Sandra Salisbury therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2017

Sandra Salisbury

BEAM Yoga & Group Fitness

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I am a local, qualified mobile Yoga & Fitness instructor teaching Yoga, Chiball & Seniors Fitness Classes throughout Mackay & district.

BEAM Yoga & Group Fitness

Focus areas

Body composition Habits Relaxation Wellness Circulation Fitness

CURRENT BACK TO BASICS YOGA CLASS-Beginners to intermediate level

Mondays 5pm CWA Hall Gordon St
Wed 5.15pm Pioneer High Dance Room R1


Experience increased overall health, energy & vitality. Build a stronger & leaner body, reduce stress & tension. Increase fitness levels. Improve posture & concentration.

Yoga helps us to reconnect our bodies, minds & spirits through the following

  • Deep breathing: calms & relaxes the body & clears the mind.

  • Feeling & listening to our bodies: grounds us in the moment, bringing about awareness of our bodies potential.

Learn foundational Yoga poses in a safe, inclusive & positive space with a focus on proper alignment & safety principles. Options/ variations of poses are offered where needed.

The practice of yoga contains the 5 components of fitness: cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, muscular strength, muscular endurance & body composition.

Modern fitness yoga intertwines fitness moves with basic yoga postures in a heat building & flowing sequence leading into relaxing stretches & finishing with rest & relaxation.

Bring: Yoga mat, water & towel.
Wear: Comfortable clothing
Cost: $12 p/class

For further info phone Sandra 0407 626 868
Enquire about classes at your workplace, park etc &/or one on one private tuition.

Gentle Strength & Cardio Exercise for Seniors

Currently held - Thurs 5pm Breezes
Saturdays 9-10am Palmview


  • strength to carry out everyday living functions

  • balance so as to become more stable on your feet

  • flexibility to keep joints mobile allowing you to move & bend with greater ease

  • vitality; brings about a sense of wellbeing by dispersing stress & tension

  • social interaction & fun through meeting likeminded others

Class conducted to background appropriate music & is comprised of a slow warm up session, gentle strength & cardio movements which includes some standing (if able) & mostly sitting segments.

Light weights & soft rubber resistance bands (easy to hold) are used to build muscle strength and increase heart health (light cardio).

Deep breathing to stimulate the internal organs & relax the mind. Cool down & stretching to relax the muscles used.

Laughter sprinkled throughout! Cost:$8 p/class

For further info call Sandra on 0407 626 868.



WHAT IS CHIBALL? A 1 hour balanced mind body low impact exercise program, based on TCM, colour and aroma therapy, combining the disciplines of Tai Chi-Qi Gong, Chiball Dance, Yoga, Pilates, the principles of Feldenkrais (Chiball Release) and Relaxation to music with a ChiBall.

Tai Chi and Qi Gong cleanses, rejuvenates and refreshes the internal body by working with the breath and the meridian system.

ChiBall™ Dance is used to generate energy, mobility and flexibility using vigorous to gentle, slow, continuous movement patterns which aids detoxification and oxygen supply to the muscles.

Yoga increases strength, flexibility, concentration, balance and self-awareness.
Pilates develops core strength, supports the spine, stabilises the pelvis and increases the mobility of the joints.

Chiball Release helps us rediscover the effortless movement patterns & cultivates the art of listening & letting go.

Relaxation induces calmness of mind & body through deep breathing, visualisation techniques & meditation.

The ChiBall Method™ strives to allow each participant to develop his or her own individual sense of wellbeing, balance and self-awareness. ChiBall was created in Australia in 1997 and is currently used by the Swedish Army, Scandinavian hospitals, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Physiotherapists in Europe, Australia and the US, Gyms etc.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Chi is our vital energy which can be depleted or become excessive through poor eating habits, lifestyle & negative emotions. Stress and tension are the primary causes of the depletion of Chi. Exercise, followed by deep relaxation is an excellent way to re-balance and rejuvenate the body.

Ying & Yang are complementary opposite states of energy that are in constant motion, striving to achieve balance in all things.

The Meridians are the invisible pathways within the body through which energy flows to our internal organs.

An imbalance in one or more of these meridians weakens the entire body.

The Five Elements of Nature are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water through which the yin and yang energies are expressed. Each element correlates with the seasons and has many characteristics that are direct relections of nature. Our goal is to align our body’s energy and our life’s activities with these patterns of nature.

Colour and Aromatherapy: Students are asked to select a ball to start class with and may be drawn to a colour and fragrance that is a reflection of the positive part of themselves, their health and their life at that moment in time, or they may have an aversion to a particular ChiBall colour or fragrance, which is often the colour we need to restore balance.

Company Vision: To transform the health and wellness of people through inspirational mind body exercise and philosophy


FIRE MOVES YOGA CLASS-Intermediate to advanced level of fitness

Experience increased overall health, energy & vitality. Build a stronger & leaner body, reduce stress & tension. Increase fitness levels.
Improve balance, posture & concentration.

The FIRE of the BODY = physical exercise.
As we execute each yoga posture (asana), the body fire is stimulated. This internal heat frees stiffness and tension from the muscles, unlocks the joints allowing the prana or chi (life force) to flow freely within us and relieves nervous tension and emotional stress. The sweat or perspiration produced during practise cleanses the blood, muscles, tissues, and the internal organs and improves circulation. Without exercise the metabolic fire becomes depleted and low.

The FIRE of BREATH = respiration.
When the inhalation and exhalation are balanced subtle channels for the mind and senses are opened. Air taken through the nose has an immediate effect upon the brain and lungs. Breath taken through the mouth subtly triggers the adrenal glands (as it emulates the same action as breath taken through the mouth in fright or fear) and can increase internal toxins that clog the body and suppress the internal digestive fire. Deep nasal breathing increases our energy, promotes circulation, clears the mind and detoxifies the body.

The FIRE of MIND = Meditation.
Holding the mind in a state of concentrated awareness cultivates the soul’s natural fire of wisdom, peace and contentment.

The practice of yoga contains the 5 components of fitness: cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, muscular strength, muscular endurance & body composition.

Modern fitness yoga intertwines fitness moves with basic yoga postures in a heat building & flowing sequence leading into relaxing stretches & finishing with rest & relaxation.

BYO: Yoga mat, water & towel.
For further info phone Sandra 0407 626 868

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