Bowen & more at balancing act therapies
These vibrational essences are simply wonderful and magical and I love working with them
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They were brought into being by Justin Moikeha Asar and while they are somewhat difficult to explain in a tangible way, they offer some of the most profound healing I have ever come across. They work on our crystalline structure so their healing is deep and complete.
There are 77 crystals to work with and sessions involve using the associated oracle deck to come up with a client’s individual crystals to work with. Often crystals are taken as part of a trinity but can also be used as single remedies. I have never known these to disappoint so if you are looking for something to take you to the next level, healing-wise, I highly recommend these.
I am thrilled to be a practitioner of The Liquid Crystals and would be very happy to discuss what they can offer you. While they work very well on their own, they are also able to work effectively with many other modalities, such as Bowen. Always check with your practitioner about contraindications. Interested? Book your appointment through balancing act therapies.