Balance Central
What Our Clients Have Said
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A guy who lives a very physically active lifestyle and he has suffered from gout since he was 15 years old. To manage his gout he had always defaulted to conventional medication, which has horrible side effects. After just one RAW session we were able to release the issues being held in his physical system. We were able to reduce the swelling and pain and he has now discovered he has the healing ability within himself to manage the pain and discomfort of his gout.
Steve Wrote
"I wanted to express a few words about the marvelous work that Chris does with Balance Central.
In early 2009 a group of us were on holidays in Bali. For many years I have suffered from gout and in the middle of our trip I suffered a very bad gout attack and I was caught without medication on me. I am the original skeptic when it comes to this sort of thing but I let Chris do a balance for me. Within 24 hours the swelling and pain had eased and quicker and better in fact than my medication ever did. About 6 months later a similar thing happened when I was travelling again but this time no Chris around to help. I concentrated and thought deeply about what Chris had done in Bali and although nowhere near as effective I managed to reduce the pain and swelling.
All I can say is that my skepticism, when it comes to the work Chris does with Balance Central, is simply a thing of the past. I can't recommend enough Chris' abilities and in fact Balance Central itself. The results and achievements are amazing. Good Luck Chris."
A busy mum of 3 kids who had put up with her back being in pain for 3 months. We were able to establish that her back pain had started around the same time as her mum passed away. By identifying and releasing the issues being held in her physical body her back pain was gone in just a few days.
Rachel Wrote
"I truly believe RAW helped me through a difficult time in my life and would like to thank Chris for introducing me to this energy work. When I'm faced with a challenge or problem in my life it's one of the first places I go now."
A mum who was stressed about her adult son's choices and behavior. She felt that she needed to fix him and she was being torn apart from the inside. She finally recognized that this could no longer go on and was ready to let go of what she could not control. She now recognizes her own personal power and has gained control of her responses.
Belinda Wrote
"Since my appointment with you, I have noticed a considerable change, a change for the better there is no doubting that. I am less stressed, go with the flow and things that would bother me no longer do. I sleep better and wake relaxed and feel I am much more in control of the things that once bothered me so very much. I have gained power somehow and the strength to handle situations where otherwise I would have been left powerless, sometimes speechless. I am grateful of the change.
When I left our session, the song on the radio was "you are amazing.....just the way you are" - I rarely listen to the words of songs, this time I heard the words, and now, each day I remember them - I am amazing - just the way I am xx
Thank you again, for helping make my life calm, allowing me to find strength and with these changes, allowing me to carry on with life as it should be, looking forward to happier times."
Sheree came to Balance Central with a healthy curiosity to see what it was all about. We were able to identify and release some of the issues she was having and then Sheree was able to get in touch with her intuition which has helped her take the steps she needed to take.
Sheree Wrote
"Meeting Chris was like life lining up the right person at the right time. Struggling with a career change and financial pressures, I knew that whilst I was taking all the right actions, I was struggling to produce the results I wanted. I found myself full of doubt, lacking confidence, and confusion. When Chris said the work she did 'just makes life easier for people' I booked an appointment. The session was very interesting as I'd never experienced this before. However as it progressed I was amazed what opened up for me and the areas that were highlighted that were effectively sabotaging my intentions and ultimately my results.
After the balance, I left feeling lighter and happier than I had in a long time. The constant self-talk was quiet and there was a new energy or space to move forward in. Over the next few weeks my results at work were exceptional. In just 3 weeks I closed over $100,000 in gross commissions. It's also made a big difference to the relationships in my life as I'm calmer and more available to the people in my life. I continue to work with Chris as life is always changing and throwing things at me. It's a structure to ensure I stay on track and empowered to reach my goals."
Deborah Jackson – Easy Marketing
Deborah has always done everything she possibly can for everyone else for many years. Over the last 18 months her physical body has been reminding her to slow down and pay attention. While she has been paying attention by resting her physical symptoms have continued to persist. She had reached a point where she wanted to find a way to get on with her life. We worked on the 2 things she had consciously identified as the keys and below is her experience.
Deborah Wrote
"Well... what can I say... OMG!
Chris, I didn't realise how much emotional blockage I was holding from the past. I didn't realise how much my 'life experiences' being good or bad were causing my pain, my sickness and holding me back.
With just one 'RAW' session with you I woke this morning feeling amazing... I was singing! Even my partner noticed that I wasn't coughing... it was like my sickness had completely disappeared overnight. It was like my emotional pain, that I hadn't realised was restricting me so much, had vanished. I knew that my chest infection was attached to the heart. With the 'RAW' session you helped me to clear the blockage, my cough and my heart.
Chris I would highly recommend you and the 'RAW' session to any person that has lived life... because as people we experience so much in our life and therefore we never know what we hold and what we release... I now believe that everyone should be cleansed. Being cleansed allows the 'real' person, their 'real' passion and their 'real' purpose in life to shine through. If anyone wants to talk to me about what you achieved for me... please give them my details.
Thank you very much."
Cheryl Goodenough – www.cherylgoodenough.com
Cheryl came to Balance Central for two primary reasons. Firstly, she had offered to write an article for Weekend Notes (a website of fun and interesting things to do) and felt she really needed to experience Balance Central in person. Secondly, there were some personal issues that were getting in her way, but were not necessarily prominent. When Cheryl wrote the article for Balance Central it was so well described that I wanted to share it with as many people as possible.
Cheryl Wrote
The full version of the Weekend Notes article - www.weekendnotes.com/balance-central
"I visited Chris at her room in Boondall. It's a quiet, private place with a serene atmosphere. We chatted initially about what had brought me to Balance Central, and then we began the process. She started by very lightly (almost unnoticeably) touching access points on my arms, legs and tummy area. After that I essentially sat back and listened, apart from occasionally looking at cards on which symbols were printed. There was certainly nothing scary or invasive about the process.
Chris does the muscle testing and during the process identifies various aspects from a large number of lists of information. As she read out specific information from the files during my balancing, I experienced a number of 'ah-ha' moments. I knew the relevance of many of the aspects that were identified, either immediately or subsequently during the balancing process.
When I left Balance Central I had a sense of some of the main things that had come up, but, as there was quite a lot of information, some aspects were a bit vague in my memory. Unlike many other processes, I did not leave with a list of things that had come up or that I needed to work on or deal with. I found that aspect a little disconcerting at first – I had been through the process, and now felt like I had to sit back and wait for something to happen! That is because the essence of RAW is that the energy blockages are rebalanced during the consultation.
So what did happen? Well, initially nothing. Then there were some almost imperceptible things I started to notice, and that I couldn't attribute to anything else. Over a couple of weeks there were some changes in my relationships with others and my reactions to situations were different to what they had been previously. Ten days after my consultation I had a conversation with someone that was so different in the way we both spoke to one another than many of those that we've had for months."
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