take the time to treat you as a whole person- symptoms and underlying causes.
- Professional, confidental, relaxed and comfortable environment.
- We teach you simple, effective, natural self-care maintenance techniques or products you can use at home and work. eg. Qi Gong tips, AcupPressure Points, Breathing & Relaxation Techniques, 5min Meditations you can do anywhere, environmental tips, dietary support
- Be naturally well & confident being you! We do this by inviting you to "play more... and prosper more... in all areas of life". This enhances your natural confidence and trust in yourself again! (Instead of giving you lots of shoulds and shouldn'ts, which stresses us out more).
- Neck and shoulder heat pack on arrival.
- In winter, the room is heated, and we use nurturing, cosy "heated towels", and a light blanket for your massage- so you can totally relax and not get cold!
- Easy free street parking
- Nervous needles, or have children that are scared- don't worry!
We can use simple and effective AcupPressure with fingers, orAcuPressure Balls instead!
- Need support after the session?
Depending on what you need we, we can give you an AcuPressure Ball on an Acupuncture Point to continue the positive relaxing effect.
Or some Holistic Confident-WellBeing Products to optimise the benefits, cause you can use these several times a day at work or home when you are feeling stressed, can't sleep, can't think for the exam, feeling alone, have children that can't sleep, or a a lot of tension at home!
- Professional, caring, supportative practitioners
- Unique "Sound Healing Acupuncture Sessions"
- We teach Pellowah Healing Courses: Level 1 & 2, so you can maintain long term wellbeing, relaxation, inner strength and empowerment through all of lifes changes. It gives you more independence, self sufficiency and enables you to support the ones you love for the rest of your life- free of charge!!!! (See Pellowah Healing Testimonials)
- Can't travel, Sick in Bed? Interstate or Overseas?
Phone/Skype sessions available & Distant Pellowah Healings
Gift Vouchers & Instant Health Rebates available.
Invest now in your Health & save $$$ later.....
Ring (07) 3106 7226 for more information
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